Guys/ Gals,
It's taken a while (a few years!), but I finally tried on a GR last w/e, at Holbrook. In my intro post I was advised, due to my dimensions (6'6", 130kg), that I would fit, and this is indeed the case. Very comfortably too, although the pedals and brakes could go forward........
What I have found in my research on both 582 and 912 versions, are great variations in minimum and max weights. Minimum I can understand variations in via options/ inclusions, however the maximums are surprising.
For instance, I was under the impression that 582's were about 240/450kg, 912's 290/544 or 600? Yet, the 912 I tried was 480?
Also, another thread on this forum talks about the goalposts being moved in relation to the 582, bringing them down to 400 under 25- reg I think it is? For what I want I have the 582 in mind, there appears to be some around atm, and I wonder whether this rego issue is part of it?
Is there likely to be a sensible outcome to the prop issue?
I'd have thought Howie's site would have all the detail I'd need, but to no avail. Maybe specs could be stickied in the Lightwing users section?
Big Kev