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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Is there any chance that it is more than the program that is giving you grief? Some of the questions that you are asking are very basic so it seems that computers and or tablets/IPads/androids may not be a thing that you use much on a daily basis. if this is the case you will struggle with any flight planning software as there is no silver bullet unless you have some background foundation in technology. You can print off or save the tutorials so that may be very helpful for you to become more familiar with OzRunways or any other program you choose. As for the program being to complicated lest remember that it has developed as a result of input from users request for improvements. Hang in there as it is a great product that has helped me out on many occasions. You can also find tutorials on YouTube explaining different components of the benefits of the program. Good luck Cheers
  2. I think the market is Geraldton to Broome FIFO. I wonder where everyone will be accommodated ? cheers
  3. Ironpot, Now; it is perfectly possible to aviate around our great nation without an ASIC - some major airfields do not require one - e.g. Jandakot, Camden, Archerfield etc. But a lot of tiny airfields do require you to display your ASIC e.g. Coober Pedy, Bendigo, Quilpie etc. Sometimes it's about AVGAS availability - do you need? ERSA is your friend. If you look up an airfield and it states in Remarks that “This AD is a Security Controlled Airport” then you should have an ASIC when you head that way. A quick check of ERSA indicates Archerfield does fall within this category of requiring the ASIC. Same for Coober Pedy, Bendigo & Quilpie. Oops
  4. Turbo, you missed the mark by a long shot here mate. I am well aware of the processes involved & still support my comments. If you believe that it is not about distance you may also believe that they are building a bridge over to Tasmania. Before you suggest that i should take the time to read the threads consider this, I may have already done this which supports MY THOUGHTS. Something of which we are all entitled to. I just wish that we were all as clever as you , man how good would that be. You also are entitled to your opinion & I have listened. Happy flying or couch surfing or whatever it is that keeps you occupied you are a legend. cheers
  5. I also have followed this thread to report on the tragic loss of life of another aviator taken way to soon. No blame is the first thing we should be thinking of not the last. Learning from this is a close second. Why all of our lives do not matter to the authorities is the next as we are all aware that it is not being investigated. I don’t accept distance as an excuse for not investigating this or any other incidents in Australia. It is a vast country with a lot of inhospitable sections that we flyover. This land has been here for many years, it has not just appeared all of a sudden. Its time we had some action from the governing bodies to identify what went wrong so we can all learn from them. I don’t know about the rest of you but I for one believe that we are ALL worth that effort regardless of where it occurs. Finally and most importantly my condolences to all that knew the pilot what a sad time it must be for them.
  6. Markdun, are you talking about pictures that you have of the aircraft prior to the incident or after?
  7. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the government to supply SE devices for free. In my opinion they shouldn’t have to. Our sport like others is a user pay activity. So instead of dreaming about what we would like to happen grab a real dose of reality(no chance of it happening) and if you think that your life or the life of others is worth it then cough up the money. My condolences to the families & loved ones involved in this tragic event & may the victims of this incident forever R.I.P
  8. Read the previous posts, that explains it
  9. Well done to all who demonstrated their compassion to other humans who have just gone through a traumatic incident regardless of their perceived wealth. And they say Trump has issues. You must all feel proud.
  10. He is not the only one charged over this. There is also a NT Police Officer 👮‍♀️
  11. I think you need a coffee or something stronger 😃 Not everyone who gets in an aircraft has any idea of the engineering features. The pressure created on this occasion is an internal one of the passengers thinking that there life may be coming to an end. The lady replacing the window which I referred to has done an extremely good job in remaining calm. happy days
  12. Are you taking the p*%s Nev?
  13. What about the pressure created by the passengers 🤣
  14. How calm was the lady assisting to place the window back into its hole when it come out 😆
  15. No mention of what the charge is, but will be interesting to se the outcome.
  16. Good advice, but I can’t find in the post you quoted where he even mentioned that it was any particular aircraft. Where you referring to another quote?
  17. No issue at all. it May be helpful if you list what headset you are using as it may add to your issue.
  18. “But I will find it unforgivable IF the pilot has conducted a Charter without filing a flight plan. The aircraft was down nearly 5 hours before the alarm was raised!?” I wonder who was holding his SARTIME.
  19. I can’t wait to see the picture of that in the cabin 🤣
  20. If you use a dry powder extinguisher in a cockpit or cabin I hope you have an IFR rating. as you will not see for a few minutes after the extinguisher has discharged due to the fine particles of sodium bicarbonate suspended in the air. Airlines carry BCF extinguishers as they are fit for purpose on a multitude of fires. A BCF extinguisher has exemptions for use in aircraft and is banned elsewhere for general use due to the environmental concerns. They are reasonably light weight & very effective. As mentioned earlier the side effects are similar to CO2 extinguishers in terms of requiring fresh air. It comes back to the better of 2 evils in my opinion. Extinguish the fire & survive or not. cheers
  21. It seems like dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. To much radio chatter ie taxi, entering rolling can be seen by some as not required. Interesting perspective, how does anyone know who is around to gain SA if there is no broadcasts? My thoughts are, if no one is around then you are not bothering anyone. If there is aircraft inbound 10m etc. then they will hear your broadcast and start to build a mental picture of what is happening in and around the circuit. Don’t rely on replaying a radio measure to assist you as time is of the essence, there is enough to do on take off without reaching for the switch to replay a radio message. If you are not sure of who is in the circuit or if a conflict exists, don’t take off to establish who is going to conflict with you as that could only end bad. See and avoid is what should be your priority, if you can’t see how the hell can you avoid?
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