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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. More views from The Great Southern in WA
  2. Bremer Bay WA late September
  3. Broome airport last Sunday 4th October
  4. [ATTACH=full]38451[/ATTACH]
  5. Albany to Mukinbudin - Meekatharra - Newman stopped overnight at Newman, Capricorn roadhouse accommodation great, food and service great good coffee in the morning from the roadhouse. However Getting there from the airport would have been impossible without the help of a fantastic LAME. Telephone a taxi to get a ride and taxi said no not coming it is not a good enough fare for me. LAME (Barry)who owns and runs maintenance of helicopters in Newman not only gave me a lift to the roadhouse but come and picked me up in the morning to take me back to the airport at 0600. The next leg was Newman to Broome -Wyndham a little on the bumpy side but it is the dry season with plenty of warm land to fly over and the odd thermal or 2. 2 great days of flying and covered a lot of the west of Australia from south to north.
  6. You have to listen to a tape of an airline crew making radio calls with very broken English to ATC and then decipher what they are saying to make sure that you do not miss the important parts of the conversation. Sorry common sense does not prevail your test is to listen to someone who can't speak English and figure out what they are saying it is all double Dutch but really not that difficult. Pricing depends on you school I think.
  7. And it is not just the politicians, we cancel a game of AFL due to a tragedy but take it for granted what our military heroes do for us. A lot more should be done for our returned soldiers no matter what battle it was.
  8. Happy hour Friday's
  9. Now back to the subject of welcoming a new person to not only our forum but aviation in general ✈️
  10. Fools tread where angels fear to go
  11. Glad you feeling better good luck for tomorrow
  12. I took up the option and for now can't see anything but positive.We are all different and all have different levels of both wants & needs, it is not 1 size fits all so I am sure there will be discussion either way but I am happy to say suits my needs. Cheers
  13. Ada Elle browse back through the comments on here, you have asked for advice and been given many options/advice. Everyone is trying to help so dont take the advice as negative after all you asked the question. To move your focus why not read a little on overthinking and the problems associated with that as there is plenty of tips there and also some honest statistics. Whilst we overthink things were are not focussing on what we should be....and there is an answer in itself if you think about it. Maybe try another airfield if you are having trouble with your local strip. But most of all enjoy your flying, from your comments I would say that is not happening at the moment and you can do something about that. Dont worry about the glass half empty fill it up and smile
  14. Ada Elle browse back through the comments on here, you have asked for advice and been given many options/advice. Everyone is trying to help so dont take the advice as negative after all you asked the question. To move your focus why not read a little on overthinking and the problems associated with that as there is plenty of tips there and also some honest statistics. Whilst we overthink things were are not focussing on what we should be....and there is an answer in itself if you think about it. Maybe try another airfield if you are having trouble with your local strip. But most of all enjoy your flying, from your comments I would say that is not happening at the moment and you can do something about that. Dont worry about the glass half empty fill it up and smile
  15. The funny thing is the English test is about listening and understanding someone who does not speak very good English go figure
  16. The funny thing is the English test is about listening and understanding someone who does not speak very good English go figure
  17. Hahahaah OME been a while since you made a call then
  18. Fly the plane learn its limits and yours theory will give you all sorts of answers but practise makes perfect
  19. Ada Elle It seems your question has been answered many times already. As you will find on any forum there will be lots of hypothethis on every subject. It may be best if you divulge what your answer is and how you support that answer. I am almost sure that will generate even more discussion on this thread. Enjoy your flying
  20. The Kimberley is not the best place to be looking for hangar space. You would think that with all of the land about it would not be an issue. Our local airport at Kununurra has no space to build any hangars and the hangars that are there are full. We are not very visitor friendly for aviation people.
  21. I tracked a mate who flew home from Ceduna to Albany. I was able to track him all the way. Oz runways shows the call sign and when you tap on it it also gave me the track and the flight level. I am also using Oz runways and have no knowledge of any inter comparability with Avplan. Cheers
  22. Ahhhhhhhhh the joys of commercial flying ✈️
  23. Welcome
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