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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. they don't require one
  2. Well look on the bright side of life it can only get better for you fro here on in because so far you have had your fair share of bad luck so good luck cheers
  3. Great work welcome
  4. Zibi The exemption refers to legislation and or an act of parliament that covers emergency service workers in times when they need to perform their roles. So maybe you should read it and get back to me hey
  5. Yenn would your emergency services act not give you an expemption as it does for many other things
  6. YPKU Kununurra 12-30 runway bitumen strip just had new surface,fuel, security controlled close to town and plenty of accommodation PM me if you are coming to town lots to see and do in the Kimberley
  7. I assumed that it would be an emergency and that is why the SES is there hence no need for any exam they would be covered under legislation
  8. Off topic I guess but here goes anyway Yenn why would the SES need to do an electrical exam to enter QR rail or any other property?
  9. How lucky was that or skilful landing
  10. Welcome nightmare there is certainly plenty of info on here that will help you good luck with your training cheers
  11. The fact he is still alive is great news
  12. I was under the impression you could not go far away from your starting field on an RPL except as part of your training - ie as a training nav. Flights around your starting field were when ever you wanted but travelling further was restricted. Is that correct? Hi Frank to answer your question no thats not correct, if you have a Xcountry endorsement it carries over to the RPL and you can fly as far away as you wish so long as it is within Australia Cheers
  13. Hi Parkway As for pros and cons the way I see it and did it was, the RAA CERT to RPL once you have RADIO X country 2hrs under the hood on instruments a flight review then you can get signed off for your RPL if you have a school that offers this. You still need further endorsements for controlled airspace etc. but that can come after you have done some time flying with the RPL if you wish. Benefits are the majority of your training is done at a reduced rate whilst doing your RAA cert including the cross country component. Everyone is different so there is no real yard stick to say how many hours it will take you to achieve any or all of this. If you only wish to fly within Australia and carry no more than 3 pax + Pilot ( requires medical) then the RPL may be a good option after you complete your RAA cert. If you think you may wish to venture off into the aviation world and begin a career then doing the PPL from the start would be worth thinking about. Seems like you have lots to think about whatever you choose enjoy and safe flying cheers
  14. No injuries that's good to hear
  15. About all this thread is good for is getting the msg count higher as no matter what explanations are given they just don't sink in. Now what was the original subject ?
  16. Lucky you what a great situation to be in. Learn from all you can I am sure that you will be a better pilot for it. Cheers
  17. I have for some time seen on this forum the comparison between riding a motorcycle and flying. I have done both however a lot more riding than flying maybe that is why I just don't get how the 2 can be compared? Please help me out here. Flying is mostly in the air .......riding is mostly on the ground.......there is no structural issues with overspeeding just the trouble you get into when the police catch you once again on the ground......VNE will cause major issues when flying if done for any length of time once again in the air. To steer a bike it is weight shift to steer a plane you use controls. To fly a plane if you have an accident you have people who will crusify you before they know all the facts. Ok now I see the resemblance. Cheers
  18. Welcome aboard
  19. www.casa.gov.au/manuals/regulate/acrprocs/039r024.pdf I googled your query and come up with this. A few pages in there us a picture of a data plate so I hope this helps you . Cheers
  20. Not only did he get the plane down for an emergency landing with only 4 hours solo he was able to walk to a farm house to advise authorities he was ok. I for one would have required a change of pants before attempting to walk anywhere let alone to someone's house well done.
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