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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Hi Darell and welcome lots of great info on here so I am sure that you will be able to learn heaps
  2. I guess this is a loaded question as the answers that you get can only be from those who either have driven or do drive/ride and those who do not. So realistically how can you get an accurate answer unless there has been a study done on this topic. There are some studies that indicate push bike riding assists greatly with balance and coordination. Why not try it out and do some flying 1 week after participating in driving activities and then do some with no driving and see how you feel or your instructor feels your flying lessons went for you. the most important thing to do either driving riding or flying is enjoy the experience
  3. The past is for learning from not living in. When are these incidents going to be shared to minimise the potential for them to happen again. Maybe the closer look at RAA should be to work out a way to publish these as casa do.
  4. Was the give away clue J160 in your profile a hint ? Pioneer 200
  5. Great site
  6. Sounds like the beers are bringing out some truthful facts just be careful another beer may make you share them thoughts and she who must be obeyed may even kick you in the nuts so be careful
  7. I still had to a a BFR (AKA flight review)I also completed mine at a school that teaches both RAA & GA. I completed all the necessary stuff like med certificate ASIC ARN prior so no delay there.
  8. Just received my RPL in the mail from CASA my paperwork was signed off and sent to CASA on the 17th April and I received it in the mail today 18th May so just 4 weeks in total including delivery to CASA and receiving in the mail here.
  9. Welcome There is certainly no shortage of information for you on here and I am sure you will also get plenty of advice cheers
  10. Welcome to the forum I am sure you will find it interesting
  11. Hi Xavier welcome great time to do some Nav work the weather is great enjoy
  12. My last flight in a 172 Cessna late April was a great flight did a flight review and finished off my RPL The views in Albany that morning were spectacular as always
  13. I do recall an old timer telling me about a concert once put on in the Kimberley advertised as "alcohol free" and to their surprise the people who turned up for the free alcohol was astounding
  14. Try this link http://tefcnt.weebly.com/flight-training.html
  15. Hi avon_7 there was a school just out of Darwin near humpty Doo try google the words MKT flying and see how you go cheers
  16. Would like to see the take off
  17. Great clip thanks for sharing
  18. Well done on researching all of your options before you jump into the deep end. That shows maturity and a desire to succeed. There is also nothing wrong in going to a couple of different schools (if they are available) and doing a TIF. That will also give you a look at their aircraft, instructors and how they operate. It all counts as flying. Cheers
  19. Welcome enjoy the forum
  20. I think we know where this would head..........I am sure the option to now charge for a printed copy will out weigh the cry out if the membership fees were to go up. Correct me if I am wrong but RAA were having a little trouble making ends meet? I agree with most comments in terms of getting rid of unwanted ads but I am also sure there would be a cost associated with that also. Dammed if we do dammed if we don't. I have no issues with an online version but that is my choice. Cheers
  21. For sale wind farm anyone interested
  22. Good luck
  23. Unless they are constructed on or located near airports, wind farms are unlikely to impact on the safety of commercial and domestic air transport . In relation to the impact of wind farms on aviation operations, wind developers are required to liaise with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and the RAAF Aeronautical Information Service, which maintains a database of structures on behalf of CASA. Each wind farm is assessed by a CASA Flying Operations Inspector for its potential aviation risk and any obstruction lighting requirements.
  24. HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIESAVFUELSA: Carnet card and credit card swipe bowsers; AVGAS and JET A1. Others; callout fee applies. Phone 0429 695 728, 0429 696 502, 0448 874 251. Why would you even contemplate doing that when you have all the information at your finger tips,seems some people just like looking for trouble as aviators I thought that there should be some intelligence displayed not stick your head in the sand and say i didn't know. I sincerely hope that this type of action is the only risk you take when you fly.
  25. As this is a trip that requires some planning why not contact the airport at YPAG and advise them of your dilemma, let's hope that someone will then be of assistance to you and meet you to allow you to refuel use the facilities and be on your way. Typed words are often hard to decipher so be careful making comments like "maybe I could borrow one for the trip" that could draw attention that was not intended. Hope you have a safe any uneventful trip. Cheers
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