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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Great clip thanks for sharing Cheers
  2. Check out the RAAA website it is mentioned there Cheers
  3. Ahhhhh the freedom of speech
  4. Now that's a hard one I think the research would have been much easier ha ha Cheers TP
  5. Hi TP why would I do the research when I can rely on you?
  6. As soon as I heR the word committee I think hmmm that will take a while to get a decision
  7. Hmmmm I am not sure what store or floor I come from but I do know I must have been returned to the store because I am with my second wife
  8. Now that's a great way to attract people to the industry well done
  9. Communication is the key to success contact your neighbours let them know what your plans are and put to rest any fears they may have for your plans, I am sure it will save you a lot of fuss in the long run. I would also contact your local shire or council to get their take on this. Some shire/councils have all sorts of unusual bylaws and they can create them to suit themselves. The last thing you would want is huge solicitors fees to fix up something that could have been done in the early stages. Cheers
  10. Check it out on the RAA website. Go for the good old google that way you will get an answer that is helpful the search engine there is more user friendly than some of the sarcastic remarks people will give you on here. Sorry I don't have the answer for you. Cheers
  11. Sounds like you have made your mind up already. You did ask for advice and mine is not about the technical aspect, there is a problem with the motor that has been identified, does the LAME offer a valid reason (if there is such a thing) for why the pressure would change? There have been many replies here saying buyer/flyer beware so the choice is yours. Cheers
  12. Not the only thing that has changed in price since the 1990s I think we are in front at the moment Item 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Postage Stamp 0.25 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 Bread 1.29 1.47 1.50 1.57 1.59 1.40 1.62 Milk 2.15 2.18 2.14 2.27 2.29 2.59 2.41 Gas 1.08 1.18 1.20 1.16 1.09 1.35 1.11 Car $9,437.00 $9,989.00 $11,580.00 $12,750.00 $12,371.00 $12,800.00 $13,600.00 Income $14,777.00 $16,658.00 $17,565.00 $18,472.00 $18,738.00 $19,717.00 $20,788.00 $21,811.00 House $128,732.00 $125,481.00 $124,900.00 $124,573.00 $106,100.00
  13. Maybe we should divide the cost by the number of days we have it then it will not seem that bad. The cost to have water connected to a block even if you do not use it also hurts. Be careful what you ask for you may just get it it. Imagine the forum discussion if at every airport you went to your ASIC was checked.........
  14. Well done Geoff At the end of the day the one person that had to be happy with this purchase was you and it sounds like you have achieved what you wanted. You will always get plenty of advice on any purchase it is like lifting the bonnet on a car, people flock around. Enjoy your new aircraft. Cheers
  15. Good for you now you have the bug look out
  16. Aro Looks like a check list to me
  17. At the moment just think about the enjoyment of the flight and views all the other questions are for later I am sure you will enjoy the experience of the TIF cheers
  18. Dammed if they do dammed if they don't. To give the course some form of credibility there needs to be an assessment, and it does need to be timed in my opinion. I am sure there are a few glitches with the web site and or process but I have completed the assessment myself and identified an issue which was immediately rectified by RAA. You can't ask for more than that. RAA also asked for feedback after completing the course so I am sure would welcome all feedback to gain many points of view. Any training is better than no training. Solutions are always better than problems. Cheers
  19. Ahhhhh the freedom of speech
  20. Obviously been a while since you have been to town. Drop in some time we even have TV now
  21. Sorry read this a little late for your coffee it may be beer o'clock now but the Kimberley Cafe is open and the country club and both do good coffee. I am in Broome at the moment plenty of coffee places there Cheers
  22. I would be interested in the details
  23. Welcome Griz882
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