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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Hi Peter and welcome. There is plenty of info on here to keep you busy so enjoy your time
  2. Welcome take the time to look around and as a student it is good to check out the student section on here as there is always helpful information
  3. Sunny go do a trial introductory flight to make sure it is what you want. But it sounds to me like you have your mind made up. Money is always an issue so no easy fix there, if it is what you want you will need to save up then go for it. That is better than trying to do it once a month. If you get the opportunity and do use a go pro make sure you set it up then forget it . I have seen so much footage on YouTube where the pilot continually messes around with the camera. You don't want to be wasting your money you need to concentrate on your flying. Good luck
  4. I know that this is a very serious situation and there is a number of people who have been affected by the result from CASA in relation to the Jabiru powered aircraft. The thing is there has been so much discussion on here about the problems with the Jabiru engine that there has to be some support for the action that CASA has taken. Albeit not appreciated by all and will certainly have a huge impact on RAA schools in Australia. The facts are something had to be done like it or not. Ultralights said:- "Ultralights, post: 458928, member: 8"]settle down everyone, its still in draft form, not law, maybe this is the incentive jabiru needs to act before it does become law... Let's hope that it is short term pain for long term gain. In the mean time why not think up an acronym for CASA and see who comes up with the best Controlling Agency Smashing Aviation Please stay shallow this is designed to be fun and take away some of the anger towards CASA and aviation Stay safe
  5. There seems to me to be the same theme throughout these post and it is not about the students doing an English proficiency test it seems clear to me that the person from CASA considering the RPL application needs to prove their proficiency in the English language as they seem to be lacking a little
  6. Hi recflyer My advice is take your time don't rush anything. If you can get your head into the books while the weather is not good it will save you time later. The theory component is not reliant on weather so can be done when you can't get in the air, it will also prepare you better for your flights. I found the book Jim Davis PPL very informative. Good luck
  7. Avocet contacts as in know someone who may be willing to share
  8. Does anyone have any contacts at Brisbane ATC would be better to go direct than speculate although by speculating it will generate a lot of discussion :)
  9. Reminds me of a few zaps when getting out of my motor vehicle lesson learnt always grab the top,of the door prior to placing your feet on the the ground the result is you will not get zapped as you have earthed it out
  10. They are chalk and cheese FB for many is about making contact without actually making contact. It is easy to catch up what your family and friends are doing without too much thought. As admin you would have the stats of how many visit the site and how many posts there are. Keep doing what you are doing don't worry what someone else is doing and think that you need to change.
  11. It seems some of the people on this forum know you very well and your flying experience or otherwise they would not be advising you to take up the option of becoming an instructor which in my opinion is a huge step and one that should only be undertaken by someone with a lot of experience as that is what you would be aiming to do pass on your flight experience to students. I think that to get what we want in life we have to put in the hard yards so as harsh as it may seem if it really is your dream it may be time to get a second job to fund your passion. Good luck following your dream
  12. Dazza are you a kiwi ? I note you said in your post it hut a tree cheers
  13. As I said read it a few times it may help you understand for the record this decision is about compliance whether You like it it not To overstate the obvious I have not mentioned a pilot certificate and nor does the original post which discusses ASIC card
  14. I have a good grasp of the English language and I did not mention pilot certificate being ditched the discussion is open and is about enforcement of the ASIC and if one should run the risk of being caught without one my point is I have to have a drivers license to drive a car and also have no choice if I want it or not. Read it a couple of times and you may just get my point. Cheers
  15. Hmmmm so if I have not been asked for my drivers license in more than 30 years would it be a good idea to ditch it also ? Ok so that is a bit tongue in cheek but at least it will give this forum a lot to comment on.
  16. Whilst I agree with so many of the comments already posted on here is there a chance that we can have some positive posts about how to move forward from this tragedy and educate pilots of the future. I have a vested interest in that subject. And I am lucky to have a fantastic instructor who is teaching me all the right things to do. I already know what is the wrong thing to do and that is about life skills not just aviating. Just saying
  17. Syrianboy95 have you tried a website called seat guru ? It has all types of aircraft listed the best and the not so good seats to get and they have this information from a vast array of people who have travelled and shared their experiences
  18. VH- CKS not CHS as reported in earlier blog
  19. Attitude is still the same the way I see it having no respect for others. Thanks for the humour re the avatar.
  20. How lucky are we that this did not end in a tragedy for not one but possibly many. I am sick of hearing excuses for all the bad decisions that are made like oh poor man was tired, sick, stressed! How about being accountable for a stupid decision which was to fly on that day, as many have said before me life is about choices and although the outcome was ok in this situation the pilot made a poor choice. Impound the plane maybe as this is no different than a hoon driver. I am sure there will be much said about this thought.
  21. Sounds to me like you have your ideal aircraft no issues good on fuel and reliable cheers
  22. Hi Andrew it has been a while since you have posted this thread. Any updates on the Brumby ?
  23. I use an IPad and have not had any issues works great
  24. Let's all hope they are both ok
  25. Welcome Steve regardless of what side of 50 we are you can still enjoy the information shared on this site
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