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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Usually I fly in jeans or cargo pants, socks and shoes. Most times I have a long sleeve shirt on to protect my skin from the sun and or provide some warmth if needed. In the luggage area there is always a light jacket to grab if the flight gets colder or the weather at the destination requires it. It depends on where I am flying to as I have also worn shorts plenty of times. cheers
  2. Hi Lyle is this your location? Milingimbi Island is part of the Crocodile Island Group in the Arafura Sea. It is approximately half a kilometre off the north coast of Central Arnhem Land, approximately 440 km east of Darwin and 200 km west of Nhulunbuy. You can get to Milingimbi via air charter service, or commercial flights with Airnorth. if it is it looks like you could fly someone in via one of the two airlines who service the island, but I assume that you would be well aware of that if you live there. Your question seems to have two complexities with the second being the ferrying of an aircraft to your location. If you let the forum know the aircraft type and it’s location someone may be in a position to help. If the island is considered a community there may also be issues with entry because of COVID restrictions into communities. It may be worthwhile contacting the flying school near Darwin EMkaytee? Not sure of the correct spelling. There is a few RAA type aircraft there and an instructor I believe. cheers
  3. 180 seconds to live. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, reality is unless you are rated to fly IFR you should not enter cloud end of story. However SHIT ( Send Help In Trouble) happens, anyone who thinks that if they are not proficient to fly in IMC that if they do get caught in it they will be able to take the time to think rationally & work out a plan of how to remedy the situation they are in should watch the video on 180 seconds to live. I have spoken to many people on this subject & although we don’t want to admit that it may/could/has happened to us at some stage or could in the future. The best solution i have been informed of is to fly 180 degrees back the way you just come from. I am not condoning flying into cloud at all just saying that my thought process would be to get out of the cloud the opposite way I entered it & as soon as is possible. That would limit the time trapped in cloud & reduce the risk of the 180 seconds to live scenario. I am not an instrument rated pilot and don’t profess to thinking I am or, that I could handle this situation if I faced it. I do like to keep things simple & if faced with a confronting situation like this I would want to limit what I had to think about. My opinion is just that “my opinion” & I respect others opinion on this topic. I have said on here before that I met the pilot of this incident in Charleville on his way to Airlie Beach & was to catch up for a chat when he arrived. That never happened as we are all aware. R.I.P Ray
  4. It will be interesting to see the final report with the view that we can all learn from the event. I attended Rays “Irish Wake” via video streaming and the family although distressed focussed on the joy that he has brought them over the course of his life. Whilst we don’t have the final report the clear takeaway points for me are; Stay clear of cloud unless you and your aircraft is equipped to fly in it. Always have at least one out preferably more If your not sure don’t go If for some reason you end up in cloud do a 180 & get out of there & commence your plan B May Ray R.I.P
  5. MattP, thread-slides, big and small occur regularly but rest assured the forum does provide solutions & not just problems so have a little patience. Most people place a disclosure clause with their advice but I am sure they all mean well. Happy reading cheers
  6. Oz Runways on my IPad and back up IPhone. I run a paper fuel log with used, remaining, L or R tank time tanks are switched. Before the traditionalists jump on me I am not after advice just replying to what I use. For what it’s worth some of the longer journeys I have completed include. Albany to Kununurra (Kimberley) Kununurra to Albany Bindoon to Birdsville Bindoon to Airlie Beach and return via Archerfield. To date around 260 hours of flight with no issues using these methods above. I have had my IPad overheat a couple of times however the back up on on my phone while I cool the IPad back to a normal operating temperature has not caused any issues or concerns. It is only a couple of minutes whist I have held the Ipad under the vent to cool. I trust the system that I use and it has worked for me. OzRunways works great for me & I will continue use to use the premium subscription which provide me more information at the click of a button than I will ever need. safe flying cheers
  7. Is this “thread drift” or “thread broadside” 😂 Anyone got an update on what happened to those arrested & giving aviation a bad name?
  8. Link is only any good if you subscribe
  9. Sounds like you had fun. Where was your journey? cheers
  10. A man is believed to have been killed in a horror light plane crash in the remote Great Southern region. Emergency services were called to the crash site in a paddock just off Nyabing-Pingrup Road following a distress call that was received about 2.30pm on Staurday aftternoon. It is understood the man was found trapped in the plane’s wreckage east of Katanning near Pingrup and could not be saved. He was the only person on board. Investigators will return to the crash site — about four hours south-east of Perth — this morning to try and determine the cause of the crash. The man is believed to have been a well-known local farmer.
  11. Hi Thruster 88 a quick search of the ATSB safety investigations identified a few incidents with the grob at a couple of locations. cheers
  12. F10, from what I have read on this thread there seems to be a clear acknowledgment that the system is wrong. what should be explored is, can it be fixed? Poteroo summed it up pretty well in terms of conversion and what he correctly identifies as a bad case of injustice. My advice is for you to gather the best of these posts and do something about it as although this forum is a good place to discuss/air our view points there is little that this forum can actually do about it. The next option may be to start a Go Fund Me page to raise the money to pay for the 5 hours RAA is saying is required to reach your objective. Solutions are far better than problems. I wish you all the best in your transition to RAA. Cheers
  13. Journey complete, West Coast to East, attended the Runway (hangar) dinner and met some great people. one sole who is no longer with us (Ray) R.I.P I met in Charleville & did not get to have that catch up,drink,and chat at Airlie 🍺 looking forward to attending another dinner there as the country is spectacular.
  14. We were lucky enough to get out of perth in early April & miss the latest round of lockdowns. Our first leg was Bindoon Hill YBHY to Forrest YFRT. An overnight stay then on to Leigh Creek YLEC for the night. Our first stop there and it was great, easy refuelling, airport pick up & drop off and good clean accommodation supported by a nice meal at the tavern. The next leg took us up to Charleville YBCV to do some exploration of the town & soak up some local history. Friendly service at the airport with refuelling and plenty of tie down areas. We met a group of Rotarians (11) who were flying to the same location as us Shute harbour for the annual runway dinner. We set off the next morning and got to a point around 86 nautical Mike’s from Shute Harbour YSHR & had to turn back due to weather degrading. Our diversion took us to Cleremont where we refuelled & sat out the weather for just over 4 hours. Ok all looking good and we departed for Shute Harbour. Safely made it into Shute Harbour and had a great stay for 2 weeks. I had maintained contact with one of the group of rotarians as we both were flying RV 7A aircraft. Unfortunately I had heard of the tragic accident involving an RV7 which was flying from Winton to Bowen. I tried to make contact with Ray to check on his welfare but to no avail (R.I.P). I will never get to have the welcome drink with Ray or share any stories of our own RV grins. It was great to catch up with the rest of the group and pass on our condolences. It was an emotional catch up for all. We then departed Shute Harbour for Bundaberg another iconic Queensland town with nit only aviation history but also the rum distillery. Next stop Archerfield to dodge some more weather heading this way for a few days. The tower was very helpful as it was my first flight into there. We managed to get an FBO who operate as Jet Base they a couple of hangars there and are very helpful if you ever have a stay and don’t want to risk leaving your plane out. After the weather passes we will pick our track home to Bindoon. If anyone wants any information on accommodation prices & ratings don’t hesitate to message me. Safe flying
  15. Correct RV7A VHReg a sad day for aviation.
  16. RIP, condolences to all who knew & loved him. Deepest sympathy to family & close friends. Fly high
  17. If you are comfortable with doing it this way then why change. The fact that you asked indicates you may like a change. There is various programs that make it very easy to navigate, plan and review your flight along the path whilst giving you plenty of time to monitor your aircrafts performance & progress against what was planned. What would be a good thread drift would be to ask how many people have got into trouble using the trusted electronic flight bag V those who have got into trouble with paper navigation. Happy days
  18. I have a suggestion, don’t go into cloud unless you have an aircraft equipped to do so and you are qualified and current with flight in IMC. The only time you should be tilting your head in any direction is to read your documents that validate you and your aircraft’s documents prior to flight. Don’t listen to experts other than your instructor. 👍
  19. Take your time, enjoy the journey.
  20. Thanks to those who posted both videos they are both great for learning from. If you don't get the message that this was wrong in many ways by watching either of the videos it may be time that you rested in the viewing lounge. The clear message was the glider was in the Send Help In Trouble phase of the flight with little or no situational awareness. The guidance of the rear seat passenger leaves a lot to be desired. cheers
  21. Shajen, I hope all goes well for you with the purchase of this plane. There has been a lot of good advice given here for you to take on board which I am sure you will. I also brought an aircraft sight unseen and have had no issues in the 6 years that I have had it which is just a reminder that there is also some great people in aviation who do the right thing. I was very fortunate to have an experienced and trusted person to go over the aircraft with a fine tooth comb prior to my decision to purchase it. He also has a wealth of knowledge on VANS AIRCRAFT and is well respected in the aviation community. Happy flying
  22. Birdsville 2018 with a very strong X-Wind.
  23. I am hoping the weather is ok to fly there 👍
  24. Hi Clinton, how did you go with your leave pass? With the opening of the borders it is looking more like a possibility now. Cheers
  25. Late May-June will see the wets season gone from the Kimberley & be a good time for travel. It will be getting cooler by then and the thunderstorms well gone which will help with your flight planning.
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