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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Hi Thruster, sounds like a great trip. Have you considered the option of doing a group flyaway and or meet other RV's along the planned route who may do some of the journey or all of the journey from their point of departure. The positive is safety in numbers and a few ASIC cards so you don't need to get one if you don't really want to. The only negative could be too many chiefs but I guess that would sort itself out. I am considering a lap around Oz next year from Perth to fit in with my plans for the year. If you do get serious about it send me a PM. I fly an RV7A out of Bindoon YBHL All the best for your adventure. Cheers
  2. Perth coastal from YBHL
  3. I have a couple of ideas, I will run them by you when I next see you that may work?
  4. :yelrotflmao:Unleaded
  5. Sounds like a great trip, a few challenges but I guess that made it more interesting. thanks for sharing
  6. Great video thank you
  7. I am planning on heading over for a couple of weeks and thought the runway dinner would be a great idea. As it gets a bit closer and if there is an interest we may catch up for an ale and a chat ??
  8. Hi is anyone planning on attending the Runway dinner in Queensland next year? https://www.whitsundayairport.com.au/events/runwaydinner/
  9. Flightrite, good option buy the wine and chocolates after all if It doesn’t work you could consume them ?
  10. Telstra has been good for me flying across Australia and through the Kimberley & West Coast. only ever luckedout with coverage at William Creek which is serviced by Optus. I agree with other comments, get a Telstra map & check coverage. Some places they don’t cover you may never fly to. i have a pre- paid 12 month sim for the IPad & have always rolled over my gig allowance to the next year. I think I pay $150 for 60gb I am not sure if this option is still available
  11. Did you sell NWF to an Albany resident?
  12. 202kts RV7A two up with a good tailwind Done 190 kts a few times but getting over the 200 is good ?
  13. Speed over the ground is pretty good, no wonder you don’t worry about P stops ?
  14. Can’t get to mine COVID lock down can’t travel between regions
  15. Talk to your broker or insurance company. I did it last year when I had four month’s overseas on holidays. i emailed the broker my return date and the policy was adjusted. As others have already stated check what you are covered for First. ?
  16. Hi Grant, have you used a video to capture your flight experience, your instructor will be able to point out the area that needs more attention and you will get a first hand view of your circuit, right down to the landing. Don’t give up you can do it ?
  17. Congratulations stewie, looks like a nice plane to learn in also
  18. GME 410 have not had to use it and hope I never do, light weight compact reasonably priced.
  19. What time frame do you have? You are going to fly over some amazing country
  20. Danny88, hangar will depend on where you live as the cost is variable & you will see a considerable difference including hangar keeps liability if it is required. Insurance will vary depending on your experience on type, where it is hangared and how much you wish to insure for. If it is an RAUS registered aircraft you can do most maintenance yourself but, VH registered may be a little different which could add costs depending on who your LAME is. The cost of a LAME can be high until they get to know your aircraft, that is your first annual I would expect to cost a little more. Landing fees are another consideration if you have to pay them as they can add up also. At the end of the day if you are flying an RV you will have a big enough grin so don't let a few dollars bother you. I have owned a 7A for 5 years and it is a great aircraft very slick and is a great cross country plane. I have flown some long legs in it from Albany to the Kimberlys and out into the middle of Australia (Birdsville Races) and return. It has pace endurance and comfort, your bladder will let you know when it is time to come down so you won't forget ?. A lot of variables but if you are going into aircraft ownership you are better to cover all costs rather than get a plane and find out that you are limited to flying it because of costs. Good luck with you shopping I hope you find a plane that meets your needs and is within your budget. Cheers
  21. Not quite, we have stayed there a couple of times and been joined by travellers driving also. But I agree in saying that it is a great place to stop either to stay overnight or order ahead for a lunch or morning/afternoon tea. There is some great art around the property and a museum with history of the early days of Forrest.
  22. Grenfell, legislation ignored and look at the outcome. Childers, charges were laid with a conviction which was a great outcome given the worst fire in QLD history. BAL-are set to protect Western Australians not make it harder for them. It is the firefighters who race into these buildings when people run out of them, so if we can provide another level of protection for our volunteer firefighters then I support it. In terms of public liability which this thread is about in your references the public is liable for their own safety and legislation is there to protect them.
  23. Got any glaring examples of this statement Onetrack. “The fire protection industry has boomed in recent years, aided by more and more Govt legislation and ever-tightening rules. The income for companies assisting businesses to comply with those ever-tighter fire rules and regulations is predicted to double in the 5 yrs between 2015 and 2020.” Not sure what your reference is here but just thought I would mention two incidents that occurred to assist you in understanding why change is required but has not yet happened. Lacrosse “Melbourne” Grenfell “UK” Happy to hear your side of your statement to validate where you think we have seen legislation & ever- tightening rules have any impact.
  24. As a back up to my OzRunways, I use a Garmin Aera 500. although it is a backup I run it all the time. It is a great tool & provides peace of mind for me. It has all of the functions of many of the larger GPS and has not let me down. I have had Garmin devices for many years in boating and as a navigator in the car before the fancy smart phones hit the market. It is a cheap investment in peace of mind if you have the spare cash, if not loading OzRunways on your wife’s phone and also yours is plenty of backup also. Cheers
  25. Welcome Anthony, you will find this forum very informative. cheers
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