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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. I feel for the people who have to investigate these tragedies then advise the family of what happened, that must be hard. The only winners out of this can be anyone else who has the same aircraft and this kicks them into gear to fix the problem before any more incidents. A sad result for aviation
  2. Kununurra


    Write yourself a few phrases that you will use regularly from taxi, take off, departure and arrival, practice them regularly and it will become second nature. If you have an apple iPad or phone get the app live ATC and listen to aircraft at different airports, after a while you will g3t confident don’t give up just practice when you get an opportunity
  3. Welcome, There is certainly plenty of interesting post here so I am sure you will enjoy the forum. Cheers
  4. West to East went quickly coming back it was a bit bumpy for a while so we climbed up to avoid the bumps and the headwind hit us, all in all it was a great trip very enjoyable
  5. I found out this morning that I picked up the prize for flying the furtherest distance to Birdsville this year - Bindoon Hills to Birdsville happy days
  6. Welcome enjoy your journey Cheers
  7. Hi JG, I was also in YBDV, I flew in Thursday & left Monday. It was a very windy day for arrival on Thursday with a strong X-Wind blowing on our arrival. We tracked from Bindoon (Perth) to Kalgoorlie-Forrest -William Creek -Birdsville, coming back we went direct to Coober Peedy - Forrest-Kalgoorlie-Albany, West to East great tailwinds at 9,500 around 35-40kts. Cheers
  8. Cliff, yeah he is a top bloke, he said drop over anytime
  9. Why buy a lotto ticket when you have just used up all of your luck. Wish the pilot a speedy recovery
  10. Welcome
  11. Hi Geoff is yours an RV7A or a 7? Nice aircraft
  12. Great work enjoy the journey
  13. I use both paper & Oz Runways on my IPad. My back ups are GPS Garmin 196 & OzRunways on my phone. I have flown from Albany WA to Kununurra in the Kimberley & return with no issues or the need to seek a redundancy as a back up. Now there is a lot of “tiger country” in between those destinations, on any trip I do not use one source as the be all or end all. They are all just tools that I have in my kit. I have also experienced turbulence, bad weather and the need to divert, my own experience has been that “I” find it easier to use my IPad and goto on my GPS then read a paper map while bouncing around. This has been “my” experience I am not saying that it is a one size fits all it has just been what has worked for ME. So in summary we are all different and all fly different aircraft with different forms of navigation and have varying levels of flight experience both local and extended journeys. Cheers
  14. Welcome
  15. Birddog, Have you telephoned the tower that you are referring to and ask them straight up rather than look for answers on here? My aircraft is hangared in an area that has similarities to what you have described, prior to taking up the option to lease the hangar I telephoned the RAAF base tower to ask what they will/will not accept in terms of aircraft movements. Cheers
  16. Hi Bernie how's your trip looking? Cheers
  17. Great trip thanks for sharing
  18. Welcome hope you enjoy the forum. You will find lots of handy information here with many topics to choose from. Congratulations on your achievements
  19. I received the same news from my broker for my RV7A in July
  20. Hi Bernie when will you be in the West ? Cheers
  21. Welcome Thunda
  22. In my opinion we create our own pressure.I cant think of a bigger disappointment than the loss of life. If CASA want to do something? Are you serious? If having your name and family/friends dragged through a traumatic event is not enough then nothing will be. Society is great a blaming someone else, the buck stops with the individual.
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