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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Hi Bernie, Do you use OzRunways? or any other programs fir flight planning. I know that on OzRunways there is a tab to the top left of the page that you can turn on which will give you fuel prices Cheers
  2. Bernie When are you heading over? Sorry I read the post as you were going ,today. You will find a few RV's in Albany. Mine was built there also. I would be interested in seeing your fuel figures to see how the trip goes. Is yours fuel injected? Cheers
  3. Great if you can get it but maybe not so great if you plan it but don't get it. Safe flying
  4. Wow Bernie 160kt going from East to West good luck finding that
  5. That video is just a short clip the full fight goes for a little while
  6. Well done Liam you have done well so don't give up now keep going. Some early morning cross country flights would be on my list of things to do along that coastline that you live on, maybe even down around the Byron bay lighthouse and back. Cheers
  7. And that is exactly my point
  8. Aplund, Well done you have achieved your goal Don't give up now keep going you can do it. Why not try for a syndicate in an older aircraft to get some hours up, it may be cheaper than paying for direct flying hours. Cheers
  9. Nothing like having a choice, the proof is in the pudding, it is either Ford or Holden (edited by Mod)
  10. Scre80 congratulations I remember purchasing my first and only aircraft a couple of years back and flying it home from Albany to Kununurra solo. I had a grin from ear to ear well done I am sure that you will get many hours of enjoyment flying it and also admiring it and showing it off ✈️
  11. Hi David, Can I make a suggestion, This is an aircraft that you are going to fly and possibly take passengers in with you, if you are not 110% sure of what to do please pay a qualified LAME to conduct the replacement for this or any other part you need to change out. Like all instruments the tacho is pretty important and should be functioning correctly. It concerns me that people will carry out work on aircraft when they have no idea of what they are doing. Cheers
  12. Hi Nick, There is a lot of variables in the questions that you have raised, so it may be best to start off with what you want to achieve before you go to far down any one path here. Some of the things to consider is, how much time can you put in to study, are you ok at self study or do you need a classroom environment to assist you, do you want to carry more than one passenger and fly into controlled airports? How far can your budget stretch and is aviation going to be a pastime or are you aiming for a commercial career. Write down a few answers to some of these and you may then work out which is best for you. Hope all goes well, Cheers
  13. As alluded to in previous posts this subject has gone on and on for what seems like forever. Whilst I don't agree with the card entirely it is law so I choose to obey it at a cost of around $200 every 2 years give or take a few dollars. This subject seems to gather a lot of wind, to steal another's words " an activist is someone who cleans the river up, not says it is dirty" So if it is a march or demonstration or petition that is required can someone who feels so strongly about the subject please kick it off. If I was one of the people who was flouting the laws the last thing I would want is for people to tell everyone what they have been getting away with for so long, heaven help the forums if for some strange reason our cards were checked imagine the rhetoric we would hear then. Ouch I know this is going to hurt but we are sounding like whinging poms, Cheers
  14. Maybe it is a setting that can be adjusted?
  15. it should sell well
  16. Nice work great video the virb give plenty of info
  17. What did RAA say when you phoned them to check on the delay? I had a similar problem when I did my first renewal as I had not sent in the old card. When I phoned they advised me to keep the letter that they had sent as it was valid and to send my old card back ASAP. It is my understanding that you no longer need to send the old card with your renewal unless it has expired, you now do that after you receive your new card. If the card has expired it is no good to anyone as it has an expiry date that is not valid and we know how often they get checked
  18. Hi Ian Whilst I get it that you want to perfect your landings and I am sure that is what we all strive to do for every landing. Will this device have your head inside the aircraft when it should be focussing outside and down the runway? Cheers
  19. I did mine some time back also and passed, there was no indication or reference to which answers were not correct just the number correct which was a pass mark. I can't remember the score. There was no study or reference used it was just sitting it cold. However when I received my renewal card(cet) I was endorsed. Seems there must be a few versions of this albeit mine was when this was first introduced. Cheers
  20. Hi Nico13 Can you post the video, I am sure that there is some experienced instructors/pilots on here that may be able to offer an explanation
  21. Hi Adam and welcome, You have come to the right place. You will find plenty of informative conversations on hear. I hope that you enjoy your training and also participating in this forum. Cheers.
  22. Oops BP
  23. Sky fuel has worked for me with both the BO and Mobil card
  24. Jumping to conclusions will not provide any learnings at all, we all know how long it takes for the facts to be investigated which will provide the learnings for us all,nothing can change what has happened this is a tragic event, let's all hope the remaining injured people pull through ok.
  25. Welcome and enjoy your journey ✈️
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