Hi great work finding out what you can and can't do before you jump in boots and all.
With an RPL it does not matter what your income is you are restricted to a maximum of 4 people which includes the pilot, the plane is also restricted to a maximum take off weight of 1,500kg.
I did my RPC first with Nav,pax,radio endorsement this gave me some time exploring by myself to gain some confidence to fly away from home base and return.
I then did the RPL,CSU and also RCPT so I could fly into towered airports.
From what I have found most private pilots fly solo more than they do with pax.
This has worked well for me and I have purchased a lovely 2 seat side by side aircraft RV7A,
The second seat is empty more times than full.
An experienced flight instructor told me to do up a list of must haves, and would like to haves then make up your mind.
Good luck with your planning