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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Which ever way it was reported let's hope the outcome is both are ok
  2. Save up and buy the Bose you will be glad you did
  3. A short clip was shown on the news, the other side of the plane RV6A was shown but I could not see the rego
  4. Hola bienvenido, hay mucho que aprender aqui
  5. Head in the clouds Derby has the world's biggest tides, 14m at Springs on king tides twice a year, and over 11m the rest of the time. Derby's airport is Curtin RAAF airbase, about 15 miles inland. Derby has 2 airports you are correct the jets land at Curtain but they also have a very good local airport with two good runaways 11-29 and 05-23 also good fuelling facilities
  6. Neither both Derby and Wyndham have bitumen strips Wyndham strip has just be resealed
  7. These posts do date back so it would be interesting to re hash the conversation. I wonder what they are all paying now? From the prices I have seen my advice would be not to move anywhere. If you live in the north of WA everyone seems to think you must work for a mine site and be loaded with money the shire here works on a sq metre charge but base that charge on a commercial building in the centre of town I should laugh they are the ones raking in the money. Anyone ha e a hangar at Jandakot WA for comparison? To some of the early posts
  8. Hi Jay, Long shot here mate but did you have Oz runways configured for traffic? Or find my phone? If they use it you may have a chance of logging in and finding out the location of these scum bags. Cheers
  9. I agree with Nobody I have both a handheld and use ATC for the web based application. To keep cost down and to listen to airports from all over Australia ATC would be my selection. You can get departures, arrivals, smc so you will certainly pick up lots.
  10. How does it go ? "you just can't please some people" I have always found better coverage in the air than on the ground and I thought that was to do with aerials. Home valley is a great example no coverage near the resort but if you head up the hill along the Gibb & you will run into lots of people making calls with good Telstra coverage even able to get internet connection. I did a trip from Albany (WA) to Wyndham in the East Kimberley with OzRunways all the way. It may have dropped out some time but my head was more outside the cockpit than in. No matter what system we use in my opinion it should only be thought of as a tool in the toolkit not the be all and end all. Steve G you have provided great feedback for the OzRunways team to work on, and also made a lot more people aware of some black spots. Cheers
  11. Kununurra is a great spot. Access to anywhere in the Kimberley with lots of options. Weather is fine for 8 months of the year and let's face it the plane needs a little time in the shed while you admire how nice it is. Given that I aim for 100hrs a year but currently don't reach that target because work gets in my way I think that you could pick anywhere in Australia and be happy ✈️
  12. Hi great work finding out what you can and can't do before you jump in boots and all. With an RPL it does not matter what your income is you are restricted to a maximum of 4 people which includes the pilot, the plane is also restricted to a maximum take off weight of 1,500kg. I did my RPC first with Nav,pax,radio endorsement this gave me some time exploring by myself to gain some confidence to fly away from home base and return. I then did the RPL,CSU and also RCPT so I could fly into towered airports. From what I have found most private pilots fly solo more than they do with pax. This has worked well for me and I have purchased a lovely 2 seat side by side aircraft RV7A, The second seat is empty more times than full. An experienced flight instructor told me to do up a list of must haves, and would like to haves then make up your mind. Good luck with your planning Cheers
  13. Welcome Simon A little chilly down your end of town at the moment. Cheers
  14. So here goes a nice ice breaker how is the Jab going that she is flying in ?
  15. When you go to the bom site click on Australia then weather and waves maps, You can change to show wind also and either focus on Australia or a specific state. Just remember when you change states to hit refresh or the time zone will be out for you It gives you a week of forecast and it is pretty accurate.
  16. Good luck for the test, Once you do your navigation you will really feel the freedom
  17. Hi Rusty60 I see that your original post was in January 2016 so I guess the next questions how did the trip go and did you have any issues? I may have missed something but to still get replies on a post from January but still getting advice in June from a newly purchased aircraft and a trip that you were about to undertake I can only assume that the trip would have already happened by now . Hope all went well
  18. It depends on your interest if you go,to menu then forums you will see lots of sites to view. One thing for sure is to remember that written text is hard to understand at times, so keep an open mind. If you are a student pilot you will learn and share your experiences on here with others. Conclusions seem to be arrived at very early here but in general most people are very informative. Cheers
  19. Aplund The question to ask is not what others think it is what do you think ., you will be the PIC. Also if you do go the route of PPL why and consider if you do the RPL why? What aircraft would you like to fly after you have achieved any of these qualifications? That may help you decide which direction you go. You seem rather tense on being examined by a different examiner and that is normal but don't let it consume your thoughts and dreams. Are you going to buy an aircraft or hire if so what is available in your interest area. How many times will you fly with more than maybe two pax? I like the idea of 50 laps of Moreton Island that sounds like a great way to clock up not only hours but experiences. The world is your oyster Enjoy
  20. Hi Murillo, Where a outs I. Oozy are you ? Welcome to the forum which you will find very informative with lots of people with experience that have plenty to offer a budding pilot enthusiast. Cheers
  21. Business must be slow hey
  22. Well if there is 1 club I would like to join it is the survivors club after engine failure
  23. KP if you are going to make a statement at least have the pebbles to stand behind it. You partially back down then change your mind again in your last comment. It's ok to have an opinion but at least stand by it or correct yourself if you made an error. I also do not know any of the candidates however showing biase as to where a person resides is not the way to go in MY opinion.
  24. Let's just say that the plane is mostly in the hangar The weather is very unpredictable in the Kimberley at this time of the year. You can always go for short flights not venturing to far from home and be safe by watching the weather build up. Most times with a tempo of G45Kt it is not that smart to take any risks. I was taught by my instructor to respect the weather and the reports of weather at all times. Given that we have a tropical low developing off the west coast at the moment I think this weekend will also be one for cleaning the plane and spending some time in the hangar planning on the end of the wet season. Cheers
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