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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. Hi AVOCET I have seen a few times where people say that they drained their tanks then refuel (filling the tank) before flying then refilled ? Why not just fill the tank before flight then when you get back refill it would that not give the same result in terms of how much fuel was consumed during flight ? Just asking
  2. I agree however it would usually take more than 1 question to fail an exam? It may identify that there needs to be a little more work done before attempting the next sit and you should get feedback on the questions you got wrong so that should not happen again Cheers
  3. Why buy another ticket ? You just used up all of your luck by surviving the incident
  4. Question ....... What do we use to put the fire out ? If it is a dry powder extinguisher (red with a white band)you can kiss your vision goodbye if it is a BCF extinguisher (yellow) the fire will be extinguished rapidly in most cases but given that you are in an enclosed space you may have difficulty breathing. Who Carries a fire extinguisher with them on every flight ? Back to the original question I would want to get down as quick as possible so it would be close to VNE for me I see this as a good better best.
  5. Good work Robbo 4K spending is great for the economy Don't worry about missing the KFC it is the festive season we can all do with a short dose of reduce the belt size at this time of the year Safe flying 2016
  6. Hi everyone a little off topic but still relevant to IPad. Currently the weather cameras are offline with OzRunways and they are working on getting them up and running again ASAP. I spent ages looking at settings on my IPad and gave up, I then did what I should have done for any question and that is go to the source which was OzRunways direct and got a reply from Rowan who was most helpful. Hope this helps others. Cheers safe flying for 2016 to everyone
  7. I have Facebook & it does not play for me either
  8. I have had my iPad (standard)shut down a few times in the Kimberley due to temperature however it soon comes back to life by directing the air vent towards it to cool it down. I have left it on the seat while I refuelled and it has shut down and had to be cooled , so it does happen they are a great tool but don't be thinking it will not happen because it can and does obviously depending on where you are flying.
  9. Two Irish blokes are at the local pub and had a couple of beers Just as they walk outside of the pub a truck drives past with a full load of turf on it Paddy says to Mick "Dats what I am going to do if I win da lotto!" Micks says what? Buy a truck Paddy says no stupid send my lawn away to be cut
  10. Hi DGL what great trip and congratulations on your new purchase. From now on I guess more days will be required for any long distance trips. I guess it serves as a reminder to us all that we need to leave plenty of time to complete a trip so,we,don't focus on having to arrive in a set time. The weather is not always our friend. Enjoy your flying
  11. Spectacular scenery in the Kimberley
  12. Kununurra to bungles in 206 long ranger
  13. Kununurra to the bungles and return this was in a bell long ranger
  14. Hi peter2480 Is 2480 your post code? I guess it may be wise to start with time of year you plan to travel as it will have a direct impact on which way you go and also if it is an flying holiday/experience or a ferry trip? Good luck with the planning I am sure it will be a great flight Cheers
  15. Poteroo congratulations on a wonderful journey that is still alive and well.
  16. Where's the button to tick that says only as old as you feel ?
  17. Russ When you get a little more into your planning let me know and if I can help you with anything while you are in Kununurra I will. If you plan for after April or at least late April the weather should be more in your favour. Cheers
  18. Meekatharra on the way home
  19. Nothing like a bit of a tailwind to help you on your way
  20. Jandakot Northern apron Perth WA
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