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Everything posted by sportaviation

  1. Hi Greg , go to this site and search SABRE expand the photos to get the rego numbers http://www.recreationalpilots.com.au/gallery/details.php?image_id=1384&mode=search&sessionid=7ca75ac033ca2264266324a6c09da0f9 Regards ed
  2. Today I gave an inbound and downwind call on the local area frequently 118.6 at the unmarked strip Berrigan NSW and the Airservices controller informed me I was on area frequency, to which I replied that I was operating on on unmarked airstrip, I did not catch his reply fully but I understood he was not happy with the calls on area frequency. Berrigan is 13 Nm from Tocumwal CTAF airport and is used for Ag work and satellite opps unmarked on all Airservices maps
  3. Thanks for that link, it should sort out the problem for them
  4. Hi Eddie We do need some help. We have changed over to mogas with our two Pawnees in Räyskälä Finland last spring. Both are working fine at lover temperatures but the other had some hair raising events when the temperature got to 30C. It cuts the power totally at say 10-20m height when towing a heavy twoseater (eg Arcus) This happened mostly when the towplane had been waiting for the next tow with stopped propeller. The second Pawnee has not yet shown any tendency to this. We have been studying the differences but have not found anything. The only modification on both is the red insulation hose on the fuel line. We think that it has something to do with the higher vapour pressure of mogas (compared to Avgas) causing the easier boiling of the fuel in the carburettor, fuel line or fuel cock while waiting the next tow. Main heater could be the oil pan. I am contacting if you happen to know somebody who have worked with same kind of problems with Pawnee in Australia and perhaps could help us to find the right medicine for the next summer. We ourselves only can try to find the crucial difference between out two towplanes. with best regards Hannu
  5. Lot 24 have been sold today at TOCUMWAL AIRPARK https://www.facebook.com/309601965884153/photos/a.313277395516610.1073741829.309601965884153/339196646258018/?type=1%26theater
  6. The first hangar on stage 2 was erected today
  7. 3 blocks sold already at an absolute give away price. http://www.berriganshire.nsw.gov.au/Residents/Airfields.aspx
  8. Tocumwal on the Murray river has just opened a residential Airpark 2 KM east of town. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tocumwal-Airpark/309601965884153 The land is freehold on a great historical airport. The price is at a giveaway by the council to cover cost of development. Power, town water, town sewage, and extremely large blocks
  9. have a look at this report on the accident! http://flyingprofessors.net/what-happened-to-asiana-airlines-flight-214-2/
  10. It may by easy to do a simulated engine fail when you don't have a problem, but it is reasonably well documented that when it is for real there can be a delay of up to 8 seconds before a surprised pilot takes corrective action, which leads to a cascade of problems ie loss of airspeed before initiating a turn, It will feel like the aircraft is turning quickly but in actual fact the aircraft is spinning which again takes time to recognise and correct most lightly the ground and gravity will beat you. RIP
  11. The EuroFox has that name everywhere except in America , Where it is traded as Aerotrek! The only Agent in Australia is Tony Brand from Horsham Aviation, located at Horsham Airport YHSM http://www.horshamaviation.com.au/ I believe he has a new one and a traded in one for sale at the moment ready to go!
  12. Good News , We are all still here at Tocumwal:cheezy grin: Bill has slowed down a bit! Myself and Ingo are still very active in Gliding. Reinhold Manages an operation is in Germany I now run a RAA and GFA training centre and use the 2 EuroFox's a K2-Tow and K3-Tow as training aircraft and also importantly as a Glider Tug, tuging up to 750 Kg gliders all summer without much difficulty. They are extremely well finished from the factory and have absolutely the the best Aileron and Rudder Authority of all the RAA aircraft I have flown. This is most important when dealing with severe Summer thermal conditions we have here at Tocumwal. Regards Eddie Madden
  13. The thing to remember with the vernier throttle and the rotax Engine is that with 2 carby's there is a strong spring force wanting to make it slide quickley open if you press the button and the friction is not firmley on, it can result in an uncontrolled T/O at full power
  14. Yeh Good idea but I only got a card reader the other day from ALDI for $9 up untill then it was almost impossible to get a big card reader local Gooday Geoff, long time no hear or see Ed
  15. thanks Ian, I have rung Rebecca first with no joy, that's where the $380 solution came from! the problem happened first during the warranty period and an exchange card was sent free, it is now 3 years old
  16. My Avmap has stopped displaying town and roads but it still shows terrain, train stations and Aeronautical data, I suspect it a software fault as I have been through all the setups. Even a factory reset! Is there any way I can get and upload new map data without buying a new memory card at $380?
  17. The thing that still bothers me is how long will it take for a false positive result to be cleared up as many in aviation are depending on an income stream with narrow margins to make a living. On that most in aviation have too much tied up in capital, to venture near risk where legal and or illeagal drugs anr concerned !
  18. I have no problem with pilots ready for or doing duty being tested but when there is no sign that operations were not being or about to be conducted, and if failing the test you are precluded from your business untill a decision is made at a later stage with due process. Will this take one week or one month? The form said I would have to a Drug and Alcohol rehab course for being over .02, When Alcahol is a legal Rec Drug! I also Flew back for Sydney on a commercial flight on an almost empty Aircraft and we were served half a bottle of wine each. When I got off the plane at Albury airport I could have been tested as I walked back past all the hangars to my ride home. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
  19. I was tested last Friday night at 17:05m. I was phoned on my mobile to come back from a Cobram a town 20 Km away to my hangar which was locked with all my aircraft inside on private property that adjoins the airport! I passed the drug and alcohol test with a neg result, If I had had a beer at Cobram I would have been banned from running my business until some one from Canberra made a decision and God knows how long that would take! Something is very wrong with the notion that I was available to fly when I was not anywhere near an aircraft
  20. Hi Geoff, Eddie and Don down here with great contitions, See you soon
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