Hi Sr Pilot,
A bit belated but in response to your queries about the experience of others in Foxbat handling (you probably have more than I by now anyway !). There are some good "instructional" videos on handling on Peter Harlow's video channel (Peter Harlow). Re approach speeds etc I concur with OzBear. It's definitely better with no flap when windy/gusty: those full span flaperons work better as ailerons when not fully deployed as flaps. However, one must resist the temptation to carry too much speed on short final being aware of having no flaps out - otherwise one floats in the "ping pong ball in a swimming pool" mode far too long ! The most difficult landings (scary only in the sense of not wanting to bend my plane) have been into bitumen strips with swirl creating trees/topography nearby. If the speed is right you can fly right down into ground effect with a trickle of power, chop that off while hauling back and it goes on nicely. But...a little too much speed and here comes the big balloon. I do think there are days when it is better just not to fly the FB - because the worry about breaking something spoils the fun of flying.
I would definitely be interested in hearing about your "learnings" and those of others in Foxbat flying - always more to learn. I just did my tailwheel conversion in a Super Cub and thorougly enjoyed it. It is very different to flying the FB although the low/slow and some other aspects certainly prepare one for TW better than, say, a Cessna.