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Everything posted by Kenlsa

  1. Rastus, I like your shag pile interior trim! Ken
  2. Here is my new high tech panel for my Colt. This plane will primarily be used to ‘shoot down’ hot air balloons in the Barossa Valley and I am installing a skylight and Patrol door for photo shoots It was originally set up for night VFR so I decided to cull out everything I don’t need and move it all in front of me. Referred to CASA requirements and returned it to what it was certified with in the POH. Added a VSI and ball. The fuel gauges will be on the left side of the pax panel. This is no AWACS or Wedgetail so all I need is a Trigg (TSOd) round radio in the centre All simple….all good Ken
  3. Over the years we have had changes in EGT in our 5 Jabs in our club. Always turned out to be a sender problem, not anything else. Defected and panic stations for not much…. I wonder if we worry far too much about all these numbers. My Lycoming doesn’t have EGT or MAP…. errr or anything really …. I just rely on a pull thru before flight, seems to work for me. Ken
  4. I’ve just cut the new panel for the Colt, bugga. Looks like I will have to do it again. Ken
  5. Took a tour of ATC in Adelaide a few years ago and was told that any aircraft with a speed less than 50kts was not seen on the screen. Bruce, you will have to fly a microlight with a slow wing and you will avoid the rozzers. ken
  6. SK 15-20K good cheap aircraft that a lot of us learned in. SP 470 or 500 for 25-30k with plenty of hours left on the motor with a good useful load. 19/28 reg will be way cheaper than a 55/24 so look for those. Do not over commit or get seduced by sex appeal, horse power, high speed (the sales advertising is open to question) The above Jabs will do 95 to 100 kts with the old wooden 44 pitch prop at 11 to 12lt/hr of mogas and easy to work on. Ken
  7. According to channel 10 news the “police swooped on the pilot”. Don’t you love it? I wonder if they will work “Cessna” into it some how? Ken
  8. As I have eluded to in an earlier post, I am the long lost 4th brother of The Three Stooges. Reading the recent topics on methanol and outback survival, and the above weather conundrum, I have taken note about my lack of knowledge and personal attitude and offer the following as my self inflicted flagellation. 1. Carefully select the correct coloured Garbage Bag 2. Take Glen’s advice and don’t drink the methanol 3. Place bag over head and then inhale the methanol instead….the outback aviator’s version of “chroming “ 4. Once finished, come to the conclusion that I don’t travel far enough to leave one air mass to the next as I don’t fly RPT aircraft. 5. Get into the plane, point it at the next airfield, then land and have a coffee. 6. Repeat step 5 but in the opposite direction and return to the hangar. Steps 5 and 6 are to be repeated as often as possible so as to ensure stress free Recreational Aviation Ken
  9. Ian, go to a gliding club and get them to walk you thru the ins and outs of oxy. They know more than most. It’s not just a plug and play. Ken
  10. You have given me a headache Bruce! Ken
  11. The only thing I did with my sunnies was to ensure I had them made as bifocals (not multi focal) and the top cut in the lens for close vision, aligns with the top of the instrument panel so there is no confusion with focus. Ken
  12. My club is even cheaper. Instruction is free
  13. Rodgerc, I now have to go back to the design stage of my paint job for my Colt, as it is very close to yours! Just like the smaller graphics on my Jab. Bugga, Ken
  14. IFR (I follow roads) will negate the conundrum of what colour garbage bag to carry Ken
  15. My Lyc 235 @ 6.75 comp is ok to run mogas, 87 RON, with an STC that I have, so our 98 mogas is for me but I guess that anything that comes out of a bowser will work. Ken
  16. Found 3 in the last 2 years and I bought one. Decided on a recover and freshen the motor, so am part way thru that at this stage. Was a flyer with belly fabric repair needed but I am making it pretty as I have a Jab to fly anyway Ken
  17. Affordable flying? look for a Piper Colt, fit VGs for RAoz, or stay VH all for under$20k a few of us have done this Ken
  18. There was mention that existing VH reg a/c will/can carry over rego (I still hope so) with any going to the LSA list would have to have numbers allocated Ken
  19. With my Colt I just have to STC some VGs, $1k from Micro, to easily get under 45kts. This will also save me $18k for Oratex, light weight alternator, starter, battery etc with associated STC paperwork that I would have had to do if I went the LSA route. looks like I will be a happy camper. Ken
  20. Garfly’s doc, Page 4, second and third dot point. That’s how it reads to me. So the increased stall to be discussed 6/12 months hence Ken
  21. Looks like 760 but no increase in stall speed at this stage….if so I can live with that. Ken
  22. Webcast from RAAus 1900 eastern time Thursday 11th, should know more details then Ken
  23. Only 11 people on this site own a plane? I would have thought there would have been some more! ken
  24. Gawler, SA. No recreational landing fees. We do charge for commercial flights, $10 per engine from memory Ken
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