As I have eluded to in an earlier post, I am the long lost 4th brother of The Three Stooges.
Reading the recent topics on methanol and outback survival, and the above weather conundrum, I have taken note about my lack of knowledge and personal attitude and offer the following as my self inflicted flagellation.
1. Carefully select the correct coloured Garbage Bag
2. Take Glen’s advice and don’t drink the methanol
3. Place bag over head and then inhale the methanol instead….the outback aviator’s version of “chroming “
4. Once finished, come to the conclusion that I don’t travel far enough to leave one air mass to the next as I don’t fly RPT aircraft.
5. Get into the plane, point it at the next airfield, then land and have a coffee.
6. Repeat step 5 but in the opposite direction and return to the hangar.
Steps 5 and 6 are to be repeated as often as possible so as to ensure stress free Recreational Aviation