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Everything posted by silvercity

  1. Not sure if there is a better aviation read than "Fate Is The Hunter" by Ernest K. Gann. As one reviewer wrote: "I have read it three times and today I start the fourth. I guess this is enough review. If you are a pilot or feel something special for aviation there is no justification to skip it, you will never forget it."
  2. I did my PPL training back in the mid-60s and I must say Dafydd that in all the years since then, yesterday is the first time I have heard of "wind axes". We live and learn.
  3. Further to the aircraft axes discussion ... http://www.flightlab.net/Flightlab.net/Download_Course_Notes_files/1_%20AxesDerivatives.pdf
  4. Thanks Maj, will try that.
  5. Is there an Australian supplier of expandable rubber fuel caps similar to the US manufactured Snap-Tite product? I want to replace the old ones in a Rans S-12.
  6. I recently purchased a set of skins for a Rans S-12 from the US and had to pay GST plus Customs fee despite prostestations about them being aircraft parts.
  7. Thanks evryone, problem sorted.
  8. Thanks fellas but they are new skins and I would like it to remain the same colour using the supplied patch material so would need to glue it.
  9. What adhesive do I use to glue a patch over a small triangular tear on the rudder?
  10. Off topic Ron but what are your thoughts on the Super Diamond?
  11. Any news on this project? http://www.quicksilveraircraft.com.au/QUICKSILVER/AEROTWIN.html
  12. Thanks for the info ... I've spoken to Garry but it's good to hear the opinions of customers.
  13. Looking good Kevin ... how would you rate the degree of build difficulty and overall quality of the kit?
  14. If the aircraft is not trimmed correctly in the cruise for yaw, even with wings level you will drift off your heading, or need to fly wing low to maintain your heading. Can you please explain in more detail? ... I'm confused.
  15. Why a mandatory control replacement Ron?
  16. Yes, I'm sure there would be interest in an affordable, simple, plans-built 2 seater.
  17. Courtesy ABC Qld: A western Queensland mayor has paid tribute to a pilot who died in a mustering accident in the state's far south-west. Peter Whiteman, 57, from Mount Margaret Station near Eromanga, south-west of Longreach, died yesterday in an Adelaide hospital. He suffered serious injuries when a light plane he was flying crashed on Kihee Station on Tuesday. Quilpie Mayor Stuart McKenzie says Mr Whiteman was a well respected station manager and an experienced pilot.
  18. Seems like Aerospace 303 is the way to go. How much do you Drifter guys need to cover your top surfaces?
  19. I've been told clear urethane UV blocker increases the useful life of dacron skins ... what do you think, is this the norm and what products are recommended? I look forward to hearing from those with first hand experience.
  20. I agree ... this has been an interesting thread and it would be a shame to remove it from public access. You have my support HITC and I'm sure there are many like me who don't comment on public forums very much but would be disappointed if the rants of a few were to deprive us of following your project.
  21. There seems to be some confusion about this 5 hour requirement. Where can I find this in the regs? Thanks.
  22. Regardless of the reasons why, the video clearly shows an extra long take-off run. Then when he evenually becomes airborne the aircraft follows the curvature of the earth for a couple of miles showing no sign of wanting to climb. There was a lot of clear ground the pilot could have safely landed on prior to the woods. I think the question is 'why didn't he?'
  23. Thanks for the reply. I've spoken to them and they were very cooperative. I'm after first hand experience from owners/builders of the aircraft.
  24. Anyone have any experience with the Morgan Aeroworks aircraft? I'm thinking about building the Super Diamond Mk2. The specs and performance sheets are very impressive. Your thoughts?
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