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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. That's exactly what I intend to do once the fire restrictions come off
  2. Using a spray that is supposed to kill the seed mixed with roundup but I think I will have to did the plants out and burn them
  3. I think we are talking about the same weed, see barbs stuck in ag tyres all the time, got no hope of clearing it up , I reckon they could germinate on concrete. there is probably no way to stop the out of balance now that you have pointed out the speed differences , thinking back I thought we tried it in a savannah and it shook the shit out of the airframe and never really improved
  4. Think I might have to go with the slime , Slime it is then , looks like I'm stuck with them.
  5. 4.00 *4 8 ply not a lot of rubber where the tread is , they don't last very long and I land mostly on grass ( and bindies ) I think the trouble with the goo is you cant patch them which would be messy when away from home
  6. Does it send it out of balance
  7. The tyres on my plane are a weird size very small because of the retracts, has anyone had any success with the goo
  8. I have got all the spraying gear and have done that , we own a farm , only takes a rain and they reappear, up until a couple of years ago I had never come across them but one of my boys goes away ag contracting and I reckon he carted them back , small spiky burs that stick in rubber, yellow flowers , getting good at fixing flats ,after they have dried up the seed pods are still sharp
  9. Can't do , much prefer to share my disasters with anyone
  10. Airstrip has now got bindies on it , continue to spray but I reckon they will beat me can't quite get rid of them thought of torching the plants to maybe fry the seeds, now plagued with flats , has anyone had any success with the goo you can put in the tubes ,for some reason I have some doubts. Greg
  11. Does the solenoid enrichment valve only switch looking at throttle position or does it also check against air box pressure , moving the throttle past 108 doesn't open the valve , any ideas?
  12. Is it possible to set the float height using the Rotax gauge without taking the Carbys off
  13. Not many L2 around here pretty much on your own , have ordered those other gaskets , checked the floats ,filled up the float bowl an they both floated at the same level , the one that leaked was that on a 914 if it was leaking fuel did you have to adjust the float height
  14. The worry is some of it ending up in the bowl and blocking a jet Thanks Mike
  15. I didn't know about these ,so someone else has obviously had the same problem , thanks for the info rick , I will try and get some. Did you get yours from the states downunder how come you didn't use them.
  16. Wal did mention that I will have to get one I just dropped the level a small amount and it stopped leaking but now are still loosing pressure ,the gasket is made out of paper material and seems to be to hard to seal ,back in my motorcycle mechanic days I reckon they were made of neoprene can't understand why Bing don't do the same. The 912 engine don't pressurise the float bowls so it doesn't matter , starting to reach for some sort of sealer don't know what else to do.
  17. Fixed the leak ,didn't need much adjustment but after blowing down each breather the right one is loosing air past the gasket maybe the body is out of shape left one holds pressure
  18. Still leaked with new gasket talking to Wal he seems to think the float height may be to high as the fuel in the bowls which I didn't know ,is nearly at the top so it doesn't need to be out much to make it leak
  19. Floats are OK to check float height do you measure the gap between the tang and the carby body ,the needle and seat are sealing ok pump on and holding the tang up the fuel flow stops and I can hear it diverting back to the tank via the reg. Ordered the gaskets last night at 5.30 and they turned up this morning ,no complaints about the service as l live 2hours north of Melb. Apparently permatex make a sealer unaffected by fuel unsure whether I should try that as well. I will let you know how I got on ,fingers crossed , getting sick of taking the cowls on and off.
  20. Checked and no leaks , refitted the bowl without the gasket and everything dry, can't figure out why it weeps with the gasket in place maybe vapours wicking through
  21. Thanks , I will refit the carby and try the pump test have removed the old gasket which fell apart , reading on other forums it seems to be a common problem , if the bowls are leaking engine runs lean on those cylinders resulting in rough running , apparently if both are leaking engine runs smoother but lacks power , I will check the data , the map gauge stops at 40 , when it passes 37 it starts to die . If I leave the bowl off and hold the float leaver up then turn the pump on would that should show if the needle and seat is leaking.
  22. Thanks for your help and have done everything you suggest, floats are ok but maybe the seat is leaking
  23. Tried linishing bowls using wet and dry on a glass table , it was out a bit , bolted every thing back up but it still weeps when I turn on the pump , I didn't think the fuel level in the bowls would be near the top , anyway ordered new gaskets, hope it fixes it
  24. Tried everything but I think it may be the right carby bowl leaking noticed fuel wet on the outside so l guess on full boost it may be loosing some air pressure which I guess would throw the engine way out of balance as those cylinders would be lacking some fuel , previous owner has overtighned the bowl ,apparently a common problem, now I have to figure how to fix it, maybe some sealer any ideas?
  25. 914 falters and drops 500 revs over 37 on the map gauge ease the throttle back and runs ok drained and replaced fuel no difference but I think it is fuel related, runs bad at 40 which is full boost , any ideas?
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