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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. Thanks for that , is there a way to screw the filter on without spilling any oil, the machinery we operate all have vertical filters so not a problem
  2. Would there be any difference in using the starter rather than cranking by hand
  3. After changing filter and oil would it be prudent to crank the engine over on the starter , ignition off, till the oil pressure starts to come up , unsure whether this could do harm or be beneficial in not starving any components of oil on start up
  4. I haven't seen any others but I don't think there are many 914' s out in there, looks like it was made to suit this aircraft. I fitted a temp probe in the air box and they rarely get above 40c . I bought the plane off the bloke who was building the Spitfires in Queensland so I guess the intercooler was made locally , it is a tight fit inside the cowl.
  5. Engine temps would have been low as it wasn't long after warm up , unsure about EGTs , the engine is fitted with a intercooler thanks to the previous owner so the air box temps are always low . I realize it was poor fuel but wondered what was happening internally ,once I eased the throttle back it ran OK ,only seemed to falter in the boost range. Thanks for the input.
  6. So do you think it could be detonation that is causing the engine to falter
  7. My engine does not like to run in the boost range if the fuel has gone a bit on the stale side which doesn't take long , unsure what is happening inside the combustion chamber to make it run rough , below 30 on the map gauge its fine , would the higher compression cause it to detonate , air box temps are cool so I guess internal temps would not be the cause. It took a while to figure out what was going on. as soon as I swapped the fuel over for fresh it came good , tipped the old fuel in the bike.
  8. We fitted bypass thermostats to the intake side of the radiator , the bypass line is connected back into the same hose, easy to do, done over 600 hrs on my 914 , no more bits of cardboard on the radiator. doesn't warm the engine up much quicker but holds temps on long descents a lot better . We bought them through JG worth a try only down side is more hose clamps. Again sorry for the bad grammar , takes me back to high school when me and storchy sat for our English exams or should that be storchy and I
  9. Remember folks, sorry my mistake
  10. Can sometimes be caused by oil flow leakage past the relief valve or maybe weak spring my engine looses a bit of pressure when it outside temps are high.
  11. would this problem effect 912 bores
  12. Would it help if you mixed a small amount of mineral two stroke oil in with the fuel
  13. Another handy use for aero start is to spray a small amount around carbys after reassemble as engine idles to check for air leaks, the revs will climb.
  14. Does anyone know of any wrecked 912 engines I just need the inlet manifolds off one
  15. Same weight as a 914 but with 180 HP , sound too good to be true.
  16. Thanks for all the replies and I sort as figured as much , never intended to do anything illegal, and I fully understand the ramifications thought I would just ask the question , still unsure how the trikes , paragliders and hanggliders at Porepunkah manage it, surely they aren't flying pas as TIFs , I know someone who took a flight in a paraglider recently and paid to do it.
  17. I understand the need for a COMMERCIAL licence, the plane would be 24 reg and looked after by a LAME and the pilot would have a instructor rating. How do paragliders and hanggliders manage it or do they follow different rules
  18. Seen it done at Mt Beauty with trikes and tourists lining up to have a go , so would they were being done under the banner of TIFs. Got a son keen to follow his training through and thought it may be a way to help with cash flow. Lots of tourists in our area.
  19. Just wondering if there is a legal way to perform paying joy flights in a 24 reg ul
  20. Thanks for the help , battery spins the engine over OK so I guess it may be loose wires, the engine has nearly 1300 hrs up , how much life can you get out of the reg/rec
  21. I think it has Ducati electrics , regulator rectifier gets its power from fixed coils on rear of engine separate from ignition coils when running the voltage meter reads about 14 volts but drops back to 12 after shut down.
  22. Having trouble with my 914 , the master light has started to come on in flight and then fade off could it be the rectifier or crook battery, worse when revs are low Greg
  23. thanks ed ,three photos ,the blue one crashed when they were trying a bolly adjustable prop and a blade parted from the hub, one of the others is mine and I will try and track down the other Greg
  24. Could you get them to give me a ring on 0428585573 Thanks
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