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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. Sorry should have said it’s on the elevator, I’ve got manual flaps
  2. Trouble is the thing only stops working in the air, would be better if it didn’t work at all, it has 5 wires, I think 3 are for the indicator
  3. Having intermittent problem with my up trim , down works always but up stops now and then, don’t think it’s in the switch, pulled apart and looks ok, can sometimes get it to work if I touch the down trim , not sure how to the thing is wired, looked up a wiring diagram and looks like it earths out back at the switch but I can’t figure out how it reverses the polarity , would there be another relay or controller to do that, there is a birds nest of wiring behind the panel so not easy to trace
  4. Okay, you’ve talked me out of it, thanks
  5. It took a few rinses to get rid of the frothy water, the plastic looks as solid as my other petrol containers
  6. Okay, they had roundup or glyphosate in them , probably just as corrosive as petrol maybe
  7. Can anyone see a problem using plastic 20 lt ag chemical containers to store petrol in , have got plenty to choose from
  8. Have replaced the throttle cables with good quality ones, smooth operation, carby balance looks good, at 5000 revs the butterflies would be nearly fully open , engine revs to redline on takeoff, has a inflight adjustable, if I run it at 5300 it’s good but when I pull it back to 5000 it’s very noticeable , I thought if the prop was out it would vibrate through the whole range, I’ll get it checked anyway
  9. Noticed Engine vibes between 4500 and 5000 , above and below, all good, Carbys just done , gearbox recently done, could it be prop balance
  10. If you let your RAA membership lapse for a number of years do you have to go through all the training to be able to start flying again , son has lost interest but hopefully take it up again some time in the future
  11. I ended up welding the plug at the start of the tail pipe where it leaves the muffler , leaves about 300mm to the end hopefully will get a good enough reading,
  12. Money is a bit of an object more so when I got charged $400 for the floats
  13. Understand, but I have a 914 , that’s not about to change, I do like to fly it and have the engine run sweet if that means doing a bit of tinkering I’m more than happy to do that, not sure why all the capitals
  14. Did know that, apparently big difference between wide and narrow band , I’m a farmer so I’m used to throwing money away,
  15. I’m restricted on where I can fit the sensor, do you think it would get a good enough reading in the end of the muffler, the tail pipe is to small in diameter I reckon, the other end is taken up by the turbo body
  16. Hope so, just paid for it, I’ll keep you posted, I’ve ordered a bung as well so I can plug it off, was told they don’t like lead, mostly run 98
  17. Yep, I do understand how that all works, had trouble once before with Leakey bowls , engine hesitation in the boost range, the enricher valve opens at full throttle to direct higher pressure into the bowls, tapped into a port closer to the turbo, fuel pressure is kept just above air box by the regulator, I have the understanding the 914 saved , spell’s it out pretty good
  18. Yep, prop fine, 4800 rpm, map 28, haven’t got fuel flow , air speed around 90 that’s where it runs rough which I now check every time I take it up , cruise is 5400 , map 35 gives close to 120kn, runs okay, just thought a O2 sensor might show exactly what’s going on , cost $400, haven’t ordered it yet, , the YouTube video looked impressive, showed where the engine was lacking , maybe I’ll just put up with it,
  19. Carbys just repaired by wal , floods, everything replaced, not sure how accurate the egts are don’t have carby heat, I guess because of the turbo although it has a intercooler fitted, previous owner, feels like it’s rich around those revs , winding some pitch on the prop makes it run a bit better
  20. Going to have a go at installing a O2 sensor, seen it done on a 912 , YouTube, still not running like it should , good idea or not ?
  21. Is there a way to recalibrate the the lights on the display for the elevator trim it bottoms out with 3 bars left blank and overruns ot the top of the gauge, hope this makes sense
  22. All that and no difference, did notice at 5000 revs when I done a mag check the engine didn’t like it , both the same , pulled the plugs and were all very black , swapped them with new ones about to try again and thought maybe check the air filter which is mounted in the bottom cowl , easy to overlook, caked solid and beyond cleaning as it would fall to bits, after much driving found found a good enough replacement at the fendt dealer , fingers crossed will fly again tonight, looks like I may overthought the problem again.
  23. Found the needle clip out on one carby, right hand carby should run one notch lower to make it a bit richer something to do with the boost favoring the side, they were both the same, but noticed when I advance the throttle one side gets ahead of the other , they both finish against the stops , not sure what’s going on , have set them up with a carb mate not easy with the spinning prop , bit hot and windy to test maybe later
  24. Okay, I’ll have to pick up my act, rather than write a novel I thought I would keep it to the point
  25. Rough running engine between 4800/5200 , new throttle cables , Carbys done, balance good , runs fine either side of those revs,
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