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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. I’m starting to wish I hadn’t asked the question
  2. I just took it off , looks like it wasn’t worth the trouble, thanks for all the input
  3. Agreed, but I noticed when waiting to enter the active runway and checking for incoming aircraft the ones with their landing lights on seem to stand out more
  4. Ok thanks I’ll get onto it
  5. Just fitted a led to my landing leg, super bright, been a couple of midair’s so I figured it might help on final, trouble is it drowns out the radio , any way I can make it work, wired it to the nav lights
  6. Trying to figure out what the idle gear on the starter shaft drives in a 912 , I think I understand how the sprag clutch works
  7. Wondering where I stand legally
  8. Wondering what’s involved in flying with a engine that has passed TBO, 914 engine in my plane has got 200 hours left , compression hasn’t changed , no more oil consumption, have flown it from 400 hrs to nearly 1800 , $45000.00 to replace it
  9. Maybe just leave the hinge exposed
  10. Thinking of taping up the gaps in front of the ailerons, is it worth doing and what tape would be best, I thought it might kill a bit of drag which I read somewhere
  11. Having trouble getting plug caps for 912, apparently ngk aren’t supplying, any ideas.
  12. Anyone with info on blue water park strip north west of Townsville, I heard the operator could be hard to get on with , planning on a trip to Townsville looks like a handy strip to where I was going to stay
  13. Insurance went from $2500. To $3700. After a claim for $8000 For my Sabre valued at $60,000 QBE , is it possible to do any better, considering dropping it
  14. Just noticed on a post on Facebook about a 24 rego Tecnam landing at Gold Coast, I asked the question and was told they had a transponder and submitted a flight plan and unless you have CTA experience it should not be done , is this legal , Greg
  15. Have you ever been asked to produce an asic at any airport,
  16. I guess leave it turned off, seems like another waste of money, bit like asic
  17. Any truth in the rumour that we have to fit transponders in our raa aircraft in the near future
  18. Without the indicator I haven’t got a clue where it’s set until I leave the ground
  19. Got the rubber wheel, clogged up pretty quick, because it’s under the wing makes it hard to soak it ,so far metho soaked rag and fingernails , been at it off and on for hours , about half way there, thanks everyone for the advice
  20. Where can I get a rubber stick
  21. Tried citrus also carby and brake cleaner , surely there’s something that would dissolve the glue but not the paint
  22. WD40 is about the only thing I haven’t tried, what is isopropanol, tried all the paint thinners , metho, turps, acetone ,tried RP7 is that the same as WD 40, my hand still sticks to it , driving me nuts
  23. Got the rego numbers, with a heat gun, removed from under the wing, now I’m stuck with the sticky glue residue left behind , tried everything to dissolve it , any ideas?
  24. My trim indicator , series of leds , is showing out of range , gaps at the bottom , over full at the top, unsure how to adjust, something to do with the trim motor in the elevator I’m thinking , any ideas, thanks , Greg
  25. Mate just bought a jab with a microair radio, for some reason the display lights up when the avionics is switched on but no frequencies show up also when he turns off the knob on the set the display stays on ,the aircraft is new , any ideas
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