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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. Thought maybe be able to pressure the system through the barb under the cap , it should pass through the valve in the cap and then hold pressure , does this make sense
  2. I believe the heads are sealed and can’t leak and there are no head gaskets , but l will look into it,
  3. Having dramas with disappearing coolant from my 914 , changed every hose replaced the clamps with the spring type , then don a 14 hr trip , all good , flew up to tilpa from echuca, about 2.5 hrs , bottle empty, filled it up , came home this morning, 3.5 hrs , headwinds, bottle empty, driving me nuts, is there a chance it’s leaking past the water pump seal, not a easy fix, read somewhere it can leak in the cold weather, can’t see any visible signs, anyone come across this?
  4. Thanks for your replies, that was the one , I thought it was a good idea to, take all the weight off the controls
  5. Came across a ap a while ago that used a small servo that controlled a trim tab mounted in the aileron , anyone know who made them
  6. rhtrudder

    Rotax 912

    How much does a fuel injected 914 cost?
  7. Where does this leave farmers mustering cattle on their own farm using raa certificate and rego aircraft, I know of a lot that do just that, also claiming some tax benefits on running costs and depreciation, sounds like it maybe all illegal
  8. rhtrudder

    Rotax 912

    Talking to a bloke at echuca fly in for roast day last month , he built a really great sling 4 seater powered by a 914 but at 110 cruise it burnt 28 litres two up, I know it is a lot more plane than my Sabre which uses about 18 at around 120, I reckon it was maybe underpowered.
  9. Everybody knows Cliff, the PM has me confused as well but I will keep trying
  10. Fly off our farm strip , near echuca, have flown to flinders and Devonport via king island, lot of desolate country once you head north west , flinders rangers onto Birdsville back home via white cliffs,if you get over this way let me know and I will guide you in
  11. Never got off the ground , all the starters piked one by one , really need some escorts on these sort of trips just to keep a look out for each other, I’m always keen to fly anywhere so let me know if your happy to have another flyer to be apart of the sortie
  12. Thanks Alf , I’ll pass it on .
  13. Unsure , but I will find out , plane is a Europa, the one with the mono wheel and two wing stalks, gets along pretty good , thought the problem might have been a throttle cable hanging up but thinking about it the cables are pulling the butterflies closed when throttling back
  14. You might be on to something, sort of sounds like fuel, thanks
  15. have a mate with a 80 Rotax , at cruise , 5200, when he backs off the throttle a couple of hundred revs there is a slight miss but then settles down , does every time , l thought it was to high in the rev range to be carby balance, any ideas,
  16. Thanks for that
  17. It does have a cap fitted and I did wonder if it was the culprit, doesn’t seemed to have lost any voltage after two days so maybe okay
  18. Have multimeter, rough idea how to drive it , thanks for the reply
  19. just fitted a new battery in my plane , 914, and noticed after fitting the positive that when I touched the negative it produced a small spark , everything turned off, where would I be loosing current.
  20. Bought one from a bloke a couple of months ago , fitted straight on my 914 running a Kašpar prop, definitely notice the difference, ring bob on 0429 639770, very helpfull
  21. Thinking of heading north for a few days in June , best flying weather , leaving northern vic ending up at Birdsville and back home via lake eyre and anywhere in between, if interested let me know .
  22. I know of a real good savannah for sale , definitely worth a look
  23. My Sabre has just clocked over 1500 hrs , can’t fault it, MTOW is now 544,
  24. Might have helped a bit if he had the gear up
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