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Everything posted by rhtrudder

  1. Many thanks for your reply, I will pass on your contact no to my mate ,
  2. Picked up in SA , unsure of the previous owner, long story how it happened mostly bad luck.
  3. Mate just bought a genesis and had a tree branch put a six inch hole in the top of the wing , can we patch it with similar covering what sort of glue could be used.
  4. Sorry, bit hard to fly them to the states.
  5. If interested I know of 2 for sale ,low hours ,good build.
  6. Looks like casa has Pauline’s pilot, Ashby, in their sights for flying their j230 around Queensland trying to drum up votes, wondering how this will end up.
  7. What’s a alternator, so I’d say never!
  8. Turned out to be brushes
  9. mate just rang me about his starter failing , solenoid pulls in , good battery, but only small movements of the prop then nothing , any ideas ?
  10. Hi , am keen on finding out about the lightning, could you ring me on 042885573 , thanks
  11. Those stats don’t seem that bad , 180kns vne, tested to 9 g, the airframe seems solid.
  12. Will do
  13. Where
  14. So what didn’t you like about them
  15. Dreaming about buying a lighting, all the numbers look impressive, 150kn cruise on a jabi 6 , anyone with any experience can tell me if these figures are true
  16. Thanks for all your advice, I borrowed a radiator pressure testing outfit from a mate but none of the caps were small enough to fit the Rotax header tank so I figured I could pump some pressure back down the bleed off hose which should open the non return valve in the cap and end up in the system which hopefully might show up any leaks unsure whether this is the right way to go about it
  17. I reckon I am loosing a small amount of coolant out of the expansion bottle , searched ever where but it doesn't show up , is it possible to hand pump some pressure in through the hose that feeds the bottle to check if that shows up anything .
  18. Not worth the trouble, so I think we will give it a miss
  19. I thought you would loose a few with the mickey reference. Lucky some of those redneck pilots from the Birdsville races didn't have a go at riding one
  20. I reckon the hundreds of 4 wheel drive ferals would wreak more damage than a hand full of flying idiots,
  21. I think we are talking about different stories
  22. At least they didn't shoot holes in the tank
  23. I don't think you can compare a few idiots in four wheel drives to most of the decent people that fly, it's a pity we can't land there because it's a great spot, in the middle of no where
  24. I reckon that's still her, I thought she had maybe moved on, you would think when the Birdsville track gets closed because of the wet weather the pub would benefit from incoming air traffic
  25. Even though I believe the strips are maintained by the road authorities she still won't let anyone use it them, have landed on the access track to the pub but Phil reckons the brush along the edges might not allow us through, may not be worth the risk as would need fuel to continue on.
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