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Everything posted by bruce01

  1. Hi Pete, I still have the suit. Give me a call tomorrow on 0419 093 017 Cheers, Bruce.
  2. Garmin GPS Map96- As new condition - $400.00 - SOLD O-Zee Millennium Thermal Flying Suit Size M - $250.00 - SOLD 2x Icaro helmets, comms & Icom-A22e - $1200.00 - SOLD PH 0419 093 017 Cheers, Bruce.
  3. There is a wealth of information here. www.asra.org.au Bruce.
  4. Aircraft is sold
  5. Aircraft is sold.
  6. 2000 classic 582 blue head motor with new Streak 2B wing Wing - TT 10 Hrs Base and motor - TT 632 Hrs Motor had bottom end rebuild at 470 Hrs and has just had new rings and top end gaskets at 630 Hrs. There is however a coolant overheating problem which I can't find so the motor will need to be looked at or replaced. $10,000.00 ono Would consider selling the wing seperately for the right price. Located in WA. 0419 093 017 Bruce.
  7. Reduced to $15,000.00 Bruce.
  8. Trike still for sale. If you are interested and location is the problem I can organise photos and video. I will possibly be travelling to SA early to mid next year so partial or full delivery can also be negotiated. Cheers, Bruce.
  9. Scott, Not sure how to add pics. Give me your email address and I'll send you some full size pics, that way you will be able to see more details too. Cheers, Bruce.
  10. 2000 Airborne Edge X Classic. Blue head 582, 168 hrs since rebuild. New Streak 2B wing TT 10 hrs. Tundra wheels on rear.Comes with comms, covers and trailer with wing rack. Trike located in WA. $18,000.00 Pics available on request via email. Ph: 0419 093 017 [email protected] Cheers, Bruce.
  11. Have tried both antenna on the gps, makes no difference. Bruce.
  12. Thanks for the imput guys. This is what I have found so far. I have also run the gps on batteries as well as hard wired to the trike to eliminate it being a power source problem. With a dipole mounted and insulated on the kingpost instead of the hand held ariel mounted underneath the trike improved the situation somewhat and required less squelch but the static was still there. With the the dipole completely earthed to the trike, static gone. With the trike in the hangar and the wing down I can receive the weather station from the airport 5 kms away. Cheers, Bruce.
  13. Hi Guys, Wondering if anyone else has had this problem? My Garmin 196 is causing interference with my radio. When my gps is on I get a constant 1 second static pulse ( best way I can describe it ) about a second apart. Turn the gps off, radio is clear. I am running an icom handheld on a trike. Have tried a dipole on the king post and a rubber hand held ariel mounted under the trike. With the dipole it isn't as bad but is still there. Takes nearly full squelch to remove it. Any help would be greatley appreciated. Bruce.
  14. Thanks for that Bruce.
  15. Hihosland, I am in the market for a windsock myself, what website is that info from? Cheers, Bruce
  16. Don't know what type of aircraft they were but they were single engine props, flying side by side and no more than about 200 agl. They were about 2 nautical miles from the Newman airport. Bruce.
  17. Hi Guys, Was on the ground the other day when 2 airforce trainers went past very low and fast. As I operate out of a CTAF-R , I was wondering, should their activity be listed in the current Notams for the area. Went home and checked on the pilot briefing service but could not find anything listed in the notam section. Just a bit concerned as I fly a microlight with a slow wing that if I wasn't aware of their presence, even with radio contact, they could be apon me before I could reply to their transmission. Cheers, Bruce.
  18. Hi Arnaud, Can you give me some more info on Win insurance? Do you have a contact number? Thanks, Bruce.
  19. Thanks Guys, I have just sourced some in WA. For anyone interested, Doyle Fraser Sails (W.A.) 82 Stirling Hwy North Fremantle WA 6159 ph: (08) 9430 5366 They will supply for less than $10.00 per number. Bruce.
  20. Hi Guys, I'm having trouble with the temp guage on 582 on my trike. All's well at warm up and taxi. Soon after I'm airborne it goes dead. Land, kill engine, ignition off, temp guage works. Restart engine, temp not working. Went home and looked at wiring diagram. Next day after touching nothing, same thing. All other guages are fine. Any Ideas? A mechanical friend suggested fitting a capillary guage instead. Any thoughts, ideas would be appreciated. Bruce:)
  21. Try Again. Thanks Chris, Was hoping someone could tell me of a specific place as I live in the northwest and will have to order over the phone. Just trying to save myself a lot of searching and phoning. Bruce.
  22. Hi Chris,
  23. Hi everyone, Trying to find a company in Perth that makes Rego number stickers. Thanks, Bruce.
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