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Everything posted by Galpin

  1. I am ashamed at what has been written here by fellow aviators. The language, diatribe and bile that has issued forth is an absolute disgrace. What sought of people are you? What are your standards? Please, take a long hard look at yourselves. You may point the finger abusively at someone, but at the same time you are pointing-out your standards with three fingers pointing back at you. Goodbye.
  2. Try this site: http://www.driwash.com.au/website/Company/product_waterless_carwash.php I have not ordered for a few years (shows how long mine has lasted) , so the company may have changed. Give it a go. I would caution about listening to any sales pitch about selling the product. DriWash is very good, but it is not cheap.
  3. I use DriWash, a waterless solution which is sprayed on and buffs off. It can be used on aircraft. Just Google DriWash. I have no monetary interest in DriWash, it's what I have used for many years.
  4. Some may think that funny. A reminder for you, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' " Reference is in Psalm 14:1.
  5. Send the rain to us. West of Hamilton, Vic. we have had just 12mls in the last two months. We could do with a big drink.
  6. Not me. We left NZ as a family in Jan. 1965 for Australia. Dad said he would teach me to fly. Unfortunately he didn't get around to it, as he died as a quite a young man. I nearly went the same way at 47, when I had a heart-attack. I learned to fly about 6 years ago. By the way my Lightning is still for sale. See the RA-Aus plane adverts.
  7. In 1964 I had the privilege of flying a DC3 for 10 minutes. The flight was out of Ohakea. This privilege was afforded to NZ flying cadets. It also helped having a father who served in WWII, who "loved" the DC3 (he returned from the war, flying a DC3) and had a bit of pull in certain quarters.
  8. Our minister for Transportation has payed a visit to the Blackshape factory and made a number of comments. I wonder what's "blowin" in the wind?
  9. If you go to the site below (bydanjohnson.com) you will see a two seat Vampire. Unfortunately, the company only got so far and is now looking for a new owner. http://www.bydanjohnson.com/index.cfm?b=6&m=5&id=22
  10. Most enjoyable, the flying and the music. We must fly sometime. Bill
  11. Peter, I am confused. What is going on in RAA, in Canberra? Can you elaborate at all?
  12. Puk, are you coming back east? I haven't heard or read anything. Bill
    1. Friarpuk


      No worries Bill. Good to catch up and discuss the pros of Rotax over Jabiru ;-)
  13. Peter, a development with the Lightning. It is now for sale for $70,000.00. Any interest?
  14. You should come and fly my Lightning. There's an invitation for you. When you come, bring your Top Gun music with you!
  15. I did most of my training in the LSA 55. While it was a hand full, initially, I soon learned to appreciate the aircraft. Thankfully I never bent it or ran into any objects on the ground. Since training days, I have flown a few different Jabiru's and a Lightning. The LSA 55 certainly helped me in my flying of these other aircraft.
  16. Check out Lightning 7149, it is there.
  17. While you are thinking Deskpilot, have a look at the site my avatar comes form http://flightsciences.net/ If this aircraft really gets up and reaches its potential, then I'm assuming it will be a very good addition to recreational aviation.
  18. Very nice. Will be interesting to see the final result. Eastmeg2 could you keep us up-to-speed on this aircraft's continued development and eventual flight and maybe some information for potential buyers?
  19. I would really like to be there, like last year, but commitments preclude that eventuality. However my Lightning 7149 (still for sale and under 100k) will be there. Remember this advert from some time ago?
  20. Don't forget the Lightning. It will cruise conservatively at 135 knots, at least mine does and it is still for sale at very competitive price.
  21. I too do the same as you Pud.
  22. This is truly amazing. Congratulations on your tenacity and ability to undertake such a project as this. I will be watching for updates and hoping to learn much from you,
  23. Not so sure about the last sentence. Many have built Jabirus, I have a Lightning and they are all fibreglass. I am sure that those who choose to build either with metal or fibreglass can get copious help and support from like minded builders.
  24. My congratulations as well, Don. Now you need a fast "Chariot" to carry you further and further afield. And return, I hope.
  25. On the 2nd day of the month (August) the magazine arrived in my country mailbox at 6.45am. Amazing! The content was very good.
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