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Everything posted by Galpin

  1. I received a brief information package + photo of the TruTrak system last week. This came from Flymore P/L of Goolwa, SA. If the person behind this enterprise is on the forum, then greater information can be forwarded to us or Pelorus32. If not on the forum, does anybody know who this is? Tony Brand at Horsham handles the Dynon systems. With the Australian dollar where it is in relation to the the US dollar, any glass cockpit will now cost considerably more. For that matter so will a GPS and radios.
  2. I am wondering, realistically, how many of us can comment on the 760kg proposal. My understanding is very, very limited in these matters. I do not have my license yet and have difficulty understanding many of the rules and regulations. So, what comment(s) should I submit that would make a modicum of sense?
  3. Selwyn, I am enjoying your Blog. Can't wait to see your finished aircraft, then you can help me with mine! My progress, or rather lack of progress, is very telling. Only one thing done in the last month and that is cut and bend the metal instrument panel plate. Oh to be retired and then I might get 2 things done in a month. Happy building, Bill
  4. Galpin

    Insurance for Tecnam

    I have made enquiries to four insurance companies with regard to the Lightning. Keep in mind that my aircraft is in the process of being built and will be in that process for a long time. The most expensive quote came from Vero, the cheapest from Norcrest. Depending on what you want to include (or exclude) in your insurance cover, will determine the price you pay. I have found that if you are prepared to "bargain hard" you will get a good deal. My wife and I have just done that with house and car insurance. We are with different insurance companies for the house and car. We have learned through experience that insurance companies don't do you any favours, so we pushed hard. Economically some companies are beginning to feel "the pinch." It's amazing what you can finally get. FWIW.
  5. What about the Arion Lightning. There are at least 17 in Australia to date. Two (maybe 3) are flying.
  6. Good for you ultralights. The so-called global warming, climate change debate, if you can call it that, is a swindle. Take a look at: https://www.predictweather.co.nz/#/home/ The fellow behind this is very politically incorrect when it comes to climate change. It is well worth a read.
  7. My copy came today. End of the second week instead of the beginning of the third week. :big_grin:
  8. WOW thanks J430. You have given an excellent response in answer to my questions. I am very grateful. What a magnificent site we have, with many knowledgeable members sharing their experience and expertise. This is beneficial for all and may preclude some of us making costly errors.
  9. Since late last year, my copy has been coming through in the third week of each month. Twelve months ago it was coming through in the first week. Something has changed in the distribution method since that time. Still, I enjoy reading it when it comes.
  10. From the photo above, with the computer, would someone please tell me more about this computer, the way it is being used and the setup for use in an aircraft. I find the above intriguing. Thanks in advance.
  11. Selwyn, I wonder how familiar you are with building an aircraft? I ask this because I have just shot-off an email to Dennis outlining difficulties and discrepancies between the Lightning manual and the photos. Well they are discrepancies to me and to my son (a builder) and son-in-law (an engineer). We have come to a halt and don't know where to go from here. Have you studied carefully, the manual? I read it twice, but when it came to actually building something (and being a novice builder) I couldn't proceed. Anyway, just thought I would stop by and mention the above. I hope to be at the meeting on Saturday. Regards Bill Fry
  12. I happen to agree with the comments made by Bob. The whole training regime, in my opinion, needs more than an overhaul. It needs a complete restructure.
  13. The Lightning likewise has an unmoveable seat. It has pedals that can be moved a great distance. It has toe brakes that also move a great distance. It can certainly be done simply.
  14. Ian, in my opinion I would encourage you go to Italy and build your own. You would not only familiarize yourself with the aircraft further, but also build a wealth of knowledge which could be utilized by others contemplating their options about purchasing and building their own Master. If I wasn't building a Lightning (slowly) and had the extra resources, I would be giving serious consideration to a Master.
  15. Living within your means!
  16. Helmut, would you be willing to share what setup you and your friend have on your EFI 6cyl Jabiru engines. I have a 6cyl waiting to be placed into my Lightning and am interested to know what you have done.
  17. For those of you who get the Kitplanes magazine, I would refer you to the September 2006 edition. On page 47 an article starts called "Budget Injection." It is an article about mechanical fuel injection and personally I found it informative. I hope this can add to our knowledge base and understanding.
  18. 50 copies of a basic guide to epoxy systems Put me down for one as well, Ian. Thanks (Looking "forward" to the surprise)
  19. I have followed the development of the B2 engine for some time. It is based on the Suzuki 1.3litre engine. Information can be found at http://www.b2engines.com/
  20. Galpin

    Savannah owners

    The Eurofox has folding wings and there is a dealer in Horsham, Tony Brand. But for now check the web site below. Hope this is of some little help. http://www.eurofox-usa.com/
  21. ROM can answer your questions and more, as he has been a tug operator for many years. If he has his "ears" on I'm sure he will answer. If he doesn't he'll be too busy with preparations for Horsham glider week which is nearly upon us.
  22. I recall reading about a product called "Explosafe" (spelling?) some years ago in the Kitplanes magazine. Whether this is still on the market I, as of yet, have not checked. Having a material like this would be good, especially in aircraft which have fuel in the fuselage, ala Jabiru LSA 55.
  23. I'm surprised you have time for another forum!! Don't worry forum members, apparently I'm the "old man" he is referring to.
  24. Ian you mention the 912 engine. That seems to be the engine of choice in Europe and other places as well. However, will a Jabiru 3300 be a possible engine candidate too? I ask this, not to get a faster aircraft, but thinking of our local Australian engine, it's ready availability, reliability (usually) and smaller cost of purchase and maintenance.
  25. I'm with Ozzie on this one. I say that because in my limited flying experience (Jabiru LSA), the stick is in the right hand and throttle in the left. Of course the throttle for me is below the seat. FWIW.
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