Redair, Facthunter makes a valid point, namely, do a lot of homework. In recent days I have taken the plunge and placed an order for the Arion Lightning. It has taken me over 12 months to arrive at this point. I considered and researched more than 12 different aircraft, among which were 2 stol aircraft, the Savanagh and the Zenith 701.
I looked at Australian, European and American aircraft. In the end it was the Arion Lightning that measured up to the criteria that I set for myself.
The criteria I set was built-up over time from discussing issues with our club members, people in the industry and GA pilots with RAA endorsements. Where possible, I flew the aircraft that were of interest. I might add I have not flown an Arion Lightning as there are none in Australia just yet. They do, however, have some similarities to the Esqual.
More could be said, but I think you get the picture. DON'T RUSH!!! Do your home work and keep asking questions. Talk also to people who are currently building their aircraft, whether they be from plans or kits. Please take this for what its worth.