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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. mike I cant make any holes in that story yet I thank you wonder how many off the I just want to fly bugger the politics of their organization really care where they are headed neil
  2. yep thruster88 you are spot on but don't ask why it was not same as the that hidden message about parking in the fine print neil
  3. martyG what aircraft is that neil
  4. is that on top off admission fee must have been in the fine print neil
  5. yep doing a 6 hr drive to get there neil
  6. well buggar me so you don't get tired driving at high speed in a truck what brand were you on neil
  7. mike why and how did CASA do a hostile take over off RAA I would be very interested in your explanation of said incident neil
  8. yes what did that online course do when you could have all the book answers beside you I got 85 % no books just done it to see how I would go just clicked on it did it cold turkey and I got a tick off approval it was a bloody disaster now I do have HARD copies of all the books that were needed had I taken my time to look up what the question want to know would have got 100% now that would be lying to my self and others as I am not that smart with a 100% when as keith and frank pointed out hands on and being shown is a mutch safer way for raa not to recommend this or recognize this is shows you that they are off smoking dope with elon musk neil
  9. frank keith I will bet it was at your own expense that bloody l1 course on a computer and casa said that was ok what a bloody disaster that was hope that anyone that works on there own plane DOES NOT HAVE 20million insurance cover cause if something hits the fan gues what neil
  10. I was learning at penfeild feb feb 05 had the pleasure of meeting the previous owner mr penny what a interesting man he was terry Otway was my instructor rip young fella neil
  11. what size neil
  12. that will go over some heads notso neil
  13. now tiresome I may be if you cant learn by mistakes that are passed over as if it did not happen this crap was supposed to end after 2012 or there about yeh I did move on I cut the 90 thousand dollar aircraft when new in half because off the failure off raa pick up your phone and dial 0419202665 and get my story and I will give you other names that were appalled at the repair neil
  14. ev17ifly2 please explain neil
  15. with the push of a button that new IT installation that cost thousands to install would tell you all the truth oh maybe or doesn't it work what are they hiding raa used the excuse that the paper work was lost a few years ago so may be they have lost them ipads neil
  16. take look at the sheet this caused YOU ARE PASSING ANOTHER FOX neil
  17. to use darrens words to me don't make don't make waves :thank you:cause it may rock the boat neil
  18. sorry roundsounds I have said get it in writing from them or inform them that you are recording the conversation that it how the sheeeet hits the fan when you don't record conversations neil
  19. the problem started way back when the sheep that had the idea that I ONLY WANT TO FLY DONT WORRY ABOUT THE LEGAL SIDE OFF YOUR ORGANIZATION got misled by the so called experts at the top a group off us wanted change I being only one of that group voiced my opinion and were out voted you voted for a new organization that cannot be changed you have no control over the information that is not forthcoming it is worst than before two or three that know best out off the so called 10000 share holders because that is all you are neil
  20. hold the bloody boat oh plane it was Darren that told me I was not to make waves so he don't like surfing he steps out stay out but there you go don't tell no one will find out if I don't like them waves I will come back neil
  21. you gotta be joking you would have my vote but I got out off your organization because I could see this type of crap happening when the rules changed to allow two to do as they bloody well please neil
  22. now this has to stop I tried to get you bloody sheep to put the staff on a what in the hell do you call it so as they cant go over to bloody CASA after the leave RAA for THREE TO FIVE YEARS nobody want to it do look at what happened a few years back serves you blokes right have a happy day look out for the crap now neil
  23. you are not on pat Malone young lady that chick that broke her arse comes to mind remember her that put on the best fly in that I have had then again I am a bit one sided when it comes to her on how she went out of her way to help me and others to build that kit build aircraft in the 3 days her treatment was bloody appalling neil
  24. bill nothing changed the truth might get told one day well those that just go along with the crap just to fly are going to pay dearly I told you so neil
  25. hi nig71 your mental state makes a difference to how mutch you can digest at training you can do three or four hrs per day BUT I would not 1hr in the morning 1hr in the afternoon every second day leaving lesson to far apart at this stage is not in your best interest neil
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