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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. For Christ sake silverwing we had this discussion in your hanger Neil
  2. Question Where is dan missing the mark ? Neil
  3. now way in hell can I fix the fuel problem when the so called experts cant read installation manuals to be told that return line is mandatory on 912 ROTAX since 2014 how do they explain that rubbish so far I have not been invited to the bloody court house for false and misleading statements made by me about time aint it question ? the last 4 or 5 incidences have the aircraft engine been fitted in accordance with ROTAX installation manual for return line. neil
  4. Yen I let it go through to the keeper Like a lot never been in any other plane all off my BFRs have been in other planes that I don't fly Neil
  5. Flying into a Air show having radio failure yep that green light came but I had a comited landing on the grass when I seen it Knew what it ment Neil
  6. I would a a glance say flysynthesis Texan Neil
  7. Yes why as i said at 3500 ft I had time on my side at 3000 ft I would have been in a paddock Where is there proof that this did not contribute to several incidences of high hr pilots what are we not being told Are we being taken for a ride when I was told not to make waves by the ones that govern this sport granted I was making an assumption but with valid reason off the failure off persons when told off the blantant disregard for the makers manual Neil
  8. When you wind up a tree height from 3500 ft and the smell mogas in cockpit with a motor that flooding This happened to me twice After two new needle and seat replacement I find out that my aircraft was not fitted with that return line Now get your arse of that chair and find out how man have died in planes that were not airworthy because off this Just goes to show that some are as dumb as dogs shxxx if they want me to become an educated idiot Neil
  9. Yes dan there are 90 percent will be with you but that 10 percent that won't then you have that thirty percent that every things ok then you have 20 percent I don't give flying frills I want to to fly I don't care what you do as long as I can fly anywhere As I have found out by making this statement "all rotax powered air craft will have fuel return line to tank " As in my opinion and rotax installation manual As foxbat have now made it mandatory for this to be done but there is now set time as to when it is to be done that I can see Haven't had a problem with it doesn't wash with me Has anybody looked at it no because the high hr pilots that may have picked up on that may not be here Like don't need a lift fuel pump cause the tank is higher than the carby it will just flow down the pipe bullsxxx since when have fuel tanks been 5 mtrs above the carby The cost of doing is minimal if these items are done at the start the weight what's a couple of kelos or a life neil
  10. Rob my bloody thoughts spot on them greens need to go to spec savers can't see and get hearing test can't hear a few idiots costing the masses millions Neil
  11. The whole bloody story ain't getting told When the manufacturer of a motor has installation manual for that motor it has to be followed casa regulation what don't some dxxxheads don't get it about that directive Neil
  12. Be my luck some prxxhack it I end up in pommy land got any red phill Neil
  13. hey listen daffy young fella your getting older not me just be cause I aint that's my opinion an I'm sticking to it hope you Corrine and the kids have a wonder full Christmas thank you young fella :ban me please:neil
  14. Oh dan you've noticed :insane:Didn't think you loved me:tongue in cheek:neil
  15. Yes that directive will in my opinion fix two matters that have been of a bloody concern when I found that it was not on my aircraft over six years ago the so called bloody experts told me that I was wrong First and foremost high fuel presure is eliminated because to match fuel can seize a motor as to little Second with a constant flow of fuel it is not going to vaporise Example is a diesel powered motor should not be shut down when the fuel is very low in the tank Given time were are the experts that tried to shut me up with I was wrong bloody well don't say sorry just go and hide Neil
  16. Fm shorten that to CAC Neil
  17. JimG so thank you all others read what foxbat now have made mandatory return line to tank They will not be the only ones to do this every aircraft that is powered by a rotax 912 series motor will get the same directive This to me is in my opinion to late for some as vaporisation and bloody iceing are similar Should you assume that your motor is iceing up you would apply carby heat witch would be counter productive when you have vaporisation With vaporisation you loose power by adding carby heat you loose more power In my opinion this is what has been happening in some aircraft incidents When in my case i had to replace two needle and seats at under 200 hrs this would have been avoided had the l2 lame been more observant and followed the maintainance manual for rotax 912 motors no return line on my aircraft Neil
  18. Geoff the explanation I got fox bat are high wing aircraft and don't need a return line as they never will have vapor lock As I personally ask a so call expert why his plane had return return line plumbed into line on up side at the gasculator his reply was "its on there doesn't mater where it goes " Cause if the pump on the motor stuffs up it will flow down to the Carbys The fire from a fuel pump fuel pump that was not fused was in my opinion neglecting bloody basic safety standards How hard would it be to put a tap on a fuel line to stop fuel from cross feeding for crist sake 24 rego must be safer ask trek how when these problems are being found on 24 craft Neil
  19. As an organisation what I feel is the need for a 5 man or women team made up of three experts on the aircraft and two that are not Do an inspection independently and do a written report The five CANNOT be held accountable for what he or she should find This is after the coroner has had there say Neil
  20. Bloody news reports stating SA has blackouts what that story no back up sun or wind oh that's a furfey Neil
  21. Rgwma to start with a statement that the plane i refered to did not have a vaporisation problem when powered with rotax motors is wrong in my opinion as rotax do have have the requirement for the return line to be directed to the fuel tank NOT ANYWHERE other than the fuel tank this applies to all 912 rotax motors end of story So far no one has shown me or put up in writing that this is wrong legally what I am saying Why has your RV a return line ? Hey I ain't saying the l2 was wrong in what he wanted Yes a new screen was ordered Have old screen any body want to buy it only done a couple hrs gt a couple small cracks 5mm long Neil
  22. Fox bat are powered by a rotax motor that have had vapor locks and have had high fuel presure problems To state that fox bat have never had vaporisation or high fuel presure DO you have a new design of motor ? A l 2 LAME refused to sign off on a aircraft that had spidering from the windscreen rivets so what some are saying he was wrong Neil
  23. Hey mods please pretty please make foxbat new thread Neil
  24. you voted for them i bloody well didn't neil
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