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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. take bloody look at the work raaus bloody LAME L4 done on my aircraft and the FAILED to do any thing about it I don't trust raaus and their crap and corruption so I CUT my AIRCRAFT in half rather than sell it neil
  2. sorry yenn seen a meeting were kasper was present and the brass at the top brought along the legal side and bullyed kasper they will do anything to shut him up kenlsa your so called organization has spent a miiiion on the so called modern tecnolegy and yet what have you got for it pure bullxxx neil
  3. fred/ oh deary me I hate to be the one to say I told you so I personally cut araa plane in half because of the so called leaders so called progressive look what I am doing to make life miserable for the members when I said to the current CEO that l1 questions are to easy his reply and I quote "that is so every one can pass unquote" the current tec asked by me when are you going to make those fitting off rotax motors do it asper the rotax manual his reply was quote" don't make waves" un quote I have said anything that comes from raaus get it in writing and until its in the manual you cant do it neil
  4. jim raaus have a deed off agreement that states what raaus will do and that they report to CASA what this deed is written by raaus every 12 months failure by raaus to administer in accordance with that agreement should raaus fail to report then no more raaus raaus failed to notify CASA of the repair off my aircraft the failure off raaus to administer good governance in a case that has been brought up here is why they raaus got in the sheet a few years ago sscbd please I know a virgin capt who flys jumbos he has to do a BFR to fly a raaus plane please obtain a copy off the regulations for raaus and read them carefully neil
  5. for Christ sake wake up 500 kgs mtow 45 stall end off story I repeat 500 kgs mtow 45 stall some have got their ambitions and capsbilies a bit out off wack the bigger you go the more waky ideas that are getting aired self maintain I don't think so over 500 kgs mtow cta you want to go there transponder radio will be required plus med you want the freedom to fly nothing is free as the costs are going up you wanted you wanted you are all getting jack xxxx for your money read the deed that raa wrote for casa neil
  6. ops there at it again more what in the hell do you want questions that don't mean a thing when are the results off the last servey going to be out neil
  8. oh deary me nothing changed so what do expect from raa do not believe a thing the tell you GET IT IN WRITING that's the only way force the head of your organization to out it In writing that's why I left cause the promise allthe <mod censored> and cant deliver neil
  9. yep Goolwa 2007 a bloke by the name of TONY said if them cxxxheads at the top don't stop making rules we wont be able to fly neil
  10. jee starting to sound like 2009 when there was 12000 members neil
  11. jim what rules did casa write for raa the gooses at raa write the rules neil
  12. looks to me like the gulllable that voted to form this great company are starting to realize they have been conned ops neil
  13. bruce 10 years ago the name you mention tried to but owing to the top brass so called leaders the crap that you had then today has continued why worry just let me fly I don't care what the rules are when the sheeeet hits the fan make a new rule neil
  14. do you think I should display it at the next Narromine air show and all the parts that do not comply with the airworthy neil
  15. the l1 was a complete waste of time anyone that failed should not even think about touching or doing anything to an aircraft according to the ceo it was made easy to pass so as everyone passed that's bullshxx neil
  16. how about a l2 l4 drilling clover leaf hole so as the engine frame would fit raa failed casa failed neil p/sstill have frame p/ss by the way since cutting my aircraft in half have been getting 8hrs sleep a night as for raa being safety cons bull sxxx
  17. no kasper termites only like soft wood it was a 4inch metarbo grinder battery operated next is a fifty ton compacter the feeling when I done it was of joy no sorrow as I know it wont kill anybody and its not going to kill me witch it would have had I kept trying to fly it no more night mares of a white engine coweling or an orange one covering the wind screen or the engine falling to ground raa have lost this member so ian has gained my membership that I would have paid this year thanks dave neil
  18. I'm steering clear of that you stirrer so me balls arnt in line Very good explanation to me said with conviction Neil
  19. Yarrawonga close to me could do a catch up neil
  20. That bloke Dave can't be far away neil
  21. Turbo I bloody well been saying that for nearly ten years now Neil
  22. Yes one fitted but was as handy as a hip pocket in a singlet very little volt drop Neil
  23. Has small electric heater behind panel mounted to fire wall it could be black in couloir about 6"x6"x2" could have fan I think not should be up high Neil
  24. What flysynthesis plane neil
  25. No bex to me it looked water proof to me so I would have got one neil
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