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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. That bloody generation of power couldn't hear above it in 2and3 fancy that generator where it was I told by one person that they did not have power cord long enough How hard was it to get two gens One forum member didn't like the taste of the flies couldn't get any sauce for him to make em taste better:spot on: Neil
  2. 72 and a 1/4 ops 1/2 ops 73 about there not that my count not Shore wheather a green and yellow one :wasnt me:neil
  3. Under me old brown bush tit for tat hat is me can't find a mate for it to breed from Neil
  4. Sdqdi I am on site 14 caravan park airfield Neil
  5. Driving up be there in the morning with me van Neil
  6. Oh sheeet bloody FB never had it gee so that's what's wrong Neil
  7. What is this crap can't some understand that by reading section d 20.5 ithink it is what is difficult about 25 nm flight RETURN back to your take of strip for Christ sake You make a landing 25 nm away from your take off point and take of again that is ANOTHER flight like it or not Please explain to the insurance co why you landed when the sheeet hits the fan Neil
  8. Figure this digital watch not a handy tool ? Neil
  9. Yes bill totally agree i and others seen that a couple years back bloody safety issues bull When I personally wanted help with one off RAA l2 l4 personnel not a bloody thing was done by RAA my problem they told me Now they want me to pay up my membership to stay current what for to be treated as crap Failure by that office to listen to the members is totally beyond belief oh no I have to believe it as an l2 said to me they are really feathering their nest to CASA what part off their monopoly don't I get neil
  10. Waraton that's back off black stump ain't it out were men is men and women are women Your right about being humongous place that lake oh you mean your back yard I hope you can get some one to help you blokes out would be an exciting time neil
  11. Don't worry about that deed just do as the ones at the top say it will be right bull xxxxxx Neil
  12. Oh sheeeet moment neil
  13. As far as I know at least Pauline didn't do a bishop stunt Neil
  14. Hey turbs how's this for safety Allowed a LAME l2 l4 to repair aircraft with no repair manual what's so ever Failed to investigate plane when requested to in writing Has allowed 24 registered aircraft that has had leaking fuel tank to be used for training CASA are just as bad as their response was RAAus problem Neil
  15. If you drop in on him Kyle ask bill about that little shovel he had back in the 60s Neil
  16. I amLooking for some photos I have of the hangar in before it was dismantled it will stick out like dogs xxxx because of the colour boral green About I think 20x25 mtrs doors at both ends could be longer Being pilots looking down it might not be easy to hide it. neil
  17. Thanks ft i have known bill for over 65 years that will psssss him off neil
  18. Marty I booked my van site for this year before I left last year neil
  19. a team off 9 individual persons helped build a flysynthesis wallaby at temora as a demerstation Started build Friday by Sunday it was to the taxi stage neil
  20. aro yes to know the weight of passenger is mandatory as they may put your life in danger MTOW turbs said What these emotional comments are indicating is that there could be quite a high level of non-compliance with safety regulations out there gee turbs what make you think oh assume that bit like the bloke that blue 1.40 and told the policeman go catch a thief some just dob them selves in neil
  21. nt5224 you wont get any information as the dictators I mean directors are gagged gone are the state reps that you could ring and they wont be coming back you voted for this neil
  22. oh Melbourne to Townville back to Melbourne checked 9 TIMES in a heavy vehicle kg bloody bulxxx I have BEEN RAMP CHECKED THREE TIMES TWICE AT WAGAA WAGGA ONCE AT ALBURY HAVE NOT FAILED THEIR CHECK education is more important take note off what turbo is saying bring on more ramp checks anywhere I say if your plane and piloting skills wont stand the check get out I don't want you at my location at an airfield neil
  23. yeh the flack that one person got from the so called no it all brigade now wonder and I don't blame her for not continuing and while I'm at it the ones that don't want CASA there must be some thing wrong with there plane or their piloting skills it was I that rang her and put it to her would it be possible to construct a kit plane at temora there carol went well and truly out off her way to accommodate it what wrong with keeping it simple no the so called no it all brigade has to spend your fees on airshows a well advertised fly in would do neil
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