fact i hit 2 power wires and flew the aircraft with no nose wheel 4.5 nm
landing at a property in nsw i flew over it at 1000 ft back over it at 200 ft and checked the padock out
because i was landing in a paddock i set forty degree of flap and 2100 rpm so i was landing slow on aprouch to the landing point something caught my eye and i held off at the height off power wires silly stupid me
got both wires jamed on the nose wheel gee it stoped in the blink of an eye
because i had full flap 2100 rev my aeroplane wanted to fly
big bang under my arse and full noise i flew away to land at an airstrip
i repeet get a good instructor he will give you the basic knowlege to fly an aeroplane then it is up to you as to how you progrees with your abilty to control an aeroplane
when the sxxxx hits dont panick fly the bloody aeroplane for crist sake you aint deded yet (natho) neil