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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. yep yenn so how in the hell can that be LEGAL to extend the closing date neil
  2. gandalph seeing as you are sutch a nice bloke I wont send you the email why in the hell don't you ask raaus if I do have said email kasper yep it was sent to me read post 32 neil
  3. 09 50 hrs on the 7/8/2017 have email confirming raa still receiving votes neil
  4. kasper is write I also asked as a member the rules for the election got the run around again why have they not sued me wake up this organization is still pulling strings GET THE CEO TO SHOW YOU THEM RULES in writing failure to disclose the rules to a financial member in my opinion is a bloody big no no neil
  5. from the CEO RAAUS according to him the board has the power to dictate to any thing they wish like at whim to extend the closer date so it came down to those left at the top Australian Post is known for known for late delivery and lost mail aust wide but not in ACT or there abouts fact letter posted to me from ACTpost marked 15 5 2017 to SHEPPARTON arrived 19 5 2017 would have been quicker to drive there and get it SO WHY was the sport pilot book not posted in june when it was known that the voting would be held in july so mutch for good governance neil
  6. someone have the price of the sport pilot subscription before today cause RAA is now offering at $ 44.00 dollars for 12 months sub text to day this election was not under the control of the Australian electoral commission I have checked whos bloody rules was it under oh sheet raaus we are stuffed read 34.3 constitution neil
  7. so bex next time I'm playing a pussy oh cat needing a transplant can I call yah neil
  8. specifications for rolls Royce meteor engine 27 litre v12 4 valves per cylinder dry sump fuel injection maxi torque 3300 foot/lb alloy construction 5.400"bore ,6.00" stroke 2spark plugs cylinder motec engine management system electronic ignition horsepower 2200@3500 rpm like that one nev neil
  9. so the board has not taken any notice of what members warned about voting I cannot believe that on the last day off voting they extended time oh suppose they have same day postal service you blokes that live sa wa qld vic even at shepp letter posted Monday Canberra took four days to get here to shepp why was the book posted in the month july when voting closed 30th july shows complete stupidity should have sent out june issue makes more sence to me bloody governance who cares neil
  10. no nev kp on the same page neil
  11. kp is it worth the trouble and cost I will be thrown out for bringing the organization into disrepute look at the crap that has happened yet no body will really look to the big pitcher should this governance continue Allow this to continue we will have 9000 recreational pilot with nothing to do oh go fishing and I hate fishing think about it neil
  12. 9 50 to day email to me that raa are still receiving votes today claiming that they are post marked before 31july 2017 to me that is not on as the wording is KEY DATES voting opens july 1 2017 voting closes last mail july 31 2017 make off that what you might neil
  13. [email protected] hope this works sorry eightyknots neil
  14. your info old koreelah third photo down sorry neil ps no young fella no not being harsh pointing out bloody facts I cannot let that go by not the first time
  15. ABC news glider crashed two on board for Christ sake don't tell ABC news there wrong AGAIN neil
  16. in no way would I desert this forum the things that I and some have learnt I would sooner give the fees to the owner of this site so as he can continue than to raaus ltd that screwed me for the last time neil
  17. question under what rules was the last election held who is the returning officer in all the information I have this is not stated please correct me coll that was done by others before the change to the constitution but ignored 14 September 2017 my membership runs out I will not be renewing it but until that time I am going to push for good governance and acountabilty I did have an 80000 dollar air craft that is all in pieces and can rot away as I have had enough neil
  18. better read constitution 34.4 again AEC rules cannot have any in put to this election oh must be that other mob mentioned in the constitution please our selves what regulations the raaus ltd follow neil
  19. the governance of the organization was going to be up dated all rules were going to be followed what a crock of bullxxx management is still playing with the notion that you will go along with what they do is write not this black duck So if you go that way say good by to raa I can see another casa audit coming if casa don't then there is a failure of governance by casa neil
  20. utter crap the extra time cant be extended at whim off so call leader resignation I am calling for while I am still a member them leaders have to go now neil
  21. my understanding of the con is that this is not allowed I am writing to raa calling this election a farce and illegal as to what has happened that's if there so called up to date computors let me in and recognize my email address neil
  22. what is that tune to bex looooosing sleep serves me right heard very similar tune long time ago neil
  23. aircam web sight twin rotax 912 on ultralightneil
  24. fact cross hire of aircraft 85 dollars hr dry 2005 brand new aircraft plus instructor 35 dollars hr plus 250 dollars for 14 hrs of BAK instruction the aircraft was paid for in cash taken off line by owner after president of aero club demanded 5 dollars per hr donation to club after club had bought there own aircraft neil
  25. steady there nev truth hurts educated caution for plane on the scrap heap that's were its going neil
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