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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. oh young fella not a good idea but would be worth being a fly on the wall you know that dog that chases the cat that chases the pidgeons well while the dogs chasing the cat that chasing them bloody pidgeons put your pillow in his house and a blanket or two cause its cold out there :ban me please:young fella if you get me drift neil
  2. for Christ sake now gotta leave me guide dog at home neil
  3. going too get shot down but when that fan up the front stops and silance is your mate and your aseeeee is puckered is lot differant to some one pulling the power had one neil
  4. not a problem hughesy neil
  5. the only air craft I would own mine was 450 kgs reason 80 hp pulled it to 105 knts clean air short take off and landing in ground effect is flyable at thirty knts 40 degree flap electric very effective rudder stall at 25 to 30 knt indercated book says 37 knts no bad habits unles you introduce them loved it no I don't own it now as some parasite cost me that plane got no backing from raa as their l2 l4 fail to repair as to the manifactors spects I run into power wires two em took off nose wheel when landing at a mates place and flew it from that scene to airstrip 5 nautical away so what else can I say neil
  6. flysynthes storch 500 s I bought the first s model in aust back in 2005 neil
  7. that is flight so pilots lic needed boat lic also required neil
  8. nominations are being called for RAA should be interesting out off ten thousand members neil
  9. In my opinion I have been personally attacked for stating my beliefs on some subjects You cash in any vehicle alone what are the chances that you survive ? The moment I hear that an air craft has gone missing I feel pain concern as is that person in need of assistance what can I do Now for the price of a slab off beer a month you can have a bloody gadget that can track you to with in 2 to 10 metres at all times live So I stand by you are brain dead idiots that go flying or bush walking or desert driving that do not take precautions So if you believe that you don't need to have a tracking device I ain't going to look for you I have lived a very sheltered life just been lucky at what I have done like skydiving chased gray goast down Hume carted explosives all over Aust operated tower cranes army 2 years nam scrapers dozers excavators graders coach driving worked on power line walerang mudgee seen Aust all over from the cab of a truck Have I seen people smashed up in the wreckage yes I have so read and get your brain to recognise that some of us are not going to be bloody politically correct They can't stand they truth I have used before stupidity or oh I forgot or harry did it or bill is not goin to register his plane but fly it any way has a flow on affect that impacts on all. Even a suggestion that so and so bought a plane that will do illegal activities should be a warning it may not end well egotistical behaviour will bring a lot undone. So if you want to can me go ahead Neil
  10. He bought this aeroplane because it would do aerobatics aero plane aerobatics in 19 reg aircraft is that a new endorsement neil
  11. It may be safely on the ground somewhere out of phone range don't make excuse ELT/PLB will work even if there is no phone coverage so you are saying that you would cause worry and grief to your family and friends by not activating it as one person said on this forum activate before the shiteeee hits the fan better to have a none event cause it can be cancelled neil
  12. Neil, are you saying you know for sure that this pilot did not have a PLB on board? no I asked where is the PLB neil
  13. given a caution for my post please explain the facts are there if the plane is missing as assumed now as a fact when the PLB was first mooted I was one that said that it SHOULD BE IN THE PLANE FOR ALL FLIGHTS no ifs or buts when a transport company has their 153 trucks on tracking why cant you have the same device on your plane neil
  14. sarcasm, etc, does not help the topic proceed, any criticism needs to be constructive, not blowing off steam ...mod
  15. unassisted my opinion when armed with the latest gadgets that is not unassisted neil
  16. You get up in the middle of the night for a pee and you have to log on to see what's new. I'm not complaining, I like it that way. yeh and the misses gets stroppy cause your cold as a bull frog neil
  17. notice the small clear panel in the side skirt, this is where the auxiliary tank lives. . . no it didn't it was in the shed:roflmao: :please:neil
  18. from a ex dumb truck stearer try starting on one magi only and shuting down on one magi neil
  19. Yep geof your incident and my incident sure did die with that man like I said RAA hiding pure ignorance and lack of duty off care Failure off RAA to fully investigate is a failure under the charter from casa RAA claiming that safety is of concern bull Neil
  20. sscbd the last I gave my opinion I was shit canned on that subject neil
  21. frank I have a feeling that facthunter may have observed that jab pilots seem to plonk the nose wheel on very quickly to my observation as if the rudder loses its authority on landing almost a three pointer neil
  22. wally yes mine was the first storch s in aust up at emerald qld had it sitting in the air with 25 knots indercated two on board perving on swimmers at the dam neil
  23. sorry wally aircraft flysynthesis storch S 80hp I did this after being shown by xxxxxx instructor rudder aurthority on this plane very active plus full flying tail feathers makes it possible been done neil
  24. One instructor and I had this discussion of landing and he showed me landing on a grass strip the nose wheel did not at any time touch the ground until back at the hangar He kept the nose wheel in the air useing power as if it was a tail dragger it's a balancing act that did come in handy when I took the nose wheel of when I hit power wires Also by taxieing with the nose wheel off the ground makes you use the rudder same as tail dragger with no independent brakes Neil
  25. It all goes to show that smoking is bad for your camera. I suppose you have told that smoking camera not to neil
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