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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. bit bent luck was on his side good to see help was there neil
  2. sparks there was three corners that had to scrape the bull bar of the benz on the wall or the trailer and me would have been at the bottom in the river used to be an old bloke just after the tunnel that used to get a ride into mitta Friday arvo Monday he was looking to go back out quite interesting he was showed me a couple off caves and drawings must get of me arse and take a trip down mem lane the water fall one day going up this bloke with caravan hugging the wall coming out wanted me to pass on the out side of him shit that road was not wide enough to pass two wheel barrows on his wife poor woman was shit scared told him to back up he said no you back up he wanted me to back around water fall corner I backed his caravan up because he couldn't yeh know 7ft9 wont go into 7ft 4 because his van might fall over the side van had a little grove in it took a mate up one day never wanted to come with me ever again his wife said cant be that bad can it she had a ball but then again with eyes closed who knows Monday and Friday every week two or three blocks of marble back into Sydney 1968 50 bloody years ago if only could do it all again neil
  3. sparksdusty bullio that has to be wombean caves road I think neil just google it yep wom caves rd was carting marble blocks out off wom caves back in 1968 with a 36ft semi traier some great screanery up their neil
  4. personal opinion he might have to learn to whistle right of use favours you after 25 years but I would get a planning consultant to confirm as turbs says neil
  5. who owns the block with the strip is the strip part of your title neil
  6. ian that Canberra air getting thick neil
  7. hey cos new I shouldn't but I did to mutch info for this black duck getting slow might need them blue pills :thank you:just plumb tuckered now neil
  8. assumption by me that he failed to read the advertisement when buying did the sale notice state access to airstrip was he aware of airstrip neil
  9. buyer beware what easement the air strip I assume wouldn't be the cattle yards neil
  10. that is short wonder what his hand brake on the nose was neil
  11. long story kyle under diferant circumstances would have neil
  12. ian I was refering to iron on logo transfer neil
  13. ian remember that shirt I had with your iron on logo wore it at the first temora fly in dinner as a shit stir wore it in Brisbane at a reunion acouple weeks ago got quite a lot off comments about it neil
  14. yes but no for Christ sake coop don't do that to me neil
  15. lied to is strong wording kp conned is more to my thinking but oh sheeeeet to late now neil
  16. back to schoooool end of story neil
  17. now hold the boat i mean plane pray for phil :wasnt me:l yeh supacat neil
  18. the pellet has entered from the top he only has 79 horses now one was not pulling his weight neil
  19. The only thing good about round about city is Yass 30ks Neil
  20. I personally did the did the ppl exam witch was a bit more intense If you continue on after the RAA exam you would probably have to do it ppl The way that things have changed check weather RAA will be acceptable for ppl neil
  21. Up at bribie island for get together some army mates for a reunion off fifty years ago Just had to check out what's going on hear no it's not popular keep it up Ian Neil
  22. sheeeet ian don't inform that pom phil neil:roflmao:
  23. for crist sake phil me bloody glass I need a red neil
  24. Wanted fire wood ? Didn't yar say it's cold Neil
  25. Welcome back for a Pom you caused a major search and rescue scene down here I was a thinking that Phils havering a wale of time but no in wales freezing his tits of sorry That 5.5 drive sounds like a pub crawl to me I won't tell Neil
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