Hi SSCBD, My younger than I, old mate!...Now that you`ve brought that up, I recall a guy, many years ago, doing a beautiful maneuver, in a draggy old Thruster at 500` agl, I was so impressed, I`ve never forgotten it....... :whisper:As you were there, can you recall who it was?
Another thing I`ll never forget, was going over the Gillies Range, up to the Atherton Tablelands, in the AC I built (yeah,you know the one) when we were only legal to 500` agl, it terrified me! yet I did it many times....When I had my FTF approved by AUF and CAA, they gave me quite a large training area with 2000` amsl height limit! That`s when I started, legally flying above 500` agl......while most other poor buggers were still down at tree top.
On a more serious note! Those days are long gone! These days, the only time I fly below 500` agl is when I`m taking off and landing, I prefer to be at least 1500`agl and above, depending on the terrain and yes, I still choose to only fly within gliding distance of a suitable landing area! If that makes me a whimp,then so be it!!!
Ps, Glide descent? I was only up there to take photos?
PPS, You keep those fancy things with all the bells and whistles in the air now, You hear!