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Everything posted by farri

  1. Last year, I wasn`t sent a certificate either, I did get one for the 2015 event,though....To me,certificate doesn`t matter, taking part and keeping the spirit of the event going, is what does!!!
  2. I will be flying,if possible...Who else? WUFI World Ultralight Fly-In Franco.
  3. This is Peter Ellis, from Cairns...I met Peter for the first time, two weeks ago, at a friends wedding, we got talking, I told him I fly Ultralight aircraft and if he would like to have a fly, to come and see me, he did so I took him up, this was his first flight in an Ultralight and he`s been back for another fly since then. Saturday, 7.10. 2017 is 'World Ultralight Fly-In' day, I will be taking part and flying so I`ve offered Peter the back seat, he`s jumped on the offer and reckons he`s caught the flying bug. Franco, (Frank).
  4. That`s another rating, he`ll need!!!!
  5. Way back when I was a young bloke,one of the towns my parents lived in was, Tully, North Queensland... Tully was and still is a sugar cane growing area, with it`s own sugar mill...Back then the smoke that came out of the mill chimney was full of ash particles so when the harvesting season was on, the town was full of soot...Water used for cooling and other purposes was pumped straight into the Banyan creek, which was the local swimming area for Tully: we couldn`t swim bellow the outlet of the mill, for the slime in the creek,eventually, new regulations and strict guidelines were placed on all sugar mills and form then on, the smoke from a mill chimney, became free of soot and there was no longer slime in the creeks and rivers. If it takes strict new regulations to improve the efficiency of 2 stroke engines, then that must be a positive step forward. Franco, Ps, Now we can`t swim in the creeks and rivers, because of the Crocodiles!.........
  6. Hi to you and ........I`m from Deeral, Queensland, I own an Austflight WB Drifter and fly from my own property...Been flying Ultralights since the late mid eighties. Franco. (Frank)
  7. Seriously????????......
  8. I`m on my 6th 2 stroke engine: 2, Rotax 503 and 4, Rotax 582 grey head: I`ve had enough partial and total engine failures, for various reasons, to know what it`s all about, some solo, some with a student on board, walked away every time without breaking the aircraft or being injured. My current engine is a Rotax 503 DCDI that hasn`t missed a beat, however, I treat each and every flight as a new one and accept that just because the engine didn`t fail on the last flight, doesn`t mean it won`t fail on the next flight, I`m ready to deal with an failure from the moment I apply the throttle and I will only fly over tiger country if I can safely glide clear to a suitable landing area, I have always flown this way and will continue to do so. Each situation has it`s own scenario and there`s no magic solution to engine failure, it isn`t just limited to 2 strokes, there`s been numerous failures of 4 strokes`and for various reasons, it`s difficult to give advice to the less experienced, their instructor should have done that and there`s a vast difference between landing safely in a Drifter, or any other AC which has a tail wheel and say, the latest LSA, low wing, with a tricycle undercarriage, but basically, having a suitable landing area and the skill required to fly the aircraft safely to a full stop, is the critical part of surviving an engine failure. Always be prepared for engine failure and regularly practice for it. Frank.
  9. Kev, Coincidently, the other day when I got back to the boat ramp, there was a guy there, we got talking about Crocs and he said a big one up at Darwin that was biting outboard motor legs has been killed...Know anything about that? Frank.
  10. Starting?........Really? Frank.
  11. ...Lafountainp......... Franco.
  12. G`Day Kev, I`d love to be able to help you thin out those, Thread Fin Salmon! ...On the subject of Crocodiles: They certainly are increasing in size and numbers and they will continue to increase until and unless they are thinned out. How`s this one for size?...Knowing what I know, I`d say this is probably the one that got Warren Hughs. .I posted this on my facebook page. "Just letting everyone know, there is a very big Crocodile in the lagoon at Palmers Point, where Warren Hughes was fatally attacked last March. This afternoon, Lukas Steinkemper and myself came across this Crocodile slide... About 4 weeks ago I was flying over that area and I saw a Croc that I estimated to be over 5 meters long,that slide is probably from that Croc...I`ve added a Google photo of the area...Anyone going to that area needs to take great care.The slide is from the ocean into the lagoon." Franco.
  13. This is Bill Hoffman and his son, Naum, from Seattle USA... This morning I had the pleasure of taking them both flying for their first flight in an Ultralight...Bill is a pilot and was very impressed with the Drifter...I told them about this forum and gave Bill the link to it, also some information he can use back home...Later, I took them up the Mulgrave river, to see some of our locals, unfortunately, the locals were shy today, but we did get to see one of the bigger guys and Bill spotted it before I did...Among other things, we also spotted a Goanna, Bill was thrilled about the Goanna, as he had one when he was young. Franco.
  14. This morning I went Croc spotting, ( not from the Drifter) up the Mulgrave river, with my next door neighbour: This one was the biggest of them. Franco.
  15. Hello, Funflyer .....I started flying Ultralights back in the late mid eighties by scratch building my own....I currently fly my Austflight Drifter.. If you have a facebook account, you may be aware of, " Those Magnificent Men And Their Flying Machines", If you are on fb but havn`t seen their site, take a look here....Magnificent Men & their Flying Machines Franco.
  16. My pleasure Ben: Hope to see you again before you leave the Cairns area.....All the best...Cheers. Franco.
  17. .............. Franco.
  18. On the weekend I took my wife Frances, Bob Docking, (Biggles) and Bob`s wife Sal, to Russell Heads, when we got back home, we went and visited Ron and Josie Biondi. Franco.
  19. This week I`ve had the pleasure of taking BoB Docking ( Biggles on here ) and Bob`s wife Sal for a fly. This is Ransflieruk,a pilot, from England over here for while,asked on this forum if anyone would take him for a fly, I said I would if he got to Cairns and today,this is what happened. Franco.
  20. Hello, from Deeral, Queensland, Australia! Franco.
  21. This afternoon I had the pleasure of taking Ross Strooper for a fly...Ross is an Aviation Rescue Fire Fighter at the Cairns aerodrome...I`ve known Ross for many years. Franco.
  22. Hello John ......I started flying Ultralight aircraft back in the mid, late eighties, by scratch building a copy of the Chinook WT2. Franco.
  23. Hi, As SDQDI has said, I fly a Drifter from my own property and have done so for 30 plus years....I`ll PM you some information. Franco.
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