Yeah! from memory, around that time...I don`t know about the Thrusters but I do know there still is a demand for the Drifters!
Hey, Old Buddy Old Pall!!! Engine failures!... More than you can count on two hands with five fingers on each hand! but don`t forget! I`m on my 6th, Rotax, 2 stroke engine on the Drifter and in the early days, we were learning as we went along...Havn`t had engine failure for many years now! I`ve done over 600 hrs. with my current 503, DCDI.
The Truth! I was practicing dead-stick landings in my scratch built Chinook WT2, copy, before I even started logging hours or flying the Drifter.
The Truth! I recall, Barry Hughes, AUF, CFI, from the Gold Coast, up here to check me out, so I went up to around 300 feet, shut it down and glided in! he said, " do you always do that when you go flying", I said, "yes, that way I know I can put it down"! Barry never said another word about it! I kid you not.
By the way! These days, the real me is the guy you see in my videos! Happy New year to you and the rest of the family.
Ps, SSCBD, Tell the truth! How many engine failures have you had?