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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. Thank you.
  2. Hi all. Does anyone know of a supplier of Matco Brakes for a Thruster here in Australia. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks. Linda
  3. What a bunch of mindless idiots pprune keyboard warriors are. The pilot got it right. Jabiru bashing is sooooo yesterday. -Linda
  4. Good. And I hope they get an ass reaming over it. -Linda
  5. In a word? Sh**t. Cloud to the ground around that area, gusting winds and drizzle. We spent most of the day in freezing cold rainy Ballarat yesterday, and it wasn't until late arvo that the clouds started lifting. Non-flying event yesterday in our part of the world. -Linda
  6. I believe Cliff Banks is over there too. -Linda
  7. And? -Linda
  8. Hi Robert, Here are some pics of the mount that I use. It is mounted to the top of the engine where the crankshaft seal mounts, the accelerometer is central and the inductive pickup is to the side. Take your time and good luck it is very sensitive and reaching for perfection can be frustrating but once you get the hang of it you will get results quicker. I use stick on wheel weights on the spinner flange edge where the screws go in and as a guide I have found that 3 grams will give you about .1 ips correction. If after your first measurement you are getting near 1 ips take your prop off and check for static balance first as the closer you can have everything statically balanced it makes it easier to dynamically balance. Brian
  9. I think this thread has run it's course. Thank you Bob for that info. :) -Linda
  10. Hey Bobby! Of course everything is good. Jab will have the last laugh my friend. Need to catch up with you and Sals. All well this way. The "S" is singing like a bird. Hope all good your way. Miss our chats. -Linda :)
  11. Yes I have, thank you. :) -Linda
  12. Hey Ross. How are you going with the jabby. Did you get to finish it off? Its been awhile since we last spoke. Hope this finds you well Brian Dunkley
  13. Bruce. You forgot to add that the 3 standard jabirus that made that trip with you, all did it without incident. Also it wasn't a standard barrel that was honed....
  14. Highwing. There are 2 L2 Jabiru maintainers in the area. One works out of bacchus marsh, but can come to you there if you so need and can assist with your queries. Linda.
  15. Dubbo now has a bomb tester as well, and Brian made it go off. -Linda
  16. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. -Linda
  17. Here are the facts of this incident. The pilot in command landed the aircraft as a precautionary to inspect a suspected problem, the aircraft had a lot of non standard aftermarket parts fitted. The suspected problem was repaired easily and the aircraft was flown out without further incident to the aircraft or pilot. Brian
  18. Magic video as always Scott. So green up that end of the world compared to down south. -Linda
  19. What is it with MGs and old men? -Linda
  20. Yes. -Linda
  21. Great video Scott. Love the behind the tail shots, taking off with it on looks fantastic. How beautifully green it is looking up that way. Such a stark difference to our dryness down south again. -Linda
  22. Bacchus Marsh is. It's about a 30- 40 min train ride into Southern Cross station. -Linda
  23. Alan. 1. A lot. 2. Just over an hour. But it seemed to keep going after that. I disappeared and left Brian there and walked around with a friend with a well earned coffee. -Linda
  24. We are only going on the Saturday this year ourselves (weather permitting) Bob. Too many other things happening this Easter to allow for the 4 days away. -Linda
  25. Excellent video Scott. Again partnered with some brillant music. Love the landings. -Linda
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