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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. Hi Tezza, We are in the process of building a hangar at Bacchus Marsh to house a Jabiru, RAAus, it is only 5 minutes from home so it is handy
  2. Does anyone know when Essendon airport was built and what if any houses were around it at the time, I have just seen the biggest load of dribble on the news about protesters complaining about aircraft flying over or near their houses. WHERE DO THESE MORONS THINK THAT THESE AIRCRAFT ARE GOING TO LAND AND TAKE OFF? I am sure that there were no houses apart from maybe a farm house near the airport when it was built. If they don't like it they should not have moved near the airport or bought an existing house there, instead of closing another airport, maybe the government should compulsory aquire these houses within a 3 nm radius and then these people will feel safe in their houses away from an airport. Some people are just a waste of oxygen!
  3. Carb ice I have always been told to use the carb heat on decent with the throttle backed off, and to give it a go just before turning on the runway for take off, but I am surprised that you've had icing when the outside air temp was around 11 degrees, I suppose it is more of a moisture related problem than an actual temperature problem, I have been lucky enough to not have experienced it yet fully, but as passenger in a friends aircraft we had a slight iceing after a fairly long slow decent and then applying power the engine wasn't as smooth as it was previously. Thanks for the info guys Brian
  4. carb ice Hi Geoff, The temps for carb ice,are you seeing them on the ground while taxiing or when you are at cruise ?
  5. Congrats Chris on the new Jab! A warm welcome to the club. :thumb_up: We hope you have many happy hours with the 160 -Linda 19-5026
  6. Thank you sibling Blueline and others, I have just got our plane going [2 weeks now] and it is climbing like a hairy goat at the moment, but I knew it would drop off in climb performance once the hotter weather was here, thanks for your help with actual figures as we intend on doing a few trips north in the future. Brian
  7. thanks Geoff what speed and climb are you getting at this time of the year compared to when it warms up. Thanks Brian
  8. Hi Geoff and Peter, can you tell me what pitch prop that you are both using please, as I have just got my plane flying and with a 44 pitch prop my 160 climbs out at 90 knts and 1200 fpm. Thanks Brian
  9. Ross, Sorry about the accident, but glad that no-one was hurt, it will give you something to tell the grandkids later, I have checked my instruction and maintenance manual for 2200 jabiru engines and under 7.6 prop strike inspection it reads, "Afterground contact of a wooden propellor, check the crankshaft and flange for runout at the front seal surface. If runout is evident, the engine will have to be stripped and crankshaft checked for cracks. The flywheel bolts [6 off unf cap screws] will also need to be replaced ". Hope this is some help to the rebirth of the cheetah, all the best. Brian
  10. If a lost pilot comes on radio looking for help, what would you consider to be the best questions to start firing at them to assist? I think my first question would be , how much fuel do you have on board, that would allow me to have some idea how quick we have to work. What do other people think?
  11. Hi all! Just got my 160 going with a microair radio. When the strobe light is working, I can hear it through the headsets. It is alot quieter with the noise reduction on, but is still noticable. Radio check is a 5, for transmitting and receiving. Any ideas? Anybody else had this problem? Thanks Brian
  12. Hi Captain! At present, the plane is still being rigged up and still awaiting certification. It has only been at Ballarat since Saturday (12/07), and we are currently finishing off any little jobs like flaps etc and the inside trimming should be finished by tomorrow at this stage. Unfortunately no, will won't be going anywhere for about a month or 2, Brian still has to have his 20+ hours yet Although depending on how things go with the plane, he might try and sneak up to get some hours up...but without me -Linda
  13. Hi all. Just a couple of photos to those who may or may not be aware of the J160 that was being built by my husband. This has taken a total of 3 years and it is at the moment getting the final touches to it. At the present time it is stationed at Ballarat Airfield until the hangar at Bacchus Marsh gets built. Enjoy! and hopefully we will get to see alot of our fellow RAAus aviators around. -Linda 19-5026
  14. Hi Manny! Good to see you have come aboard the forums! Just one more addition from the Ballarat brigade! -Linda Dunkley
  15. Add me as your friend!!! I loooooooove you
  16. Decca~ Brian and myself are pleased to hear that you are feeling heaps better! Good luck with the flying! Hope to see you at Ballarat soon -Linda
  17. Bad luck about the landing Middo, but thankfully your skill and the gods allowed you to walk away, well done.
  18. If you go to Repco or Bursons, you can buy brake hose clamps that will do the job in stopping the fuel flow when changing the filter. -Brian
  19. Don, Have you checked the earth lead from the motor to the battery, it sounds like a bad electrical connection if it has only happened recently and the other guages read ok. Brian
  20. Thanks everyone, Paul I have seen the flight cell and they look pretty good,I just want to use the systems that are already available to me and keep things simple, Phil, just as Mazda points out the microair has an input but it is mono, not that that matters but I didn't know if it only came through on one side or not, Good idea Mazda for listening as my usual pax doesn't like my music as much as i do, My next question was going to be if I wired an ipod input to the pax headset plug would it only come through on one side so as we could both listen to our own music. Thanks all. Brian
  21. Does anyone know if it would work, to wire into the headphone jack another input that I could plug my ipod to so as music would come through the headsets as well as listening to the radio broadcasts ? My radio is a microair
  22. That was an excellent price, my price is about $27,000 and is about the best that i have found around here so far, as Gavinl pointed out, as soon as hangar is mentioned out comes the big calculator, I like the door set up that Gavin has as well, no outriggers, although a coule of roller door might be dearer than a couple of sliders. Brian
  23. Sorry everyone for posting something that has caused anybody hurt, it was not my intention and it will not happen again. Sincere apologies. Brian
  24. Hi Paul, The blue-goo, is that with the tecnam that you have used it?
  25. Spoken with my local bridgestone tyre agent and have been told of somewhere in Melbourne that a company injects a solution like silicon into the tyre valve and when it goes off it is solid, It comes in different densities so as to give the same properties as different tyre pressures, when i find out more information i will let everyone know. Brian
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