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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. Hi Ian, just going through the same motions as you and ranbuild seem to have a fair product at a reasonable price, 10 x 12 x 3.6 for under $30,000 concreted floor included. Brian
  2. you could put a a thin smear of silastic on the plug and refit the leads, once it is dry they will be stuck on until you pull them off again. Brian
  3. I would give my right hand to be ambidexterous :)
  4. A blonde walks into a pharmacy and asks the assistant for some rectum deodorant, the pharmacist a little bemused explains to the woman they don't sell rectum deodorant, and never have. Unfazed, the blonde assures the pharmacist that she has been buying the stuff from this store on a regular basis and would like some more. "I'm sorry" , says the pharmacist, "We don't have any" "But I buy it here" says the blonde. "Do you have the container that it came in?" ased the pharmacist. "YES" said the blonde. " I'll go home and get it." She returns with a container and hands it to the pharmacist who looks at it and says to her "This is just a normal stick of underarm deodorant" Annoyed, the blonde snatches the container back and reads out loud from the container......... "TO APPLY, PUSH UP BOTTOM."
  5. HOLDEN Holes, oil leakes, dents, and engine noises FORD first on race days :)
  6. I'm jealous, that looked great, fantastic scenery, enjoy the race on sunday. Thanks for posting those pictures. Brian GO CRAIG LOWNDES
  7. Hi Bruce, can you reproduce the problem by wriggling the wires from the sender to the gauge, check all along the whole length of the wire,and is there any fluctuations in the gauge reading while you are taxiing, I would be looking at the connections at the sender for a good tight clean contact, and if you can get the problem on the ground, earth the sender wire to see if the gauge moves, if it does not then I might suspect the gauge as being faulty, if it does move then I would suspect the sender unit Brian
  8. What about those semi solid tubes that you can put in kids bike tyres to stop the punctures, they could be good if they are made small enough
  9. Hi Dave, those tubes sound like the answer, I just worry a bit if the solution that goes into the tubes would make the tyres go out of balance, just looking at options to try and cut down weight for repair kits for tyres, spanners to undo wheels, repair kit, pump. The weight just keeps adding up. Thanks Brian
  10. I read in the trike forum about people putting a solution in their tyres to prevent punctures and was wondering how many people do this in the larger ultralights or do you carry a spare tube or puncture repair kit when you are travelling any distance ? Just wondering Brian
  11. Oil cooler Hi Ross, What you have in the picture looks the same as mine, you have to cut the 2 outer fins off the sump and mount the brackets so as they slope to the back of the plane, then mount the oil cooler to the brackets with the rubber spacers. The oil filter is removed and the filter housing is fitted so as the hoses can connect to it and the oil filter refitted, remember to fit the fire proof sleeve over the flexible oil hose. Good luck, it seems harder than it really is, once you have it fitted up you then have to fit the flat duct under the oil cooler to direct the air through the oil cooler, hope this helps. Brian
  12. Hi Don, I am just in the process of trying to put a hanger at Bacchus Marsh, the costs are $2 p/sq mtr for a hanger plus the apron out the front and $400 annual fees for a 2 seater aircraft, $500 for a 4 seater and$600 for a 6 seater anything different is by arrangement, hope this helps. Brian
  13. If you really have to weld a fuel tank, fill it with water first, it shouldn't be a problem then to weld it with the water in it, drain it after the job and slosh some methylated spirits in the tank to remove water residue, drain it and let it dry. You might have a problem getting people to weld a tank that has been used as they all get nervous about this type of job. Brian
  14. brilin_air

    Trim Tabs

    Doesn't the trim tab just load the cable to the rudder to prevent flutter? Brian
  15. Ozzie, if one was cheap enough I might be tempted as a fun thing of interest. I am trying to build a hanger at the moment so it might have to go on hold, depending on how the hanger thing pans out. Brian
  16. Hi Ross, I have found that glad bake paper works good to give a smooth surface with resin, it needs less to clean up and doesn't stick. I am at the same area with my J160, I am still fitting my flap arms and ailerons before I fit my tank filler and drains, how did the breather tubes fit in, do they go in through the breather pipe fitting at the end of the wing? keep up the good work. Brian
  17. Ozzie, the Lazairs that you know of that are for sale, What price range do you think they might be worth? These things look great for a slow trip , and do they come in two seaters?
  18. Hi Cazza, I am currently building a J160 and I think the information that you are after is in the Technical Manual 2.5.2 inspection chart. Hope this helps you. Brian
  19. Great movie of the Lazair Chris, Ozzie, does the tail drag on the ground or does it have wheels?
  20. Ozzie, Thanks for putting a picture up of the Lazair. Looks great! ;) The four engine version is a real beast.
  21. Shame about the loss of your airstrip, it always seems just as things are going just fine, someone is there to spoil your day, it would be great to catch up with you when I get my plane finally finished, not to far now. (I hope). Good luck and thanks all for the replies Brian
  22. Ozzie, you list your aircraft as a Lazair, if you have one does it look like the plane in the movie and if it does can you put a picture of it in these threads. It was one of the coolest looking planes around:keen:, I think it is the two engines that do it for me.
  23. It's a shame that they don't make these planes as a kit, the fred flinstone manouvre would be a real bonus for those rough outfeild landings, and the ability to land them in trees would be good for flying over tiger country.
  24. Does anyone know what the little plane was in the movie " The gods must be crazy ". It was a two seater twin engine plane?
  25. Radio upgrade I have just had my microair radio upgraded to P and it cost $660 inc gst, and it was back by the end of the week. Brian
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