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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. Geoff, Thanks for posting. We had to pull out at the last minute due to weather and work commitments. -Linda
  2. Now that would be something, a ANR version of red boxer shorts:roflmao:
  3. PJ's with "Remove before flight" would be good...... -Linda
  4. Leave them the way that they are Ian, Brand recognition goes a long way in a product. Mine are really good for when I have to use them. Brian
  5. JWW, This is the closest picture I have. I can take another one over the weekend if you need a better shot from front on. Brian
  6. JWW we use a hella marine deck light fitted under the front cowl, it is bright and weather proof and it cost about $180, it would be about the same size as what is shown in the video. If you got two lights, you could run them through a relay using a flasher can to make them alternate. Just an idea Brian
  7. Or the inlet gaskets have compressed slightly being new and the bolts haven't been checked since it was o/hauled Brian
  8. Hi Peter and welcome. We did the Simpson desert from West to East aswell after leaving Oodnadatta, on our way to Birdsville. Absoulutely spectacular. -Linda
  9. Checking all the manifold bolts for the exhaust and the intake should be part of the normal proceedure during a service as they can sometimes come loose and should be checked, all part of being obsevant and checking over all bolts and fittings, if it is noticed that a bolt or bolts are loosening between services then it can be rectified and problem will be fixed. Brian
  10. Bob, Use your investigative powers and suss it out for us please would you? -Linda
  11. *rollseyes* -Linda
  12. Bob... So you have got the hang of using it now I guess? -Linda
  13. Thruster. The holes in the slide go to the back closest to the butterfly. You can check to see if it works by using an airblower and blowing through the carby, it should lift the slide. Brian
  14. Hi Bruce, When I do the 12 point nuts I always remove the heads as it is not that big of a job and it is a good opportunity to look inside and check how things are travelling, it also does make the job of fitting the nuts easier on the bottom of the barrells. Brian
  15. I gather it is flying better now Robyn? Bob said at the end it was running a little rough. -Linda
  16. Great catching up with a good friend. Next time Echuca!! -Linda
  17. About roughly 10 mins from airfield to my house. :) -Linda
  18. Mardy, Leukosilk from the chemist. Excellent stuff. http://www.yourchemistshop.com.au/leukosilk-tape-2-5cm-1022.html?utm_source=myshopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Online Chemist Pharmacy&utm_term=Leukosilk 2 5cm x 5m Green Spool+ -Linda
  19. 24 ft-lbs is a bit tight, according to Jab manual, prop tension is 7 ft.lbs, prop flange is 30 ft.lbs Brian
  20. JWW. Check your stub antenna. If you can turn it, then it is broken and you will need to replace it. We had problems with our transponder, took it upto Microair and found the stub antenna was broken. Replaced it and now it works fantastic. -Linda
  21. Try not to use anything with silicon in it as it can make repairs harder to do at a later time, such as touching up paint etc Brian
  22. Yenn. The only place we couldn't use the screw-its was at Oodnadatta, the ground there was as hard as a cats' head. Every where else they have been great. -Linda
  23. Scott. I believe most of Shell have been converted over to credit card. BP and Mobil are still a carnet card. Our Avgas bowser is owned by the flying school, they accept cash or cheque only. (you can only get it if they are there, as they lock it ) -Linda
  24. We use screw-its and tied down at 4 points. 1 each under the wing, 1 at the rear and 1 off the front nose leg. If there is a parallel cable we use that and still do the front and back tie downs. After the incident at Avalon a few years back when the mini tornado went through, this is the only way we leave our plane tied. -Linda
  25. brilin_air


    When was the last time you flew a plane Ian? -Linda
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