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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. brilin_air


    *puts hand up* Providing the weather allows us to get out over the divide. -Linda
  2. Hi Bill. Whatever is easiest for you. A cuppa and a biscuit are always here at the marsh. Let me know, I am always looking for a reason to go for a fly. :) And yes, that was our 160 at Temora. Brian
  3. Correct. The music is low enough to listen to it in the background. The radio is louder than the music and when you transmit the music cuts out, and comes back in when you close mic. Compulsion...You don't have to have multi million dollar headsets to do it. -Linda
  4. This is the song we taxi and take off to, Little River Bands' Album " The Definative Collection" is a pleasure to listen to while we fly. -Linda
  5. Amenities. -Linda
  6. EightyKnots... Thank you. -Linda
  7. And us aswell. We had an inch of frost covering her at Parkes one morning when we had the 4cyl in her and she started first shot. Iridiums do very well, and even in the 6cyl in her she has no problems. -Linda
  8. One too many schnapps? -Linda
  9. Thank you for posting that KC. -Linda
  10. Definately not...as this causes all sorts of problems and I am going to say this, starts the bashing of certain aircraft. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it gets way out of hand to the extent it needs moderating. A help section for the aircraft that you are after would be good, but any "bashing" will be automatically deleted. -Linda
  11. Eric, It is a good idea when you get your services done by your LAME/L2 to be there with him when he does it. Identifying and learning about the Jab, and how it operates, is one of the most rewarding things. When Brian does services on either ours or other Jabs, I am always with him, and even though I don't fly I have become very familiar with how the servicing is done and what needs to be looked at when the certain hourlys come up. -Linda
  12. Learn how to use it properly Bob!!!! -Linda
  13. Eric, OME is correct. 15W-50 only. Brian.
  14. Had a quick look and haven't got a good clear picture of the door pockets, but it is 1.6 aluminium checker and it goes the full length of the door, the front section is about the same height as a standard pocket from jabiru and then the back section is made about half the height of the front. It is attached by pop rivets, the ones that expand on the back when they are compressed to give maximum spread on the inside of the door frame. Alan, have a look on our video that we made and you can see it on pax side. http://www.recreationalflying.com/media/jabiru-j160-flight-from-ybss-to-yblt.186/ -Linda
  15. Mardy, We have aluminium checkerplate that goes across the inside of the door. 1. It gives you 2 nice pockets 2. If you accidently kick it with your foot getting in and out, you don't damage it. 3. Looks real nice. -Linda
  16. Well done Evan, you can come away with us now. Brian and Linda
  17. H. If you want to give me a buzz , I am happy to chat to you about the problem you are having with the Jab. Maybe we can work out what is happening with more info. This sounds like a good problem! :) Brian 0411135050
  18. Has it got the insulators under the non sparking coil?
  19. Interesting how the East had fog all day. Over the West we had the most perfect day. Nil wind and clear as. Late arvo we had it roll in about 5ish and it was like waves on a beach coming in with the tide, and by 7pm it was like Pea soup. Nice to see you got your face on the TV Jack!! -Linda
  20. Excellent video! Although the big fan stopping at the front would make me panic a bit. I couldn't do it, I would be like this: -Linda
  21. Leads in the direction of rotation
  22. Mmmmm cheese sandwich looks good
  23. I believe Jeb Corliss is over in China at the moment working on something after his near miss in January this year. -Linda
  24. hi thanks what i mean is i took the right hand coil which worked and the engine run , and replaced the left coil with the working coil and set the air gap but even with a proven coil i still didnt get spark , i removed the ground wire from the coil still no spark , i will have a go at seeing if i have spark at the high tension lead thats a good idea , (sorry i can't do the quote thing) was it still from the same side that didn't get spark or was it the opposite side that lost its spark
  25. rotor button cracked?
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