Why is it that everyone has to be so politically correct ?
If this aircraft landed in a conventional fashion it would not have, as reported, landed in the dark, hit a windmill and these people would still be alive. This pilot and others that have met the same fate have failed in so many ways. Ways that could jepardise each and everyone of us that enjoy flying and do the right thing.
We fly with a group of people and one in particular thinks it is good to push the boundries, but as a group when we see it happen, something is said and it has changed this pilots attitude a lot. How long will it be when someone with more authority than RAAus takes control of what we have all acheived by trying to do the right thing.
It was not a flippant remark and not insensitive in any way, this pilot in question had the skills of a pilot, had human factors, was reported to be in the State Emergency Service and as such would have had constant risk assesment, peer pressure at being at a major event and it all failed for whatever reason.
As a member of RAAus and the SES I am sad to see that someone has lost their life, but when the ramifications of someones actions can result in further regulation, loss of flying privileges or whatever else may come out of something like this I do not take it lightly.