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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. Gee's Windsor that made me tired after the first one Brian
  2. How is your wife Alan ? Hope she is recovering well. Brian and Linda
  3. Why is it that everyone has to be so politically correct ? If this aircraft landed in a conventional fashion it would not have, as reported, landed in the dark, hit a windmill and these people would still be alive. This pilot and others that have met the same fate have failed in so many ways. Ways that could jepardise each and everyone of us that enjoy flying and do the right thing. We fly with a group of people and one in particular thinks it is good to push the boundries, but as a group when we see it happen, something is said and it has changed this pilots attitude a lot. How long will it be when someone with more authority than RAAus takes control of what we have all acheived by trying to do the right thing. It was not a flippant remark and not insensitive in any way, this pilot in question had the skills of a pilot, had human factors, was reported to be in the State Emergency Service and as such would have had constant risk assesment, peer pressure at being at a major event and it all failed for whatever reason. As a member of RAAus and the SES I am sad to see that someone has lost their life, but when the ramifications of someones actions can result in further regulation, loss of flying privileges or whatever else may come out of something like this I do not take it lightly. Brian
  4. Where was this meant to be "insensitive and stupid" Peter? Stupid would be, that we may have called the flight for leaving at the time they did, and there is nowhere that is even mentioned or implied. Insensitive would be your comment on here for all to see, when a simple PM with your opinion would have been nicer. -Linda
  5. it met the ground in an unconventional fashion
  6. You made the best choice Alan, our best wishes for a speedy recovery Brian and Linda
  7. It was our pleasure Ian, Glad that you and Lachlan could make the trip and be a part of everything aviation. Brian and Linda
  8. The culture of people that take risks will not be changed by regulation as they are already doing their thing and not taking any notice of rules and regulation, the best way that I can see to help avoid any further carnage to people and machines is peer pressure to do the right thing and be around for another day, We are all friends in aviation and should not be frightened to question someone in what they are doing if it does not seem right to us, the person being questioned might just have an extra think about what they are about to do or have just done and we might just learn something ourselves that could save us from making a mistake. Ther is no such thing as a dumb question. Brian
  9. We were talking to the some CASA people at Natfly and asking about the checks that were happening and what they were actually doing. The weather forcast came up and we were told that we had to be able to get the weather forcast where we were, this could be on the phone or a computer and it would be fine, BUT it was suggested that the weather be moved to a file in the computer that you take with you or printed as a copy that could be read incase there was no phone or internet service available. Brian
  10. Bit of a storm ripped through here last night. They forcasted 80kms winds. Hope all had their planes tied down, and no damage. We are in a hangar with ours and it was shaking the roof off! Alot cooler too today...walking around rugged up! -Linda
  11. We will be leaving here either Wednesday afternoon, or early Thursday morning. I am helping Carol out with the "Meeters and Greeters" Friday morning. Weather is looking very good with a possible shower over the weekend. All have a safe flight in. -Linda
  12. Hey Alan, That sounds like a win win, your daughter gets the trip organised and Ian can get the help that he asked for.
  13. I am available if you need any help Ian. I should be there from Thursday onwards, I am helping Carol with "Meet and Greet" on Friday am at this stage. I will let you know when we get there and we can go from there if you like. :) -Linda
  14. Just checked BOM and Weatherzone and both are saying good weather with light to moderate S winds. Good for us coming from the south.....tail wind all the way!! -Linda
  15. yes
  16. Sounds like Ian is offering to babysit all kids that come to Natfly this year, well done Ian
  17. Hi Steve. I believe you met my husband Brian and our friend Tony when they were picking up the J230 at Bundaberg a couple of weeks ago when you picked up the J170 with your son, and then again at Moree. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. -Linda
  18. That's what I like to see. Runways out in the middle of nowhere. And the best bit....the shadow of the Jab coming in over the keys. :) -Linda
  19. Hi John, I have had a similar situation and it has been cured by flying with the balance ball more to the side that the fuel tank is draining from, maybe the balance ball guage was fitted slightly offset, the other thing to check for is that you don't have an airlock in the fuel hoses, if you take the filler caps off and lift one side of the aircraft slightly you should be able to siphon fuel from one side to the other and back again, also check if the breather posts on the filler caps does not have a sticking ball in them. Hope this helps Brian
  20. The tie downs for Bundaberg are near the smaller hangars to the south, you will see other planes there Brian
  21. Bundaberg there is a shell bowser to the right of the main terminal on the corner near the RFDS hangar Have a great flight Brian
  22. Bob. Yes we do, and I absolutely love it! It has freaked me out on more than a few occasions when it goes off when you are out in the middle of nowhere. If you want to know more you can speak to Brian or myself about ours if you like. We would love to catch up on happenings with you and Sal. -Linda
  23. I am sure Ian will be handing out the Hot Cross Buns like he always does. He spoils us sometimes... -Linda
  24. take a tent. Its the best way Brian
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