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Everything posted by brilin_air

  1. Brian took our friend .:Evan:. for a Nav down to Geelong along the Surf coast. http://www.recreationalflying.com/media/12-apostles-hd-1-of-2-in-a-j160.139/ http://www.recreationalflying.com/media/12-apostles-hd-2-of-2-in-a-j160.140/ -Linda
  2. Alan, Do you cruise at 130 much or is that the speed to get somewhere? What pitch is the standard morgan prop and do they make their own or what brand is it.? Brian
  3. Hi Terry, It looks good when you see it working, the hardest part looks to be the mounting for different applications, I haven't used mine yet as it is a christmas project to play with. Brian
  4. Alan, About 2800 will give me 120 knts, and 3000 will give me 130 knts, we run a standard 6 cyl jab prop. If we are going on a trip and wanting to make a mile, we always travel at 3000 revs as long as the weather is not rough, on local trips around home we sit on 2600 to 2800 and enjoy the scenery. Our engine is not standard jabiru spec, but it does have some jabiru parts in it where it has to. Brian
  5. Thanks Alan, I will contact bolly in the new year and see if they can help, I might try and call in and see them if I am near where they are. Nev, I like the wooden props as well, I believe that wood is good at absorbing vibrations in general, We have gone and bought a 3300 jab motor and totally rebuilt it, and done things such as balancing the crank rods and pistons, as well as a few mods to get a more even and cooler EGTs and CHTs and to date things are running good, we now have a J160 that can comfortably cruise at 130 knts if we want it too, but most of the time we pull back the revs and cruise at 120, but I am always looking at ways to remove stress from the motor and airframe and making everything as smooth as possible, thats why I went and bought this balancer to get the last bit of vibrations out of the whole prop and spinner assembly and anything else that it might help with. Brian
  6. Hi Nev, I have just bought a dynavibe balancer and was wanting to get some info from people that may have had it done, mainly for jabiru props but the info that comes with the unit suggests that it would work with other props as well, including reduction drive types Brian
  7. Has anyone had their propellor dynamically balanced, did it improve the aircraft and how much did it cost Brian
  8. Welcome Warren, from one Jab owner to another. Enjoy your time here! -Linda
  9. I am here. Brian posts most of the time...and we used to have a POP forum for us girls. Now on the subject of avatar. That's our plane and was taken Melbourne Cup weekend at Swan Hill with a brand new Kingair for the RFDS in the background, so it's fairly recent. -Linda
  10. We like to do 3 or 4 Bundaberg trips a year as we have family up there and sometimes we go inland a bit to see something different, one day we might do a coast run. Brian and Linda
  11. Our last big trip was Melbourne Cup weekend Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat, Maryborough(vic), Swan Hill, Broken Hill, Broken Hill, Tibooburra, Camerons Cnr, Dig Tree, Birdsville, Birdsville, Charleville, Bundaberg, Bundaberg, Moree, Dubbo, Bendigo, Bacchus Marsh. 26 hrs over 4 days with a 30 knt head wind on the last day. Brian and Linda
  12. We are, with several other Jabs that will be coming from Victoria. It is on this weekend the 5th and 6th of November. As far as I know there is camping underwing. Linda
  13. Going North you will encounter thermals, which in the Gazelle may prove a little uncomfortable. We just came back from a trip from Broken Hill across to Camerons Corner, The Digg Tree to Birdsville and it was extremely windy with cross winds around 25 to 30 knots gusting. Stay around Victoria around the time you want to go, and leave the northern parts of Australia until late Autumn/Early Winter. It will be more comfortable then. -Linda
  14. You can generally make something fool proof but it is hard to make it idiot proof Brian
  15. Also with the correct crosshatch it holds a very fine film of oil to keep the piston to bore lubricated to prevent excessive heat that will destroy pistons etc Brian
  16. Thank you Ian, Well done Brian
  17. The smile on Solomans' face at 2.32 on the first video says it all. -Linda
  18. motzartmerv, You would be correct there. Bacchus is the closest to Hoppers than anywhere else that's easiest to get into, about 2o minutes from Werribee. If I can be of some help let me know, I live in the marsh. -Linda
  19. Joshua, You will have to ring Sunbury before you land as the fee is extra for just landing without calling first, if you want to go a bit further and come to Bacchus Marsh we can assist you. Brian
  20. Great pictures Tomo! Thank you for posting them, Saturday was the better day of the 2 public days. Our little plane is there in that shot with all those planes...2nd from the right with the blue cover on it.:big_grin: -Linda
  21. Hi Bob, We went to Orchid Beach last year about april and the runway was soft sand, undulating, and about 15 cms of buffalo grass that went halfway up the spats and we only just were able to get back out of the strip, there is a better alternative that we have been told about not far from that airstrip wich is a better place to land, it is a little bit more inland from what I have been told. Brian
  22. Evan. You should bring Mel down to the Marsh for a short trip. Cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit will be available. :) -Linda
  23. Now that was nice. Thank you Ronin. Some of the best views of our great country from up high. -Linda
  24. Hi Pete, Well done on the new plane. You don't have to adjust the altimeter until the QNH changes, as it automatically changes the height reading on the main scale the higher or lower that you fly. If it didn't do that your altimeter would always read the height that you have set it at, at the start. Brian
  25. Hi Dave, You could try Telfords or Safety steel sheds I have seen both and they are very well built. Brian
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