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Everything posted by ausadvance

  1. Hey guys, I dont have an Ipad or tablet, nor a smart phone, yet I would still love to be able to download all my charts for viewing does anyone know if this is possible to be able to aquire charts for pc? And if so where do I go?
  2. gday mate, not a PPC pilot but fly just north of you at byron. Give me a yell if you ever want to fly
  3. makes me think of the fantastic story Norm Sanders wrote in sport pilot in relation to the history of my home strip Tyagrah, The entire stirp was ploughed through the swamps as a drug running strip just out of some fairly serious towns! not sure what month the issue was but well worth a read!
  4. c'mon boys! nothing a blow dryer, some cable ties and a couple of rolls of duct tape wouldn't fix! have a little faith! there is a chance however we may not be able to save the fuel.......
  5. it may be POO but it certainly isnt sh*t!
  6. in the words of big kev....im excited!!!!
  7. was that on your jodel? and did you find it difficult calculating the best positions for them? lastly did you find any decrease in cruise speed after there installation? people seem to be saying they didnt notice a difference at all, or the difference was a good few knots, so one extreme to another. I start to wonder if that is due to installation
  8. see this is why I come on here! cant beat knowledge from experience! and you hit my other thing I'm researching! VG's! A few people have said to me that given the shape of the drifter wing (being ribbed and not flat) that VG's wont really work. however my understanding of VG's (and this is what I'm looking into now, is homing that understanding) is that that's not how the really work. I am waiting for a few of my bush flying mates in Alaska to get back to me RE there views on it, as they already have extensive experience with them, though if there are people over here who could fill me in with an unbiased view I would really love to hear! would they work on a drifter wing and would they mount ok onto the fabric? As this would be the very first thing I want to try well before flaperons (they was a down the track idea anyway) the take off method you mentioned Nev is exactly how I fly it, wheels off as early as I can to reduce drag while floating in ground effect and increasing speed as high as possible as soon as possible to be ready for a fast climb out for the first couple of hundred feet. Though I was hoping that the increase in lift may help get those wheels up that little bit earlier so I can work them with my ground speed to see if I can shorten the distance of that process. I have done it alot in other aircraft with standard flaps and a substantially more powerful engine (thats going back to the power thing you mentioned nev) and also like you said I have a feeling that the power on the 503 wont be great enough for it to really work effectively, though I just thought it may be worth a try. of course the other consideration is going to the larger engine, but From Waynes experience he felt that despite the the extra power of the 582, the extra weight is still going to keep you on the ground a tad longer anyway, and I know from experience that the 912 on the back is even worse again, the ground roll was quite a bit more than my 503.
  9. I wont lie, I would rather the flap/aileron setup. still with reflex like a Maule. Wayne and a few other people however have just told me how simple a modification is on the drifter given the linkage method used on the aircraft and I just thought this may be a very simple way of getting that little bit extra performance. As I said, its not really landing im worried about. I have a reasonable amount of STOL experience and can get the aircraft in some fairly tight spots, and can get it out again to no worries. I would just like to see if this mod will help bring the Takeoff performance in a bit closer to the landing performance. also to if reflex will successfully give me that bit extra cruise speed, what a great addition!
  10. So do I take it then no one has seen the flaperon mount for the drifters before?
  11. sorry guys! I cant believe I wrote elevators! this is what happens when you try and squeeze out a post when your partner is trying to get you out the door for a dinner date! HITC is 100 percent correct, though the other reason is I want to experiment with improving the takeoff performance. see if I can get them down at that last minute and get the wheels up that few meters earlier. All in all i just want to experiment a bit with the drifter to see how good a bush plane I can make it. Wayne was helping me come up with some ideas for a great little bush plane drifter to build next. So i thought now i wont be building that aircraft with him, I would experiment with some of the ideas on my own. regarding the 70 / 30 flap aileron, thats the other option im looking into, but for experimentation sake, this will be alot easier to achieve
  12. ausadvance


    Hey guys, I'm thinking about turning my elevators into flaperons on my Austflight wb503. I understand there used to be a kit available from Austflight for this, firstly is it still available and secondly if not, can anyone fill me in on how it worked? If I cant acquire one I have a few ideas as to how to manufacture one, but I would rather stick with the tried and proven method if I can find out what that was.
  13. a beautiful video of the mighty martin mars in action!
  14. Watch that first step! shes a doozie! an oldy but a goody! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries
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  15. Hey guys! Im going to be in the forest hill region within the next few weeks, and would love to be able to go for a fly with someone to get some photos of a property. Is there anyone here from that region? or no anyone who is?
  16. Is it just me or has someone stuck wings on a landcruiser?!? Its like a Maule and a super cub had a really really big baby!
  17. dont know if i would call this amazing but defiantly worth a watch!
  18. mine is coming up in a couple of months, this will be the first time i have had to do my own rego as Wayne used to sort it out. do they not just send out a rego reminder or does one have to actually organize it themselves coming up to the date? also how long in advance should I be getting onto it all to make sure it doesn't expire?
  19. does anyone know if it was a casino based gazelle?
  20. if it was it was certainly a different model to mine!
  21. there is a bit of talk going around between a few people close to Wayne I have heard but at this stage I'm not sure where it is all at, I only know as i got asked if I want to be apart of it but I have to much else going on so I cant help. I really hope it comes off
  22. ausadvance

    Drifter Pics

    very nice!
  23. Gday guys, posting again for another mate here, He is chasing a 40 l belly tank for a Austflight wb503 drifter. If anyone has one they are keen to move on, or has any ideas how to acquire one, let me know before he try's running away with mine!
  24. I really liked the Aussie Mossie given that the cockpit looks so much like a mossie's!
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