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Everything posted by ausadvance

  1. thanks Doug, and listen to the man people! hes right!
  2. just sails and material works to my knowledge. Might be worth a call to her and check though. She might be interested in doing more. though I have another contact who might be able to help with more of the mechanical and structural side of things. i will get back to you on that!
  3. hey guys, Am talking to Emah as I type this, and she has told me to put her number up if you guys need sails. its 0430 207 783. you wont find better sails anywhere!
  4. thanks for your help guys, I have got onto an oil from penrite that i have had recommended to me by Grahame Johns. so I will see how it goes!
  5. My mum Lives at long reef, the beavers are flying overhead there every couple of hours atleast.
  6. I thought I recognized that country side! reckon there is room on that strip for a drifter to come say G day?
  7. What area is your strip? its looking fantastic!
  8. they show a true passion for it which is great to see.
  9. those kiwis have some amazing aircraft over there!
  10. I happen to have and "in" with he harbor bridge, In fact my mum happened to marry to the bloke whos in charge of it, and I can confirm, that there is defiantly NO structural welding
  11. I'm just starting to look into these myself. Simply because I discovered the swift can be a tail dragged, and quite a nice little bush plane to. That's go me sold of the 2
  12. a mate of mine flew Byron Bay to Tassy in a Drifter!
  13. clearly Newton was a liar....
  14. I just feel real sorry for the kids who watched that..... I mean imagine going to school the next day and trying to explain that without being called a liar!
  15. This is what both Wayne and Phil Stonebank always taught me. the temp doesn't get that high in the 2 stroke for it to be a problem over oil flow, so just keep your revs up at your cruise range if you can without exceeding VNE, and just enjoy you increased speed and let the engine enjoy its feed of oil.
  16. Gday guys, Well I must admit, how much of a luxury it was to have my plane in Waynes hangar is really starting to show now he has gone. With so any maintenance works that needed doing on my aircraft, I learnt to be so reliant on to putting my aircraft away, and coming back to find the magic drifter fairies had sorted everything out! So I'm now in need of a simple change of oil for my gear box, but even though I know the style of oil I need does anyone have any recommendations? what do you guys run through your aircraft? Never had to sort it out before, so now its time to learn!
  17. I believe the control type was variable between fighter and bomber models.
  18. Im not sure how much better things get than this! finally an inside look of what it is really like to fly in a mosquito!
  19. fantastic! its nice to know the coverage got that far! thanks pud!
  20. well guys its official! An RA aircraft now holds the official take off and landing Australian record of 122!! and to top it off it has been completed in a proper rag and tube aircraft! my drifter "lil popsy". www.fly.friendsofthehound.org.au number 103, the record breaker was dedicated to my mate and mentor wayne fisher. I know how stoked he would be to know that a drifter now holds an Australian record! this photo is of short final for that landing.
  21. nicley flown
  22. but by golly gosh wont it be worth it! though i may have a bit of trouble staying bellow VNE
  23. wonder how well a werlin would mount to the drifter?
  24. oh its all a bit to much! i think i may have to take this to the little boys room for 20 minutes! that video should be R18+!
  25. dam right you do ;)
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