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Everything posted by ausadvance

  1. Is it just me or did anyone else notice the big smile on old mate with the cowboy hats face? probably thinking "Yeehaa! wait till i tell the boys at work about this!"
  2. Well guys under a week left till the big day! I still have a couple of safety pilot positions available if anyone would like to come on down to lismore for the weekend and get involved! would love to have you around. the available positions are from 1200 - 1400 and 1400 - 1600.
  3. ausadvance

    Lismore RV-12

    Thanks for doing such a good job explaining it to everyone mate!
  4. can I just steer this conversation away back to the taree crash for a minute (and I know that this isnt what this forum is strictly about, but the other one is closed), can anyone actually fill me in roughly what actually happened in the incident, and if there Is any suspicions to the cause? dont want anyone having a dig at a home modified aircraft being dodgy or a bloke being to old. just some actual fact as to what may have actually occurred in case there is something I, and/or anyone else could maybe learn from? like for example did a wing fold, did he just stall, gear collapse or is it truly unknown?
  5. where was this? im wanting to take my drifter up north, might be a nice spot to stop in and say gday!
  6. there nice!
  7. it will be about 10 hours of flying time, allowing for 2 hours worth of down time over the day. to keep true to the previous record Im doing it in the one aircraft. thanks everyone for your support. If anyone wants to make a donation to the charity jump on our website. www.fly.friendsofthehound.org.au
  8. Well guys the event has made NBN news!!! http://www.nbnnews.com.au/index.php/2013/04/18/hobby-flyer-attempts-aussie-record/
  9. my opinion on it is, judge the field or the situation accordingly, keep your eyes out and report what you think is required/or useful to other pilots without clattering the radio waves. at lismore I fly a drifter with a cruise of 60 knots, and regularly share a circuit pattern with a saab 340, in which case I make a breif call at every leg as he is going alot wider than me and substantially faster, meaning there is a large chance of us crossing paths and limited visability. if I don't here anyone on the radio, I make a simple down wind call so im not clattering the radio incase someone is joining and needs to get the word out. I think we often take set procedures to seriously and fly the book not the situation.
  10. I am actually looking at getting one, but not in a position for a while yet. but will happily take you up on that offer! only rule is, if im going to buy something like that, then it will be banned from anything resembling a runway
  11. Reminds me of when I was converting to RA with fisher. he pulled the engine on me in at 500 feet and screamed "forced landing", I instantly made a right hand turn for a 100 acre open paddock i had already sighted up as an alternate up while flying along doing the usual keeping your options open routine. Wayne almost seemed quite grumpy and asked why the hell i would have made a right hand turn into a paddock when there was an airstrip to the left at the end of a cane field. i answered "simple. I didn't see the airstrip, and I had already seen this paddock and new it was perfect. there is no stock in it, no fences, no services, it is square so I can come in at any angle. its a paddock type i know well so i can feel just as confident flying into it as i would a strip i dont know from a bar of soap. and even if it is to rough, I know we will be getting home tonight for dinner, even if we are walking. plus the flag on the near by home is a perfect wind indicator. Im not going to waste valuable height looking around for somewhere else, thats why I keep an eye on an alternate and have an approach in my head any time i fly." Waynes responce was simply, "cant argue with that, hope they put the kettle on!"
  12. in this situation you are all probably right, my only concern I take from this is we are putting the focus on the saftey of the pilot, the crew and the aircraft. but keep in mind on roads in europe, vehicles are moving a hell of alot faster. and relying on someone to slam on there brakes could very well cause a major car accident, an accident could also have been caused by people being distracted on the other side of the road. and i personally don't like the thought of relying on anyone slamming on the brakes, there are plenty of flibidy jibits out there who should not have a licence. finaly if it all didnt go according to plan and something went wrong on landing, the aircraft is awfully close to members of the public. personally, I would defiantly have flown stol procedures into a paddock, and even if the aeroplane had been written off, the occupants of the aircraft should have been safe and the aircraft would be out of harms way. But thats just my opinion, doesnt make it right, but thats what would through my head there and then. the fact that there was an engine failure in the first place proves that we cant always rely on things going according to plan.
  13. I would say I want one aswell but I would be lying........because I want 2!
  14. nice landing well handeled yes, but the highway? hmmm there where plenty of alternates
  15. fantastic, its good to know, as I will be needing a set in about a year
  16. was that the company in WA?
  17. Don't give up mate, I'm hoping I wrong and there is somone else out there
  18. Hey mate, unfortunately the aviation world has just lost a fantastic sail maker Wayne fisher. There is a lovely lady who worked for him making sails, she may continue with this, I'm not sure, I will happily ask. Otherwise I will be looking forward to seeing who you get to do it otherwise as my drifter will be approaching new sails and I think Wayne was the only sail maker in aus?
  19. was just wondering if anyone is from Narrabri area? heading out that way for a bit of flying.
  20. great news! well done!
  21. a fantastic day to celebrate the life of a fantastic man
  22. has anyone got any experience with aerial photogrammetry? im looking for recomendations on cameras software advice etc
  23. Well everyone. following the recent loss of my very good friend and mentor, this record attempt has become for me personally more than just a fundraising event, but also a tribute to my great mate and mentor Wayne fisher, and a chance to set an Australian aviation record in the aircraft he loved so much. While greyhound adoption will always main the priority and heart of this event, it will also be a great opportunity to remember and pay respects to an amazing aviator, mentor friend and father. find the link below to the tribute page on the event site. #mce_temp_url#
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