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Everything posted by ausadvance

  1. well I couldn't find Waynes other you tube clip. but for anyone interested, here is the link to the one wayne and I made at the great eastern fly in 2013. This was from the Sunday morning flight. Enjoy (can be watched in full hd)
  2. hey girls, i have the one i made at the great eastern fly i with wayne if you would like that one to, only thing is the music its to is acdc's hells bells, i was going to change it before i send it over cause i wasnt sure if you thought it would be appropriate but i can send it over if you like and you can see what you think.
  3. hey guys, just to keep you posted as to where i am with the situation, i was one of the very early ones to be aware of what happened and a couple of far more experienced people in these situations suggested that i put my hand up and come forward as a contact on this site, as it was unknown at that stage who knew what, and which of waynes family and far closer friends had found out what had happened. it was always only intended as a intrem point of contact for those slightly more removed from waynes close circle of family and friends in order to give them a bit of space just until somone better suited as a contact came up. a wonderful lady very close to wayne who is directly connected with waynes family and friends now has everything under control together with his family. i have pased on everything sent to me to her and it is now time i remove myself from the situation. though i must thank everyone for the beautiful words i have heard from everyone about this great man, and it has all been passed on. i think there is no doubt everyone will get kept up to date from this point forward.
  4. there will be a large pit crew hanging around for the day as it will take quite a team of people to fill all the rolls to make the record official. though other than that refueling will be completed in the apron area as per usual, during the set break times. the fuel however is 2 stroke so will be coming from jerrys not the browser.
  5. desser
  6. thanks for the advice richard!
  7. well guys we are moving forward with this. we now have our platinum sponsor positions filled, all our gold sponsor positions filled, looks like we have a private strip sorted just out of lismore for the event, the news crews are ready, the papers are ready, now its all about gathering ground crew! what we will need on the day is safety pilots. these are not an airborne role, but a spotter on the ground who will primarily monitor the flying (in 2 hour stints) and insure that the flying is being done safely and my flying performance isn't lapsing over the day. they will also be watching the flying to make sure every circuit is a proper 500 foot circuit, and declaring the plane landed each time (all three wheels down) and then signing that circuit out on the official records. If anyone is interested in getting involved in this event as a safety pilot give me a yell, while the event location is still to be finalized we do know it will be on the northern rivers on may 4 (with may 11 as an alternate for weather)
  8. you know your a weekend pilot when you can pull your plane up for 20 minutes of circuits for know other reason other than to go for a spin and still have a ball!
  9. well people Im calling on anyone who may be able to help. I have had a last minute emergency come up with our event. At the last minute, tweed valley council have decided they are not sure if they are happy with us using Murwilumbah airfield. So I am trying for evans head, richmond valley are being very helpful, yet there is still a process we must go through at we are not sure if we can sort it in time. So I am looking around to see if anyone knows of a private strip, or even a paddock we can slash and turn into a temporary strip for a day somewhere local to the northern rivers region. I know there are many strips located around the knockrow, lennox, alstonville and wardell areas, are any of those strip owners on this forum? Anyway guys am very much looking forward to hearing your opinions. Remember this event is full insured, and is not a public event in anyway, their will only be the attendance of helpers from the charity and a small amount of media attendance at certain stages of the day.
  10. well done dazza and welcome to the club!
  11. certainly cant argue with that logic!
  12. what were you doing looking up gay pilots!?!? on a serious note though guys, welcome to australia and if you come by byron bay, Ill fly with you
  13. well guys we are in Australian flying magazine! for those that are intereted, read this: http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/record-attempt-to-benefit-hounds for those that arn't...read this http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/record-attempt-to-benefit-hounds
  14. thought about that, but the previous record was set on may 7, we wanted to get it close to that date, plus being northern rivers this is the most reliable time of year for weather
  15. Thanks frank! standard 500ft circuits as per usual drifter circuits keeping the runway at 45 degrees for the aircraft. circuits have to be flown as per standard procedure
  16. I'm trying to bet 102, by going for 120
  17. do need to, isn't it common knowledge that the drifter is the fastest thing in the sky? on a serious not guys, this really is all for a genuinely good cause.
  18. so is anyone going to lead the charge and make a donation to a worthy cause ! (appologies if anyone already has, our accounts department is still to let me know if thats the case)
  19. tweed shire council has kindly offered to wave the landing fees for the day
  20. thats right alan, to keep true to the previous record a full 500 foot circuit must be flown. each circuit will be recorded (take off and landing times) photographed wheels down, and signed out by a licenced pilot it was a true circuit
  21. thanks alan!
  22. Hey guys, well I have something exciting in the pipe line coming up on may 4. Myself and my drifter "lil popsy" are going to attempt to set the Australian record for the most take offs and landings completed in a single day! This event is being done as a fund raiser for a charity very close to my heart, the Friends of the Hound greyhound adoption group from whom I acquired my best friend. First and foremost right now what i am seeking desperately is sponsors! The nose pod is fully up for grabs for advertising space with sponsorship packages starting at $300 moving right the way through $2000. All sponsorship will come with advertising space on the aircraft nose pod, and coverage on our website. Though the higher levels of sponsorship will be able to dress me up in promotional gear during photos and interviews aswell as be mentioned in media coverage. to date we know this event is to be covered by 2 local papers to the northern rivers. Channel 7 news. sport pilot magazine. and Australian Flying magazine so this is a fantastic opportunity to get some fantastic advertising out their that is full tax deductible and supporting a fantastic cause along the way! the event website is www.fly.friendsofthehound.org. while it is still being touched up and finished their is plenty of good information on their for you guys to have a read through. This is a donate section up and active for anyone who just wants to make a donation to this great cause. And as I said, all donations go directly to the cause. All the event costs are to be covered by myself. Their are also 3 you tube videos explaining a little more about the event: why Other ways to support is if you are local to the northern rivers, we will be looking for saftey pilots on the day, who can observe from the ground to make sure flight performance isn't lapsing given this is an endurance event and also to sign our record documents to confirm that all circuits have been proper 500ft circuits and the aircraft did officially take off and land. We have both CASA and RAA's full support for this event and it would be fantastic to have your event to. If anyone has any questions regarding donations and the event feel free to ask away. Questions regarding sponsorship I would suggest either inboxing me or sending an email to [email protected]. Otherwise you may phone 0401 099 163. Remember this is about supporting the cause and not me. I look forward to hearing from you Tim
  23. my aircraft runs smoothest at 6100 rpm, on Wayne fishers advice, he said it is fine to operate their wand that was issued early in the peice fudge to harmonics though was found not be be an issue, engine has now has 200 hours on it in that rev range and no issue, nor any sign of issues forming
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