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Everything posted by ausadvance

  1. Oh no, not this subject again!
  2. And all that flat ground he covered post strip yet pre trees that could have been used to put down on, it still may have been a rough landing, but it would have been a pillow compared to the trees
  3. I believe one must have to prove a requirement for it.
  4. For those interested, Wayne fisher is one of the very few who can issue this endorsement. Though raa is funny about who it is issued to, call spectrum aviation for more details same goes here, if anyone is ever around lismore a ride in my drifter is always available!
  5. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of lotus is it?
  6. ausadvance

    Drifter Pics

    did it improve performance by minimizing drag or did the extra weight keep things as they were?
  7. ausadvance

    Drifter Pics

    thats just not acceptable! get down here to lismore now, its time to remind you what real flying is, instead of sitting in a box that happens to get off the ground! this said though I have a feeling going by some of your previous posts in other threads that you have some time clocked up time in members of the cub family, if this is the case ill give you that, flying doesn't get much better than the a cub......
  8. ausadvance

    Drifter Pics

    and did you catch the bug?
  9. thanks for the offer mate, and also to, good luck with the sonex! (just saw your aircraft list)
  10. Thanks maj, got in touch with him today which was good, may the fundraising begin! Next question does anyone know of any private grass strips in the northern rivers area, I need access to one for a day that can be used for a 10 hour period, it's for a very good cause, and it's not a public event, might be about 10 people their, I knows there are plenty about, but I'm not sure how many are ok to use
  11. ausadvance

    Drifter Pics

    alan thats just beautiful! what is the red line running up the wire brace in the second photo? also just to make you feel real old, you bought that only a bit over year after I was born! but i guess at the same time, an Austflight drifter is my first aircraft and mine is only a few years younger. so a testament to the aircraft that they still have the appeal and performance they do!
  12. so I take it no one knows ron? or even flys around the Illawarra region and recognises this aircraft?
  13. I got an old bed sheet and a rope? rekon that might work? Im thinking maybe a bunger to let the bugger off.......and before anyone comments telling me a bunger wont deploy a parachute its ok Ive already thought it through......Im going to use a really big one!
  14. thats just brilliant!
  15. Im using castrol 2t, and wayne fischer is also using 2t in his aerobatic. this said we are both running 503's, however wayne has a 582 on his 2 seater, and has changed to penrite in that (just to see how it goes). the other drifter in our hanger is a 503 that has also changed to penrite. Neither of wayne or the owner of the other drifter have noticed any improvement following the switch to penrite, and find that the 2t is a fantastic oil (its all Ive ever run as my aircraft came from always having run it so if it aint broke dont fix it!) however 2t's major advantage is availability!
  16. Hey guys. I met Ron watts from MAF at evens head the other weekend with his musketeer he set the landing landing in. I spent some time talking with him and am wanting to get in touch with him about a similar fund raising idea, how ever don't know we're to find him. Can any one on here kelp me to get in touch with him? Have tried contacting MAF and am awaiting a reply, but thought some one on here might be able to help
  17. Is their room in this contract for a drifter? Cause if their isn't I just might cry
  18. what is it your doing there to get all this flying in?
  19. mate that was a fantastic video and should be taught to shown to every pilot, particularly those doing any low level work! every muster pilot should watch this, ive already sent it to about 15 muster pilots and theres more on the list!
  20. there you go, i must admit dont know alot about them, havnt go one in the drifter nor had one in any aircraft Ive flown! thought going by what phil had to say about the couple who burnt to death some might have been automatic.
  21. i guess its a bit like airbags isnt it, 70 percent of the time they save lifes, but there is a big portion of incidents where they have been known to cause unessercary death, i know my cousin was involved in a serious accident that started as a minor bump that was quite controlable, however the airbag went off rendering unable to control the vehicle resulting in injury to his passenger and wiplash to his neck
  22. was more wondering if there will be an australian dealer. i know there was talk about somone taking them on but they backed out with not enough interest. would be great if somone did take them on!
  23. they seem to be popping up more and more, i noticed the other day that the foxbats now have them as standard. look like a neat system!
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